Wednesday, July 29, 2009

how do you get a cat out from under your bed?

Bribe it with food and cat nip. Maybe a toy to play with. It always works for me with my kitten , when he's hideing under the bed.
Open a can of tuna. This has NEVER failed at my house. Just give it to her when she comes out. Don't wanna be cruel! Good luck!
always have a spray bottle of water handy!
This is what I do for my cat: either take a string and pull it around under the bed and itll pounce on it, or LEAVE IT ALONE
Use a squirt bottle filled with water. A couple squirts should chase the cat out.
Broom handle.
I go under there for him
Diversion should be the strategy. For example, open a closet where you store his toys will get his attention and he will be next to you in less than 1 second flat. Just don't let him go inside the closet because that will be your next challenge!! Ha, Ha.
cats love dark places and they love to hide, shake a toy with a bell on it to help her come out or put a little soft food in a dish 2 feet away from the bed, once they smell the food they will come out, and keep door closed once they come out from under the bed.
Send in a dog
Question? Why is cat under bed? If cat is under bed because it just likes being there (cats do these things) just leave him there. He will come out when he wants to and not before.
If cat is scared of some thing (strangers, vacuum cleaner, thunder) when whatever it is that is scaring him stops, he will come out. Broom handles, firearms will only make things worse. why is it so important to get him out from under the bed?
Is he hiding from vet visit? This is an old cat trick. Next time shut off all bedrooms before getting out cat carrier or even thinking the word "vet" Cats can be extraordinarily perceptive about this.
I just had to do this a few minutes ago. My kitten is hiding from the dog, who likes to play more than the kitten does. I just lifted and moved the bed, since kitty wasn't avoiding me, he let me pick him up.

I also don't think kitty is feeling very hot, so I found him another safe place to avoid the dog and feel "safer" (I put up a gate in my sons room, slim enough for kitty to get in/out, but not for the dog to get in). I also put food and water in there.hopefully the baby won't feel the need to hide anymore.

Why is your kitten hiding? Or does s/he just want privacy?
get a fish,get a rat anything that he/she wants

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