Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do you get a mama cat, whose kittens have all been given away to good homes,to calm down?

My guess is that they all went on the same day, or too close together. Mama's grieving. Give her lots of cuddles and she'll be ok after a while.
pet her
tie a rope around her neck..then pull it till it is snug
Your cat needs some Valium
WELL give her back rubs. AND get the yarn out and play with her. She is sad you gave her family a way. GET her a baby kitten toy maybe that will help.
It just takes some time. I know they need homes bu to her her children are missing. Just pet her and let her be with you. Remove the bedding the kittens used. By getting rid of the reminders (smells) she will forget sooner.
thats really sad :( give her lots of love and if it keeps up for a long time talk to your vet.
It's too bad you don't have a kitten for her. Losing her babies and her home all at once is a shock. Try patience and understanding. She will get tired out and accept how things are.
It sounds like you weaned them too soon. When kittens are at the proper age (8 weeks), the mother cat is actually shoving them away. If you wean them sooner, she grieves and the kittens will have that annoying nursing behavior their entire lives.

Only time will help her. You should get her fixed in the next month or so to prevent more kitties.

Oh, sex for a female cat is NOT fun. The male has barbs on his.. Well, we'd never do it.
i;m sorry your cat is so sad;if she knew they;re at good homes it would be better;but she does;nt. our vet told me to get the kittens out 2by2. that way the mom would;ntbe so depressed. i kept 2 of my cats kittens and now the;re grown and all the mom does is chase them slap them and growl. mom;s are supposed to get on after the baby;s leave.. give her extra pets +hugs;she;ll be ok in timme
Maybe she is doing the happy dance because they have all gone?

Seriously she may be feeling a bit lonely. Get her desexed straightaway before she comes into season.
spay her..
put her back on cat food (she should have been eating kitten food while the kittens were nursing)

how do you know the kittens went to good homes?? did you do home checks?? most good homes dont take free kittens they go to the SPCA to adopt - most people who are bad cannot get from the SPCA so take the free ones.. sure they look nice and wont tell you they are not nice. you should never give kittens away - you should always take them to the SPCA so they can screen potential owners.

but mostly spay your cat
If you have not had her spayed get it done now. Cats will go right back in to heat. They are not like dogs, they really never go out of heat until bread again. If she is not spayed this is her in heat behavior and will continue off and on.
did you spay her? cause she could be back in heat
fix her
Start by making sure momma gets fixed, that should help her bring her hormone levels more in line, also try a smaller furry stuffed animal for her, she could be having separation anxiety, or the kittens were not old enough to leave yet. Other trick you can try is setting up a "nest" for her as her own space with a "stuffie" to help ease her over the separation

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