Friday, July 31, 2009

How do you train a cat to come to you by calling its name?

I've named mycat now. How do I make it come to me by calling it. Basically how do you train a cat to come by calling out it's name?
The first thing u name the cat CHECK
Next u find out what the cat likes "example whistling, snapping fingers, music
Then watch him/her and start calling him/her if it works give em
a treat like milk or kitty nibbles u can pick em up at Walgreen's or
any pet store.
Good question. All I know is that they will eventually figure out their name. Don't really know how it happened, though.
Well, cats are very independent and it would take a long time.
depends. How old is your kitten/cat ? My cat started to respond his name calling about a year old. I have another theory, maybe your cat knows but ignoring you.

Have the treats ready if he comes to you by calling his name give him treat so he might will figure it out himself/herself.
Use it's name when you talk to it, stroke it and feed it. Everytime it reacts to your saying it's name reward it with food or attention and eventually it will learn.
You can't, the cat will come if it wants to, or otherwise look bemused at you. What you can do is always make a fuss of it when you do call it, so you have a greater chance of it wanting to come to you, but ultimately it wont always.
Simple. Use Pavlov's theory. condition the cat to associate coming to you when called by name with rewards. Give the cat a treat from your hand when you call it by name. Do this enough with treats and eventually the cat will start to come to you without the use of treats and rewards.
Why didn't you get a dog they are much easier to train than cats and are more loyal.
i have 3 dogs n 2 cats n they all come 2 their name(even though i get confused n a cat comes when i wanted a dog n visa versa)basically all i did with my cats was call their name at dinner time (shake the box/bang the tin)n slowly they cottoned on.also when stroking them i'd say their name ,things like does work either that or i'm just lucky..
first with a treat then lats and lots of practise.
you dont have to they do it naturally being a mercinary type of animal they may go off to someone who feeds then better
When we visited Hollywood, CA the animal trainer at Universal Studios used a clicker to help summons the cat. When the cat came over to the trainer the cat was then rewarded with treat. This was repeated numerous times until the cat would just come over without a treat. Then no clicker, just the name.

Here "Princess".Clicker..wait for cat to run to you, give treat.

The trainer said you get could train cats to do quite a lot of things. Just with patience and lots of repetition.

Good Luck!!
I suggest buying a small container of cat treats. Shake the botlle and call the cat's name at the same time. When the cat hears the treat bottle, it'll come running. Eventually, it'll learn it's name this way.
Just talk to her and get her used to it. In the middle of the night all I have to do is call "maggie mae" next thing I know she is right there.
Well start with something simple get treats for the cat then when you take the treats out the cat will want the treat so call it's name when you take out the treat. It works with my cat.
if you just say it alot to them and go hello . then it will soon learn its name my cats have
you say its name every time you see it so then it will get used to the word and your voice .it will take time but that is wot i dun with my five cats!
by using its name every time you want the cat for anything and if its a kitten then reward it when it comes with cat treat or something it likes cats are hard to train and food assosiation works best but take care not to overfeeed
Repeat its name several times when u feed it! I did it with my cat , it worked!
rattle its food and call the name it will make the contenction between them rapidly. that doesnt guarentee they'll come cats are touch cookies to crack
I used to tap the Whiskers Cat Food tin at the same time as calling his name. I'd hear him miaow and then hear him rushing home. It worked every time.
The neighbours soon got used to it too!
Give it treats when it comes to you. they get the idea!!
Wire it up to the mains.
When it doesn't come to you, give it a quick Zap.
This only works 8 times.

How do you think my cat would react to a small puppy coming aboard the family home.?

Be careful. If your cat is allowed outside, you may find that it packs up and leaves. Cats stay with us because they choose too. If a situation arises that it doesn't like, you may never see it again. This is a chance you need to decide on whether you are willing to take.
Don't worry it will learn to know its place.
Don't forget to give your cat lots of cuddles.
probably ok, you will be surprised , if its a queen it will probably try to mother it
your cat will soon show it whos the boss!
It's a little tense for about a week, but they learn to love each other or stay away. Mine love each other
in the same way as another child coming into the family. If you give both the same attention they will be friends for ever, like my cat and dog, sleeping in the same basket and walking together in the garden. But.. you must treat your cat with respect and introduce the new puppy literally to the cat. do not now neglect the cat, because the puppy seeks attention and is cute.. Good luck.
We tried that. Our cat hated the dog. Had to give the cat away.
i have a kitten 4 mths and have just introduced a 10 week old puppy, for the first week they ignored each other, this week they realised each other existed, and after a few spits of the kitten, they are now play fight and puppy is definately lower down the line for the moment. word of warning watch some flea drops some are lethal to kittens and cats, i bought the wrong one, and couldnt use it
I had a cat and brought home a puppy the cat was 3years old thought they wouldn't get on but was surprised how well they were together. The cat will be curious at first but will soon get used to having pup around, might even start looking for it when it's not in the house, My sister had two cat's and a dog when she walked the dog the cats followed, so they can get on.
It depends how old your cat is, and also on his previous experiences with dogs.
Some cats really hate dogs. Others don't seem to mind.
Cats and dogs can get on really well, but usually the cat has to be younger than the dog.
If your mind is set on this, be prepared for some months of serious supervising . it might all work out after that.
how old is the cat it donsnt work when the cat is older. i introduced my puppie when my cats were 8week. the younger the better
sucker for punishment
It will go mental and bully it relentlessly. Trust me
First a kitten and now a puppy

