Friday, July 31, 2009

How do you teach a kitten not to bite?

My kitten nibbles on my fingers when I play with it. And I am afraid she will bite harder as she gets older.
First, don't use your hands or fingers for play. Kittens naturally bite when they play with each other. If you play with your hands, you end up teaching her to bite you. Second, when she bites, say "No Bite" in a stern voice and put her down or stop giving her attention for a few minutes. Kittens naturally want to please you (if you have good relationship with them)--you just have to let her know what is not acceptable.
whenever she bites she bites sort of give her a spank
!! get a muzzle!!
she will stop this as she gets problem
It will outgrow this..but the pet shop has a spray that tastes disgusting to kittens that you put on your fingers.or just wear gloves until the kitten stops teething. Or use a water spray bottle and spray it in the face when it bites. Never hit an will become defensive.
Hi, biting is very much a natural kitten thing and they grow out of it. I don't think you have to worry about her getting much worse, she will play and bite for the first year and her personality will change after that.

In the meantime, the best thing to do is when she bites too hard, to not give her attention. Simply walk away. She wants to be close to you and to play with you and when she learns she isn't getting attention and a positve response, it's likely she'll stop biting as hard. Good luck!
I just broke my devil kitten recently. I bought a couple of $1 squirt guns and put them in easy to acess places in the house. One in the living room and the other in the bedroom the two places he gets the most chances to bite. When he would bite he would get squirted. This is a cat that loves water and dosen't even mind baths. But I guess the little stream of water just felt to freaky for him. He hated it and quite after about 2wks.
Maybe she's theething , get her some toys instead. When she bites, say no in her face and show her a toy to bite instead.
try to get it use to sting or a mitten but i put two pair of socks on
or teething but don't do that when she get bigger scratch you
Don't play with her with your hands - use an interactive toy like a cat dancer or a feather toy. If she nips gently when petting her just say No! firmly and put her away from you. She is a kitten and they all use their mouths a lot but if you are consistent she will eventually get the message.
the kitten will eventually grow out of it and getting your kitten fixed will help some. you do need to teach her that it is unacceptable to bit people. when you have a play session have a toy near by that if she starts to bite you put the toy in her mouth if she continues to bite then end the play session.

1 comment:

  1. Dont use your hands to play with your kitten she will bite its natural to them i have a 12 week old kitten she is so loving but loves to bite during play I know when shes up for a play I grab her teaser which she loves and leaves my hands alone
