Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How do you cope with grief? My beloved cat was killed yesteday and I'm bedside myself. How would you cope?
firstly,take no notice of the insensitive morons who will answer ur question,there is obviously somethin wrong with them. i have 4 cats,even thinkin of them leavin me upsets me, i will be a complete mess when the time comes. he wasnt 'just a cat',he was part of ur family,so grieve for him that way. if u want to cry then cry,i dont know what else to say but sorry.
No set way to deal with grief but talk to people about it and don't bottle it up. Time lessens the pain but it never goes away
i have been there and i didnt realised how upset i wud be. have a look at rainbow bridge website and read some of the moving stories. it does get better. dont go out and get a new one thou as it wont be the same.. leave it for a good 6 months.
I'm sorry for your loss. I kind of know how you feel, my guinea pig died on Sunday night-she was 5 y/o, which is usually how long they live-and we buried her at a park and put stones around it so we'll know where it is. Maybe you can give your cat a funeral-type thing. There's also a book about animals by Sylvia Browne, which talks about how animals get to heaven and things like that. Maybe if you talk about your feelings with someone else about what happened, that may help.
Just spend some time thinking about how good the little fellow was, cry if you want to, then make some tea and move on.
So sorry for your loss. It will take time. You might even get another cat in later months. It is normal to be sad now. But with time it will be easier to deal with it.
Been there with a dog a few years ago and just like a person I greived for 3 days (the least little thing broght on the tears) but over time it does lessen and still sometimes if I watch a movie where an animal dies it's hard but remember an animal to one is like our child it's going to take some time.
I'm so sorry. I don't think there's anything you can do to feel better at the moment. I lost my dog ten years ago and I still get sad when i think about him. This is unfortunately the worst thing about having pets -but then again, the joy they give you when they're with you is worth the pain when they're gone. If you have a garden I would plant something to remember your cat by.
with love xx
Having your cat buried near where you live, and you can visit its grave helps, people find fun in your grief over an animal but they love you unconditionally, find someone to talk to that can share your memories of your beloved.
grieve.cry,sulk, comfort food..get it all out.the pain of loss is so profound,and if kitty was a long time companion,it will take longer.
i would reccomend getting another pet.worked for us.the new one does never replace the lost loved one,but the distraction of being busy with the needs of another could sure to accept new pet as who they kids,each has distinct personality.cannot compare to the lost loved one.
if you arent up to owing a new one right away..petsit for friends or family.
My friend went trough this, people laughed at her but people geive for their pets, she would call me and cry and I would listen. Do you have a good friend that will listen, she also buried him in the yard with a marker and flowers all around, it was very pretty.
Yr like I was when my Peke was very sick and old, and had to put her to sleep. I was such a MESS! Crying, Crying. It just takes time. Was there something you could of done to prevent it? u didn't mention HOW it happened.
My dog was 19 yrs old, had arithitis very, very bad. One day she started falling from 2 faulty-back legs. That did it. That was like the beginning of the end
These things take time. I started visiting the different shelters weeks after, and Found Another JOY of my life.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Some people who haven't had pets can't understand the grief suffered by a pet owner when they lose their pet.
People cope with grief in different ways - there's no right or wrong. (So long as it's nothing illegal.)
Your cat didn't just die, it was killed and that is very tragic and sad. Try and think of the happy times you had together and think of the joy you brought to each others lives.
It might be too soon for you to consider right now, but a new pet might give you something positive to focus on. I don't mean a replacement - you can never replace your lost cat, I mean a totally new life which would need your love and attention.
Time is the best healer of all. It may seem impossible to imagine now, but over time, the pain you are suffering now will ease.
In the mean time, there is no shame in crying.
When you're ready, consider that new pet.
Best wishes.
I am so sorry to hear that. I have also
lost my dog recently. But your cat was killed. By whom? I think you don't know the name of the killer. Why don't you try to find the killer?
it's really sad to loose any pet it will take time and when the time is right another will come into your life it took me 6 yrs to get over mine and never thought i would own another one than one day this very determined animal came into my life and helped changed mine and he was an stray if it helps any i hear the animals go to heaven also and when you die you will reunite with them
I'm so sorry to hear youve lost your beloved cat, I lost my lovely white Retreiver dog five years ago and I cried for two weeks, after four days we rescued two tabby cats,I still think of
my dog. it will take time.