If I was your cat I'd begin to get concerned and pack my bags

How do you think you would react if your mum adopted a new daughter and left her everything in her will?

How Do You Tell The Sex Of A Cat?

I have two kittens aged 5 months, that are meant to be the same sex, but their bits look different? One has quite lumpy bits sticking out, that could well be testes, but there is like a little hole in the middle of the lumpy bits, that also look a bit like a vulva!? The other cat seems to have the same lumpy bits, but it's shaped differently and I'm just wondering if this sounds normal, or one of them might be a female!?
this might help u
I'd go with the lumpy bits.
kick it in the groin and see its reaction
something about pushing under where the poop come out.
Depending on it's age because usually you can't tell for a few weeks. The female will have a small slit and the male will have like a hole look. His testicles don't show for a while more.
I once had a cat of mine have a litter of five kittens. For a few days I thought I was going mad because I couldn't determine their sex. It then occurred to me that they may be all the same, and they were.all female.
uhh if you see two testies on the side, and the hole is like in the bottom middle, thats the penis. where else the urine go?!?! out from the ?
call a vet
they might be the same sex it might be the labia
if there is somethin' hanging from between its hind legs its a boy.
Male has a colon mark :
Female has an exclamation point ! (reversed of course)
I thought it was easy to figure out too when my cat had four kittens.
if it has a dick
It's tricky when they're really young - my tomcat Sparkle spent the first few months of his life as a girl *blush*. Then, by the time he was the age yours are, let's just say there were a couple of "developements" and it became pretty obvious!
He's still a bit, ummm..confused - he still gets mistaken for a girl as he's just so PRETTY!
wait till they get bigger then it will be easy to tell
You can spot the difference this way: in females the orifice is slit-like, in males its round. good luck
take them to the vet
The easiest way we at work have found to tell is when you look at them if it is a girl she will have more of a slit down there and if it is a boy is will just be like a single pinsize hole.

How do you tell if your cat is pregnant?

wait a few days and see if her belly is bigger.cats bellies grow really fast.
Wait a couple months and see if she has kittens.either that or go to the vet for an ultrasound.

Was your cat recently in heat and escaped outside somewhere? If so, then there's a 90% chance that she's pregnant.
If she hasn't been spayed! Cats seem to get pregnant all the time, especially if they're ever outside! Feel her sides, but do so gently.
Are her boobies filling with milk and is she getting fat and bumpy? If so..than she is pregnant. Do you know if she has been in heat recently? loud yowling will indicate that for the most part..oh yeah..and male cats humping her is a good sign! LOL
she gets defensive when you stroke her belly and you notice it starts to buldge
If her belly is looking a little big, gently run your hand over her belly and see if you can feel kittens moving. If you are not sure, take her to see the vet. When our cat was pregnant, my dad felt her belly and could feel the kittens moving within a few weeks of catching her with the boy cat. If your cat is very young or very old, you should take her to the vet to make sure she is ok.
The stomach looked bulky.
How to Tell if a Cat Is Pregnant
Recognizing that a cat is pregnant is important to providing adequate care for the cat mom and her babies. For kind hearted souls who take in stray animals and try to find homes for them, early identification that a cat is pregnant can make the difference between a positive adoption experience and a cat being returned along with her kittens. Recognizing that a cat is pregnant can be tricky, even for seasoned veterinarians and animal welfare workers. Here are some ideas to help identify if a female cat is pregnant.

