Wednesday, July 29, 2009

how do you get cats used to new homes?

If you move how do you get cats used to new homes?
leave them alone in the house, let them wander but first pick them up and put them in front of their food, then their litter box and then anything else you want them to remember the location of, you should also talk to them and let them know your there so they feel like there at home. (if you had this cat at your old house then moved then put out all its possesions from the old house to feel at home)
It would kind of be like you or I getting used to a new place. Explore ! Let her do that on her own terms to get used to the different smells and all. Think like she would. In fact, get down on all 4's and you can see things at her height. I'm really not kidding.she should adjust with no problem.. Just show her where her litter box is and where her food and water are tho.
It sounds cruel..but keep them i nthe house all the time for about a week! No letting them out, so get the littler box out!
This will get them used to being fed in this new house.and letting them know that this is where you sleep now, so this is where they sleep too!!
it takes time. Let them explore. Cats adjust well to new surroundings. Just let them roam, it also helps to roam with them.

Get on their level and explore with them.bring a toy with you, they will soon enjoy the new home.
Get a cat starter set from argos which comes with a litter tray catbed and cat carrier and feeding tray.And also buy it a few wee toys and the cat will soon be feeling at home.
Just keep them in for a few days - cats are easily relocated as long as they know where their food is.
lock them in on the first day so they can get used to the house, and when you feel happy let it outside, would probably be best to keep an eye on your cat outdoors though because some cats randomly decide to wonder back to where they used to live.
leave them in a quiet room for 24 - 48 hours, provide food and water and a litter tray. another tip is to put butter on their paws. this encourags them to clean themselves and remove the smell of their old house and put the smell of the new one on them. if you intend for them to go outside keep them in the house for roughly 2 months before letting them out so they know that where you are is their new home.
When you're moving in, put them in a closed room in the new home with familiar things - furniture, scratching post, pet bed, etc. Put the food and litter box there if possible, too. You really, REALLY don't want them getting outside while you're moving stuff in and the door is open.

Once you're done moving, put the litter box where you want it, and let them roam. They will explore and get used to it soon. If you let your cats outside before, don't do that now for at least a couple of weeks. You want them to get used to this place first. When you do let them out, do it for short times, and supervise it for the first few times. Let them out only when they're hungry, so they know they have to come back inside to eat. They'll learn where home is, and where to come back quickly.
Put them in the new house so they can roam around. Put the litter box where they can find it.
grab it by the tail hold it and stroke it.
I just turn mine loose and ignore any sounds that aren't followed by a yowl of pain.let them tear around and holler a while. They'll get used to it. When it gets reaaaal quiet, go look for them; they're up to something, and it may be trouble for you! Mine usually throw fits for about 2 or 3 days and then settle down to tearing the length of the new house about six times a day. They never get much past that, even after it's hard to tell if they're happy or not.but I think they are! ;-D
keep cat indoors for 7 days so they get to know thier surroundings. let them out for a short period of time gradually building up the time each day
old wives tale,but rubbing butter on their paws is suposed to work,,just keep the cat indoors for a few days with all its toys and some home comforts close by..plenty of kitty treats.
put butter on all paws and make sure they stay indoors for three days. the idea is to make them feel they have come to a better place.
you first lock them in the room where the kitty litter is for a couple of days so itll know were that is. then you carry it through every room in the house, letting it sniff a piece of furniture once and a while. then set it down and see were it goes first.
Just keep them in for a few days to get used to their new surroundings, they'll be fine. But just in case, make sure you've got your contact details on their collars.
Hi they usually settle in quite quick, if you let your cat out i wouldnt let it out straight away as they cat may get lost trying to find its way back to its old home. Just leave your cat in the house for about a month and then they should be fully settled in and then try and let him out as they may have forgotten all about where they use to live. It will be ok you will see an improvment in about a week but still leave yourc cat in the house. They may even hide in an area in the house but this is fine as they will come out in there own time.
Just let it explore it's new place, I have heard that (if you can) keep your cat at your old place till you get moved in and once that is done all of the familiar things of home will be there for it to see and smell.
All you can really do is give them time. They may not eat much for the first few days. You can always try giving them a bit of wet food if they're not eating at all. They have to check everything out and get comfortable on their own.
In my experience keeping the cat indoors with a litter tray for about 1 - 2 weeks so they know where their food is coming from tends to settle them.
Hi Meg
this is what i had to do (and it worked) OK i moved house and i didn't know what i was going to do with my cat (BUBBLES) i have him 10years. i was telling this to a girl on a bus one day and she told me to keep him in the knew house for a week and then slowly show him the garden but put butter on his feet so he could find his way back. I did exactly what she told me and i still have BUBBLES (YES IT WORKS)
There is a product you can buy from the vets called Feliway, its a friendly pheromone spray and helps the cat feel more relaxed in its new surroundings. Its best to buy the larger spray as the smaller one is more for cages to relax them when on visits to the vets. Let the cat get used to one room and then let it explore making sure you have a couple of litter trays around till it gets its bearings. Keep it in a couple of weeks and then all should be fine. Good luck and I hope you and your cat enjoy your new surroundings.
I have found that just letting them go on their own so they can walk and sniff everything if best. Just make sure you show them where the litter box and food and water are. Good luck
One way to get your cat used to living ina new home is by placing him or her in a confined area where they can not escape into other parts of the house. Like a bathroom with the door shut. Of course you place their food, water, and litter box in with them. After seeing where these things are getting used to being in the confined space and knowing that you aren't going anywhere they usually calm down then you can allow them to explore the rest of the house.
Start out small, let them explore their new home and get used to the new surroundings before you introduce them to the great outdoors. If you think you can handle it, keep them in for at least 5 days, that way they know where their new home is and where their food will be served.
As animals are so loyal, moving place is very hard on them especially cats and dogs.
The only way is to keep it in door for a few days and be near it for reassurance till it gets used to the new place.
HI i have moved with my cats several times and never had one go missing. I keep them in for a few days then let them out and stay in the garden with them after about 10minutes i call them to me and give them some treats they always come running back to me. The most i moved in one go was 13 all different ages and ones i had taken in when unwanted if your good to them they know it and dint run off.

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