Wednesday, July 29, 2009

how do you get a kitten to use the litter box?

A kitten that is not old enough to go outside or who is to be an inside only pet should begin learning to use the litter box immediately. For a kitten, the sides of the litter box should not be so high that he cannot climb into the box. A litter box with deep sides is preferable for adult cats so that the litter is not scattered everywhere.

Since cats are private creatures and prefer to not be watched, the litter box should be placed in an out of the way spot to offer privacy. It should not be placed near the cat's feeding bowls since they do not like to dirty or mess their feeding area.

You should show your kitten the litter box just as soon as you bring him/her home. Place the kitten in the litter box when they wake up, after they have eaten and before bed, much like toilet training a child. When the kitten performs in the correct manner he should be generously praised.

When a kitten is looking for a suitable corner to use as a toilet it will start sniffing, scratching and will begin to crouch. It is best to catch him/her at this stage, if you can, and place him/her directly in the litter box. Never scold the kitten or rub its nose in an "accident". It is best to try and avoid accidents to begin with.

If your kitten should have an accident on the floor, clean it immediately. It is best NOT to use any cleaner with an ammonia smell as the cat may mistake the smell as a suitable place to go to the bathroom. Cats like their bathroom nice and tidy and they have an excellent sense of smell, so change litter often.
pick up cat.

place in box.
put a puppy pad either next to it or in the litter box, it has a scent to let animals know to use the restroom there!
put them in a nice clean litter box and rub their paws in the litter and they should get the idea, also keep an eye on them and when they wander off and are sniffing around suspiciously, put em in there and do the same thing again.. my kitty has never went on the floor and he was an outdoor cat..
every 5 hours leave it in a small area. It will look for something like dirt. It will find the box!
Just put the cat in the box. It will be instinct.
But if you put litter around the toilet seat, you can toilet train the kitty.
feed them cantelope filled with rice,
leave the cat in the box until it goes. it will learn sooner or later.
all 4 of those answers
velcro it to the bottom of the sink. put the litterbox on wheels and let the kitten tow it around a while. no charge.
I agree with answer number 3, I have 4 cats of my own and all were trained to use the litter box in the manner. Just be sure to keep the box clean or your kitten will make a litter box of it's own out of your home.
Lordbling has it right, just set the kitten in the litter box ,take her paws and scratch the litter with 'em, she'll get the idea.Keep trying if it doesn't get it on the first try.Good luck!
Em.. u can lure her easy.put her favourite food inside lor..use ur BRAINS
Put the cat in the box and scratch around in the litter with it's paws. It'll get the idea in a day or so

Make sure you keep the litter clean! Replace/scoop litter daily.
.first keep the kitten in a small area, like the bathroom, the cat will look for somewhere to dig. they do this in the wild also. now if the kitten is a male even though he has learned to use the box if he is not fixed he.'ll still mark his territory
By putting the cat in the litter box as soon as it wakes up. Then stay and encourage him/her to use it. If accidents happen, in a particular part of the house, move the litter box there, until the cat decides that it is better that way. Some kittens don't like the feel of some kittylitter, so sawdust (usually free from sawmills) is softer and mre like"dirt" for the kitten.
I got both my kitten at 6 wks old, and I just put them in the box and walked away. And I did this right as we came in the door. Business first, play forever. They never had an accident.
you havent explained whither its for posting or retrieving litters beck in new zeelhand our cets rely on emeoail, litter boxies are outdaytiD. a bet like uz reelie.
the cat should know how to use it by instinct. Where do you have the litterbox? Is it in a location where the kitten has trouble accessing?

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