Check to see if her nipples are larger.
Feel her tummy to see if you feel a sort of swelling and small lumps the size of walnuts.
When a cat becomes pregnant, her demeanor may change. Pregnant cats become very affectionate. Most cats start to really love their tummies massaged when pregnant.
Stand back and look at your cat's overall shape. From the side, pregnant cats frequently look a little swayback with a slightly distended tummy. From the top looking down at the cat, a pregnant cat's tummy is frequently distended slightly more than halfway from the neck to the tail. This look has been compared to the posture of a burro. If your cat's profile has changed from normal to burro, she might be pregnant.
To distinguish pregnant from fat: fat cats are fat all over, including the neck, the legs. etc. Pregnant cats are not. However, keep in mind that fat cats can be pregnant too!
When a pregnant cat gets close to delivering her kittens, she may start nesting -- arranging blankets, towels, straw, whatever, into a secure place to have her babies.

While the "burro" look is a good indicator that a female cat is pregnant, this is not always accurate. There are medical conditions that can cause a cat to retain fluid in her abdomen, which could make a cat look distended in the middle and swayback.

Some veterinarians offer to "remove the pregnancy" or spay the pregnant cat. Some veterinarians do not recommend doing this beyond a certain point in the progression of the pregnancy, while others perform this surgery at any point during the pregnancy. For people who struggle with making the decision whether to abort or have the kittens, but who really do not want the kittens, one option is to ask the vet to spay the cat but to NOT tell you if she was pregnant.
Check her belly to see if it's getting bigger

How do you tell how old a kitten is?

I rescued a kitten from the streets. When I rescued her she still had the film over her eyes. She wouldn't eat solid food, just milk for almost 4 weeks. Now she plays, eats solid food and will use a litter box.
Hi's an excerpt from the following website on how to tell a kitten's age:

Aging the Kittens:

1. Umbilical cord attached: They are 3 days or younger.

2. Eyes: They begin to open at 7-8 days and all eyes should be open by day 10. Their eyes generally change from blue to blue/gray then yellow/green between 6 1/2 to 7 weeks of age but can vary kitten-to-kitten and litter-to-litter. In one litter, kittens can be conceived 4-5 days apart. This also contributes to the different days the eyes open.

3. Ears: Their ears stand up at 3-1/2 weeks of age.

4. Teeth: Another way to age the kittens is by the teeth. The following is from the Cornell Book of Cats. The ages are when the teeth break the skin or 'eruption of the teeth' happens, or when they break the surface.

Baby teeth:

Center (4) Incisors (front teeth between the canines) 2-3 weeks
Outer Incisors (still between the canines) 3-4 weeks
Canines 3-4 weeks
Upper molars (called a premolar) 2 months (8 weeks)
Lower molars (called a premolar) 4-5 weeks

Adult teeth:

Center (4) Incisors (front teeth between the canines) 3-1/2 to 4 months (14-16 weeks)
Outer Incisors (still beaten the canines) 4 to 4-1/2 months (16-18 weeks)
Canines 5 months
Upper molars (called a premolar) 4-1/2 to 6 months (depending on tooth)
Lower molars (called a premolar) 5-6 months for all
Upper molar in back, no baby tooth, just the molar at 4-5 months

5. Mobility: They are unstable on their feet until they are around 4 weeks of age and can run pretty well by 5 weeks. If you see kittens running around a yard, they are at least 5-6 weeks old.

6. Eating: They generally are eating on their own between 5 and 6 weeks of age. Some will eat as young as 4 weeks and some will take as long as 8 weeks to stop the bottle if you are bottle feeding. The older kittens who refuse to leave the bottle are generally needing the one-on-one affection they are receiving.
It is just a guess but I'm guessing about 7-8 weeks then but the only way to really tell is to take her to the vets.
Take the kitten to a vet. You have to do this anyway for the distemper shots. The vet will look at the kitten and give it a good approximation. And, please be sure to have it neutered when it's old enough.
cut her in half and count the rings..

oh wait thats a tree
Cut it open and count how many rings it has. oh oops sorry that's trees.

damn the eater of shorts! You beat me to it!
Take it to the vet. They are pretty good at pinpointing an age. However, most kittens don't wean until 6 weeks so she was probably only a few weeks old. Give the vet this info.
From working at a is how we aged kittens. They typically gain a pound a month.if it weighs 1.5 pounds probably 6 weeks old. 3 pounds that's a three month old.

How do you teach a kitten not to bite?

My kitten nibbles on my fingers when I play with it. And I am afraid she will bite harder as she gets older.
First, don't use your hands or fingers for play. Kittens naturally bite when they play with each other. If you play with your hands, you end up teaching her to bite you. Second, when she bites, say "No Bite" in a stern voice and put her down or stop giving her attention for a few minutes. Kittens naturally want to please you (if you have good relationship with them)--you just have to let her know what is not acceptable.
whenever she bites she bites sort of give her a spank
!! get a muzzle!!
she will stop this as she gets problem
It will outgrow this..but the pet shop has a spray that tastes disgusting to kittens that you put on your fingers.or just wear gloves until the kitten stops teething. Or use a water spray bottle and spray it in the face when it bites. Never hit an will become defensive.
Hi, biting is very much a natural kitten thing and they grow out of it. I don't think you have to worry about her getting much worse, she will play and bite for the first year and her personality will change after that.

