Friday, July 31, 2009

how do you teach a cat not to get on the table?

i use a squirt-bottle (only for serious not-listening), and shake a can with pennies (she hates the noise)
we use a luod clap and a pssp! noise and they get scared and eventually will learn that they get in truoble if they get on the table or something
several ways.catch him on the table and wop the daylights outta him or her with a rolled newspaper or plastic flyswatter. another way, is to sit with a really good water gun and wait till the cat gets on the table and blast him. be consistant and eventually he will quit. took my cat one time when he was a baby. i popped him w/flyswatter when i caught him in my sink, and he is now 11 years old and has never gotten on my tables or sink or the other nos ive taught him since. all i gotta do is pick up the swatter and hes gone.
Squirt Gun!
Squit bottle works.every time the cat gets on the table. Squirt it.
Use a water spray bottle, it doesn't hurt them and they will learn pretty darn quick.
Water pistol; spray the kitty fast! Be consistent or it will continue. Just like a kid, your cat will disregard you.
I've always found that squirt bottles filled with water work great when trying to train cats. Just give them a little squirt whenever they're doing something wrong and eventually they'll get it. Don't expect change overnight - cats are very stubborn - but after a few times being squirted they'll realize what they're doing wrong and stop the behavior.
Why is this bothering you? That's what cats do, their grace and physical ability is something to marvel at, not extinguish. Dogs raid the garbage. Every pet comes with some positives and some negatives.

I used a spray bottle with my kittens so I could eat my dinner in piece and it worked. Otherwise they could jump up wherever and whenever they wished.
squirt them with a spray bottle every time you see them up there.
I have found the best way to train them is to spray them with a water bottle with water in it.After you do it a few times, they won't get up there anymore.
For our cat we clap real loud or just move him. He is 2 yrs old and we get on him at least once daily. Cats like to climb and perch on things. Of course it's unsanitary for animals to be on tables, so ya just gotta be patient and don't even allow it 1 time.
Oh yes the pennies in the can work. I read somewhere that 15 pennies in a tin can (tape the lids closed) work like nails on a chalk board!

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