Oh heaven. What deep pain! I am so sorry. Losing a pet is devastating.
Not much to do immediately but cry it out. I am so sorry. In time, you'll be able to remember her without crying. But not now. You aren't even ready for another cat. I am very sorry
Hugs to you. I am so sorry to hear about your cat %26 I understand how you feel. Don't bottle up your feelings; it's perfectly normal to grieve for a much loved pet. Make sure you get the support %26 sympathy that you need. I am sure you will find other cat owners who have been in the same situation %26 who can offer support. Remember the good times that you had with your cat %26 eventually the time will come when you feel ready to offer another cat a different corner of your heart %26 home. You are obviously a caring person, %26 there are so many cats out there who would love a home with you. If you look on the Internet you will find advice %26 support groups for people who have lost pets. Look up 'The Rainbow Bridge' by Paul C Dahm; it's a lovely piece.
Yes it really hurts and I find it comforting to have my gidget's ashes with me. You know what got me over it, about a week after I went to the shelter and saw all the helpless babies who needed me, and now I have 4 furbabies. I didn't want to go but my mom took me and I am so glad she did!
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved cat, it's bad enough when a pet is old and has to be pts but when you lose a pet suddenly like this it makes it so much harder, if it makes you feel better to have your cat cremated then do it, my dog was put to sleep last December and I still have his ashes in a lovely little pine box, I'm still not ready to bury him in the garden, I went and got another dog almost straight away and regretted it for weeks which was really unfair on the new little chap who I hasten to add that I absolutely adore now but I wish I had waited. We all grieve in different ways and for different lengths of time, I think someone else has already mentioned the rainbow bridge website you may find it comforting to read other stories/poems etc, don't take any notice of anyone who pokes fun saying that it is only a cat some people can be very insensitive, take your time in your grief.
Take care.
Im so sorry honey, I know how you feel, my cat was 16 when she died and i miss her all the time. there isnt much you can do to help ease the pain, only time is what helps heal the pain. but try your best to cope the best you can god bless you
get a new one
Baby I know you are hurting but you will get over it, I am glad to hear that the witness knocked on all doors till you were found, this to me says that there are still a few people left in this world that actually give a shite about things.
Anyhoooo, if you have a garden then why not shop around for a plant that would signify you wee kitty and when you plant it bury the ashes with it, you can make you own home made stone with any wording on it, that you can touch up when the weather gets the better of it, but this will be a remembrance of your wee kitty.
My ma and pa lost theirs a few years ago and it was sooooooo hard and they were adamant that they would never have another animal but they have another cat and are sooooooooooo happy and they have not forgot the one they lost as they regularly tend to the plant they planted and love re doing the wording on her stone.
Good luck to you babe as time does heal the pain and this doesn't mean you ever forget. xxx
its onlly a cat so get on your with your life suckers
I'm so sorry!
I love cats.
It's just normal to grieve. Whatever you do, don't bottle it up. I've heard horrible stories including suicide and people being driven insane by their longing. If you want to, get another cat and this time, be aware of where it is.
Don`t run out and get another it won`t work ,wait a little while till you are sorted ,I know exactly how you feel ,it is horrible and people who don`t own an animal will never understand
I was in hospital after a major operation when my husband visited I sensed there was something wrong ,he had to have our collie dog put down and couldn`t tell me ,she had coughed blood everywhere while he was visiting ,it is devastating to lose your Friend but talk about your cat to anyone who will listen ,of course you will cry when anyone mentions your cat ,it`s natural later on perhaps you will do what I did and get another ,you will soon feel better good luck
did you love him, cuddle him, give him food, warmth toys? Did he have a lovely time being your cat? If so let it go, think on the psoitive side, while he was here you gave him a good life right? Dont beat yourself up, unfortunatly this happens to lots of cats but you cant let it affect you so much. if you live near a busy road then dont get another or it will only break your heart if it happens again. put a picture of him up and think happy things about him. you cant change what has happened by being miserable. make a donation to a cat shelter in his name, doing a good deed always makes me feel better. Keep smiling : )
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