In the meantime, the best thing to do is when she bites too hard, to not give her attention. Simply walk away. She wants to be close to you and to play with you and when she learns she isn't getting attention and a positve response, it's likely she'll stop biting as hard. Good luck!
I just broke my devil kitten recently. I bought a couple of $1 squirt guns and put them in easy to acess places in the house. One in the living room and the other in the bedroom the two places he gets the most chances to bite. When he would bite he would get squirted. This is a cat that loves water and dosen't even mind baths. But I guess the little stream of water just felt to freaky for him. He hated it and quite after about 2wks.
Maybe she's theething , get her some toys instead. When she bites, say no in her face and show her a toy to bite instead.
try to get it use to sting or a mitten but i put two pair of socks on
or teething but don't do that when she get bigger scratch you
Don't play with her with your hands - use an interactive toy like a cat dancer or a feather toy. If she nips gently when petting her just say No! firmly and put her away from you. She is a kitten and they all use their mouths a lot but if you are consistent she will eventually get the message.
the kitten will eventually grow out of it and getting your kitten fixed will help some. you do need to teach her that it is unacceptable to bit people. when you have a play session have a toy near by that if she starts to bite you put the toy in her mouth if she continues to bite then end the play session.

how do you teach a cat not to get on the table?

i use a squirt-bottle (only for serious not-listening), and shake a can with pennies (she hates the noise)
we use a luod clap and a pssp! noise and they get scared and eventually will learn that they get in truoble if they get on the table or something
several ways.catch him on the table and wop the daylights outta him or her with a rolled newspaper or plastic flyswatter. another way, is to sit with a really good water gun and wait till the cat gets on the table and blast him. be consistant and eventually he will quit. took my cat one time when he was a baby. i popped him w/flyswatter when i caught him in my sink, and he is now 11 years old and has never gotten on my tables or sink or the other nos ive taught him since. all i gotta do is pick up the swatter and hes gone.
Squirt Gun!
Squit bottle works.every time the cat gets on the table. Squirt it.
Use a water spray bottle, it doesn't hurt them and they will learn pretty darn quick.
Water pistol; spray the kitty fast! Be consistent or it will continue. Just like a kid, your cat will disregard you.
I've always found that squirt bottles filled with water work great when trying to train cats. Just give them a little squirt whenever they're doing something wrong and eventually they'll get it. Don't expect change overnight - cats are very stubborn - but after a few times being squirted they'll realize what they're doing wrong and stop the behavior.
Why is this bothering you? That's what cats do, their grace and physical ability is something to marvel at, not extinguish. Dogs raid the garbage. Every pet comes with some positives and some negatives.

I used a spray bottle with my kittens so I could eat my dinner in piece and it worked. Otherwise they could jump up wherever and whenever they wished.
squirt them with a spray bottle every time you see them up there.
I have found the best way to train them is to spray them with a water bottle with water in it.After you do it a few times, they won't get up there anymore.
For our cat we clap real loud or just move him. He is 2 yrs old and we get on him at least once daily. Cats like to climb and perch on things. Of course it's unsanitary for animals to be on tables, so ya just gotta be patient and don't even allow it 1 time.
Oh yes the pennies in the can work. I read somewhere that 15 pennies in a tin can (tape the lids closed) work like nails on a chalk board!

how do you talk you perents into bying you a pet?

