Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do you know that your cat trusts you?

my kitty likes to lick my fingers and sometimes he lets me play with his tongue. Sometimes when its really hot, he goes and sits in the toilet (the people toilet) my mom hates when he does that, especially when she forgets to look before going potty. But he's never worried about getting flushed down the pooper, my dad laughs so hard when ever my mom screams when ever she goes to the bathroom to potty.
I think you should start putting the lid down on the toilet. Not a safe and sane and hygenic way for a cat to spend its time.

The cat trusts you when they greet you at the door. They know your schedule! They follow you to bedtime. They purrr when you are around. They look to you for attention and petting. And like the other person said if the cat rolls onto its back and exposes it belly to you, its in complete comfort zone for you. Just still don't touch its belly. It is trusting you not to touch it!
one way to know your cat trusts you is if it lays on its back and shows you his tummy and lets you rub it this is pure trust for you
Oh, wow. That's interesting. Do you bathe your cat when its done with its potty swim?

You will know if an animal trusts you. Letting you hold it, play with it, etc, are good signs of trust.

Now if the animal high-tails it in the other direction when it sees you coming. it's safe to say the animal doesn't trust you.
Usually they dont mind being around you and let themselves get petted. I have had cats where they did not seem to want to be close very much, and others that loved every moment. Therefore I'd say they get close if they trust you.
When it sits right in the path of where you are walking with its tail stretched out straight and does not move. This is real trust.
Your cat really trusts you when they lend you thier car or credit card.
As far as the toidy goes.. thats hillarious
My guy jumps on my shoulder and stands on his hind legs trying to bat the pull cord on the ceiling fan (off of course)
My Cats Sleep on me. They would'nt sleep on some giant if they didnt trust them. Your cat sounds pretty funny but a little strange. lol
Hey well I have 12 cats and I usually know when my cats can trust me when it rolls over in front of me when I am busy. If they want to be petted that is a sign of trust. Just love you cat and it will love you.
Good luck
when they lay in the middle of the floor on their backs and don't move when you walk by.
Hmm. my kitten always wants to be carried! she would Meow nonstop if i don't do so. can't blame me for spoiling her..i just love her so much.

another cool thing is, she wakes me up every 6 am in the morning.making sure i wont be late for work (or she wants me to refill her bowl.. hehehe)
I have a cat book that says you can tell when a cat totally trusts you when it turns it's back on you. This may seem like a snub, but in the cat world it's a high compliment because it means they trust you and don't have to keep a suspicious eye on you. I have two cats, and they both do this all the time.
they let you pet them, and you get to be around them without any."mess" (them clawing your face practically off:) My cat would purr and be around me more without running away or hissing @ me-hey lots of cats have different attitudes-depends on breed: siamese cats are very authoratative while Ragdolls are quite passive

1 comment:

  1. My cat comes in to my room when I'm sick and sleeps with me. I think that's pretty tough trust. The other one I hardly ever see, but when I do she instantly starts purring, and sometimes falls asleep when I pet her.
