Friday, July 31, 2009
How do you scold a cat when it attacks and bites you repeatedly?
I have a cat that has a jekyl and hyde personality.we've had him for 5 years and you'll be petting him and wham he turns and tries to eat your hand. we calmly put him down on the floor and walk away from him. You can try the water squirting thing but I have never tried that to give you any pointers. We just have to be very aware of our cats mood and if he does attack we put him down an dremove ourselves from the equation. Cats love attention so if they stop getting it the behavior might too. But please ignore the beat them comments you can do real damage to a cat if you do that.but I'm sure you already knew that :) GOOD LUCK and I hope you keep all your limbs :)
Beat the heck out of it
DONT! Cats are wonderful animals, show it that you love it somehow, animals have emotions just like humans and most people don't belive or get that. Or give it a present. If it still acts like that towards you after being very kind, then spray it with some water!
Just boot it's ar*e
be firm when saying no or try a water spray bottle. cats hate water for the most part and it always works to spray them when they are doing something bad.
Do it the liberal way, send it to therapy!
Shoot the damn thing.
mother cats discipline kittens by bopping them on the nose. Just a light tap should work. You should see the look on their faces after you do that, it gets the message across!
Did that poster actually say give the cat a present? that's nuts!
Need more information here as to the age of the cat. If it is a kitten you are its playmate and mother and you must do the training to help the youngster understand this is not acceptable behavior.
You will not "train" by any physical punishment. Cats cannot understand why they are being "punished" for their natural behavior so redirection is the key in training.
dont hurt your cat, but you might want to say No! or spray your cat with a spray bottle. but dont scare you cat too much or it wont like you O.O
Carry part of a rolled up newspaper with you. When the cat begins this, slap the newspaper against your leg. The noise will frighten her. May take a few times, but she'll get it. Never hit the cat with the newspaper.
Put water in a spray bottle and spray her with it right in the face she will stop.
k sounds mean but lemoon juice it! lol, evrytime it behaves badly, squirt a bit of lemon juice on his fur, where you know itl be able to lick it off, and w8. Firstly the shock becomes ascociated wit the bad behaviour, but this is reinforced by the bad taste when the cat tries to groom itself. Lemon juice is harmless so this method is safe and effective.
well i don't know about cats,only have dogs, but a spray bottle with water is a great training tool. i would imagine kitty would get the point real quick after being squirted in the face a few times.
tell her no then watch her roll her eyes at you
How need to growl in a very low voice and tap her on the nose. Turn away and refuse to play or pick her up. She will get the message.
give it to the pound
i have a female cat that is 2 years old, and unfortunatly not fixed yet. she does have that jeckel and hyde personality too. she gets real angry and attacks. what i do is i grab her by the scruff of the neck like the mother does and hold down her front legs and tell her no and then i put her down and walk away from her. she has stopped doing as often as she was, you have to let them know that you are the alpha leader and are not going to let her do what ever she wants. i watch that dog wishper show and i use some of his techniques on her, like using that sound and projecting my energy to her and she doesn't know what to make of it and she gets confused and most times she just walk away from me! good luck! i am hoping that when i get her fixed this will go away.
Invest in a spray can of air (the kind you clean electronics with). Spray that at them and shout NO!. I have an aggressive cat and it works wonders on him. We were taught that trick by someone we went to that specialized in animal behavior.
she probaly thinks you are playing with her tap the cat LIGHTLY on the nose and say NO in a loud firm voice and walk away
do you try playing with her and giving her loving my cat use to do that but i gave her a little bit of playing and she calmed down a lot
I think what you have is an outdoor kitty. If you don't have the yard for it, and have to keep the cat indoors, just leave your cat be. Some cats, like some people, are just unsociable. It won't do much good to scold a cat. They respond well to a loud firm "NO!" In order to teach them the word, you have to be consistent and use the word everytime they're are doing a behavior you don't like. A squirt of water inconjunction with the "NO!" helps too. I suspect you used you hands to play with your cat when it was a kitten. So it learned it was ok to attack and chew on you. Try introducing some toys, so your cat has other outlets for it predatory instincts.
Get a kitty friend.
When 2 kittens play with eachother they can see that biting and scartching actually hurts and won't do it to you.
Plus if they feel the need to have a cat fight they can with their new friend instead of you/your sweater/your foot or whatever.
If you don't want a seccond cat, or don't have room for it, then would say no fimly and take the cat and put it on the floor or walk away. The cat will understand you don't like to play like this.
Another way that is very effective in stopping the bitting instantly is to hiss like a cat would. That stops them right in their tracks.
Good luck!
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