Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do you get a cat to hold still to have its nails trimmed?

I have heard that if you wrap the cat in a towel, then it is easier to trim its nails. I have had 2 cats and I couldn't get either one to hold still long enough to trim their nails. The best investment I have made is to spend the $6-$10 a month to have somebody else do it. Pet groomers and vet offices usually trim kitty nails. It's alot easier because then I don't have to worry about accidentally trimming their nails too short or having one of them scratch me.
hit it over the head with a brick. nah jk. try a sedative
It is claws not nails. You are not supposed to trim them. If you trim them the cat will feel defenceless. Moreover, they have blood vessels inside and you can make them bleed by trimming them.

My gowd, what's wrong with you people. You get pets, and then you treat them like teddy bears.
Very very carefully!!
The best way that I have found is, to wrap the cat up in a bath towel and have the foot that you are going to trim sticking out. usually the cat can't move while your doing this. It'll try to escape but have one person hold why the other cuts, but don't cut to low on the nail or it'll bleed all over the place. good luck!
You can either wrap the moggy in a towel and hold firmly under you arm or get an old jumper( One that stretches, but not too much) cut the sleeve off and place sleeve over your cats head so only the head is poking through the cuff.( make sure cuff not too tight either) Moggy cant move and makes life easier..the only thing is if you go for the latter option please make sure there is no other moggy around else his/her street 'Cred' will do down the drain! it works tho! >^..^%26lt;
I sit on the floor and stick the cats butt inbetween my legs so he can't back away from me, then I grab the one paw that I need to work on.
Hi John.several people made some wonderful suggestions about securing the cat in a towel, which is quite helpful. Here's also a video created by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine on how to trim your cat's claws including a segment on a cat who won't hold still:

I hope this will provide some further help.
I scruff them or hold them really tight. I could not really tell you, I would have to show someone how it is done.
LOL! Claws, nails.whatever. :-) My cat's pretty used to it now. But, when she was very young, I used to put a little tuna fish in a bowl, lay a towel on my lap, put kitty on my lap (belly up) and put a little tuna on her tummy. She was so busy licking off the tuna oil that she really didn't care what I was doing to her nails. You have to be quick about it and careful not to hit blood vessels (those little pink things close to her nail bed).
wrap them up papoose style in a towel and work on one foot at a time
Burrito wrap, as suggested above then give positive reinforcement like yummy kitty treats directly after. If you are consistant, you cat may get to the point where he holds still for the reward that comes after. When we do our cats (once a year or when we notice the furniture is shredded), we just blunt the tips. The thing that has worked the best is we put a large piece of wood in the living room. Yes, weird, but they love to scratch it. Then we all are happy and no one has to be a cat burrito.
First of all, be very calm, and approach the cat while it is napping. Say something nice, then casually take one paw in your hand and start clipping, giving lots of praise. Stop between nails to pet the cat if neccessary. That way it will associate nail trimming with being petted.

I have two cats and they are each very different. One holds still while I hold her in my lap and praise her. The other prefers to be standing on all 4's, and she lets me pick up one paw at a time.

Make sure you have sharp clippers, and that you cut the nail the right way and don't cut it too short. One little nick will send the cat flying!
Do u have to? is he an inside cat? if so get him a scratching pole if he scratches furniture tap him and say no and put him on the scratching pole.
Try wrapping a towel around him and hold like a baby then star clipping.
Funny story.. Those answers above me has good ideas. My cat does not like his claws trimmed by me or the Vet. I've tried to trim my cat several times, what i do was trim my cat one or two claws per day.

two weeks ago I took my cat to the Vet for his annual vaccinations and my cat just won't let Vet trim my cat's claws, two nurses had to hold him still and it took about 10 minutes from start to finish. (it was funny to watch). Now I decide to get my cat to the vet every three months to trim his claws properly so he can get used to it then I can do it myself later. $16.00 charge for the trim, my local pet shop charge $10.00. (i trim my cat's claws lightly unlike the Vet.)

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