Thursday, July 30, 2009

how do you get your cats to stop staring into your soul, it's very unsettling?

Man, did you make me stop and think! They do, don't they? Possibly there's some truth to that cat/alien urban legend, after all..
get a dog
Small kitty cat blindfolds.
give your cat a can of cat food or a can of tuna, and the cat will forget everything else he was doing and think of only his food
They will always do so. It is you who must turn away. Or you could start giving the cat some chin/head/cheek scratches %26 it will be so content it will close it's eyes %26 start purring.
your cat knows what you did last summer
Sorry sweetie, that's the nature of the beast as they say. Cats have very piercing looks to help you be honest about what's going on in there. They are very aware of spirit and of spirit visitors. Take the opportunity to learn about yourself and your spirit connections. Then may be they'll let you off the hook for a while. Good luck.
Give puss some attention. They love cuddles. They are very affectionate. He is staring at you, like mine does, with his big golden eyes and just wants to be picked up and cuddled.

Give the cat away to someone that can care for it properly, or get it put down. You are not able to meet it's SIMPLE daily needs.
Wear an amethyst crystal neck lace, this will block any psychic energy between yourself and your mystic cat. :-)
Hehehe I think my cat wants to eat my soul! If I look into her eyes, she bites my nose! Just love your kitty for who it is.
Start living your life right, and you won't even notice because he'll be curled up, purring sleepily in your lap!! LOL
they stare into your eyes to see what you will do ,if you keep staring at their eyes they will take it as a threat and usually attack your face if you don't move quick enough.. that is how cats challenge each other, if they don't want to fight they turn to the side and try to sneak away ,sometimes it works sometimes not and they have to fight..

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