Friday, July 31, 2009

How do you make your kitten eat dry food?

My kitten only eats wet food, he barely touches the dry food. If i don't give him wet food, he'll just starve to death, i tried that for 2 days..he only ate like few bites of the dry food.
Most commercial cat (and dog) food contains many toxic elements.

Think about what she would eat naturally - is it dry?

Give her real food, like fish, meat leftovers, and milk.
Our cat has a tiny taste of almost everything we eat. Cats don't eat very much, so this suffices more often than not.
She likes to eat food she can play with.
We sometimes give her a meatball, and she plays football with it for about half an hour before she eats it.
She also loves noodles!
Yet she is very particular about what she eats. She doesn't like the dried cat food either

What do you do when someone gives you food you don't like?
well if ur giving adult food then change to kitten chow or something. or with my cat we mad the food soggy and then she finally went for it.
I started mine out with dry food and a tablespoon or less of canned food.. mixed it well together..

A friend of mine did similar but used milk with the dry food

I remember with my dog(one of the dogs) who would not eat dry food.. I fed it dry food and mingled on a table spoon of bacon grease
Maybe you should just stay with the wet food since the kitten likes that best.
Gradually add less liquid to his food each time you feed him.
Spritz the dry food with a little bit of water to soften it up. It's a pain for kittens to have to crunch through those hard pellets.
give him dry then at night give him wet food then keep doing this to break the habit
add water to food to just make it soft dont soak it
You don't say how old the kitty is, so. (say under ten weeks)
If it too young it's teeth, and jaw may not be strong enough yet.
If it older then 12 weeks try this. Take away the good stuff, wet food. Give the dry with a little milk over it. Yeah it will turn soft after a while but it may start eating the dry food, after a few day add less milk, 2 days less milk till it's eating dry food
i broke my cat from it by not feeding her anything but dry food, and believe me the cat will get hungry enough and finally eat the dry food. good luck!
Some cats just do not eat dry food! If you want to continue to try make sure that the dry food is formulated for kittens, try to add small amounts of dry food to the moist food over a period of a few days, every day adding more of the dry until no wet is left. Dry food will be good for your cats teeth in the long run, it helps break tartar off their teeth, the water content in wet food is good for their Urinary system though.If you change food brands/types make sure that you make a gradual transition adding old with new food day by day until old is gone. Not gradually transitioning your cats food can cause upset stomach, diarrhea, etc. Also you could try to contact your vet if your worried! Good luck with you kitten!
maybe try getting the softer dry food theres some that i remeber seeing on a commercial that had like creamy insides or something hes prob only the wet food cause he knows that u will give in and give him what he wants
If he only eats a little then that's ok.Just give the kitten time to grow and sooner or later he will eat more.Also eating dry food it may take another product.
I had a dog that I had a hard time eating anything.He finally settled down to some human food and cat food Tender Vittles.
So try dog food see what happens.The small stuff of course.
Trust me, if you don't give the cat anything else, he will eat the dry food. Be sure to get a kitten food. The pieces are smaller and it has the additional protein he needs to finish growing. Also, my vet says Purina Kitten Chow is the best. Gives your kitten everything he needs without the high price tag of some of the foods you listed.

I had a similar problem with my cat when I got her because her former owner gave her canned food. I thought she would never start eating, but luckily she needed to lose a little weight and when she realized she wasn't getting the wet stuff, she ate the dry. Just be patient and don't give in.

Or you could always start mixing a little dry stuff in with the wet, gradually decreasing the amout of wet food she gets and increasing the dry. This will make the transition on his digestive system a little easier.
it happened to my kitty too. she only ate can food and refused to eat grains. for a while I mixed them together, I softened the grains first before mixing and she ate most of it. Now she eats both. I don't want her to eat only grains, since can food contains moisturizing element that is good for her.
He will not starve to death because he doesn't like his food. If you want to spoil him, you can mix the dry and wet food. If you just continue feeding the dry and don't give him the wet, he will get the message that this is what we eat around here and accept it. My cats get wet food every now and then and they love it but they know they have to eat what's in the bowl and they do. You're being played by this kitty!
DO NOT give him wet food. start by giving him a dry food that he likes, make sure it is HEALTHY. pet promise is the healthiest that you can get. DO NOT buy friskies. if you cannot find petpromise, go for purina. no wet food at all! :) that is extremely bad for cats. no milk either. You can buy catmilk at any food store in the pet section, try giving that to your cat wtih the dry food, maybe mixed together or not. if that doesnt work, mix water with your dry food. always have clean water for your cat to drink too. my cat will not eat dry food without water, she screams whenever it doesnt have water. if you get your cat inot the habit of eating dry food now, he will grow up to be a lean, active, and healthy cat.
what you do is you get the dry food and put a little bit in the dry food then mix it then th ekitten will eat it both.
wet the dry food and then each day use less and less water on the dry food. This is how I got my kitten to eat dry food.
no worries, like humans, cats have their own preference for food too. my cat, for example, only eats cat biscuits and not 'human food' (no real chicken or fish). so just give it what it likes to eat and please DON'T starve the animal. that's cruelty. u can't force them to eat what they don't like to eat or they will grow to hate u in the future.

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