besides fish and birds I want a kitten please give me some advice?!?!?!?Becaus i really want a kitten pluss even if they do let me they wont buy me anything it really needs. like for example a litter box
i know exactly what you are going to say um you cant have a kitten if you dont have its supplies! SO find it in your heart please HELP??!!?!?!
Your inability to spell even simple words (like "plus") combined with the fact that you are apparently too lazy to hit the check spelling button probably has them a little worried about your ability to care for a live animal.
u show them how resonsible u r and then if u have other pets make sure that they have food and water everyday and then u should find out how much its going to cost and have a talk with ur parents like at dinner or something! good luck
The best way to convince your parents to get a kitten for you is to show them that you will be responsible for it and take care of it. You can make a litter box out of a cardboard box and put litter into it. The main thing is will your parents buy the kitten food and pay for its shots? If you get a kitten the best place and the most inexpensive too is the animal shelter. They have many kittens to choose from. But be sure your parents will buy food first.
I wanted a dog in 6th grade really bad. So I tried to show my parents of how responsible I could be. I did my chores and I got good grades. The one thing I think really got my parents is that I spend the next few years taking notes on dogs, I would always have a book about dogs in my hand and I took notes about them how much to feed them how much exercise they need. It took me 4 years to get a dog. If you want a cat your parents won't say yes the first time, it may be some time before you get a so in the meantime show that you can handle one.
If you Really want a kitten try showing them how responsible you are! you could: 1-do your chores w/o being reminded, 2- ask them and tell them to consider it, tell them not to give you a straight up 'yes' or 'no'. that will most likely work!!1
the best thing is to show your parents you are responsible. Next, do a lot of research on the type of pet you want to get and get as much info as you can. This should raise your chances of getting a pet.
Kill your parents then you can have all the cats you want.
Hi there.from the looks of your previous questions you already have a kitten:

my kitten has flees and I dont want ot get infected and I dont want to put it in my roombecaus it will put?
Asked by NADER Z - 9 answers - Cats - 4 days ago - Open
will my cat eat tuna and should I feed it tuna?
Asked by NADER Z - 31 answers - Cats - 4 days ago - In Voting
can I give my cat tuna as a food replacment for a sertain time?
Asked by NADER Z - 13 answers - Cats - 4 days ago - In Voting
can I give my kitten tuna?
Asked by NADER Z - 6 answers - Cats - 4 days ago - In Voting
look heres the deal, my uncle got me a kitten and heres the probblem I dont know anything about it exept that
Asked by NADER Z - 8 answers - Cats - 5 days ago - In Voting
my uncle got me a kitten he didnt tell me if it whas a boy or girl he didnt give me a litter box he didnt tel
Asked by NADER Z - 17 answers - Cats - 5 days ago - In Voting
stupid question, why would u want a cat?
If your parents aren't willing to buy the basic supplies, i assume there not going to foot the vet bill, like fixing it, shots which is going to cost $300 or $400(unless you have a real job that you can pay for this) Then no one is going to let you adopt a cat(which is another $150), if they do your parents are going to realize how much a cat costs and say get rid of it. do yourself and a cat a favour DON'T GET A CAT!

How do you take kittys away form momma w/o breaking her heart?

The kittens need to be with their mother and nursing until she has them weaned. They should be with littermates until they are two months old whether weaned or not.

Most mother cats will start to hiss or swat at her kittens when she is finished nursing them and knows they are ready to be on their own. She won't miss them at all. More like "Whew! I'm glad that's over with!"
you have to take them from her little by little.
One at a time and wait 'til they are 7 wks to start.
first take away two, only the first time because if u took away just one than it would be lonely and cold, after that take one at a time. Make sure to give mommy kitty lotsa love :) Good luck
you don't really need to cause when they are older they get kick out or they leave on there on cause they can take care of themselves.
take the kittens little by little and at least let her have one or two of the kittens

how do you take care of 8 week old kitten?

Get him a comfy bed and blanket, lots of toys to play with, a scratch poll (to protect your furniture), kitten food (both wet %26 dry), water not milk some cats are lactose intolerant so get special cat milk, treats, cat nip, brush (start to groom his as early as possible so he gets used to it). Litter tray and litter, get him insured,microchipped, treat for worms and fleas , vaccinations, neutered. Give him lots of love and attention.
feed it get a litter box get its shots and love it
8 week old kitten is a regular kitten. If he/she is lonely and crying at lot place an old wind up clock undeneath his/her bed linnens this will make them think of a heartbeat. The more attention you give them make them play the more sociable they will be and often more affectionate. As for food start with the dry cat food if he/she is having problems place a little at a time and add water to it it will make it a bit more mushy. Choose a good quality cat food for kittens. The kitten is probably already litter trainned by mom if not show it where the litter is if it goes elsewhere as soon as you catch it bring it and put it in the litter box. But most cats are pretty smart even that young and the need to scratch %26 dig to do their thing once in the litter box they pretty much get it.
Always make sure it has fresh water and that is pretty much it enjoy the antics of your new kitten! They like kids grow up too fast!
8 week old kitten is the time when they are ready to leave their momma, so he should already be weened. Give him some kitten food so it is easier for him to chew and water.
8 weeks are soooooo cute! well all you need to do to get it through life you need to give it love and make sure you potty train it well and they loveeeeee treats!
First of all LOVE IT. Feed it KITTEN FOOD and prepare a litter box for him/her.Toys are fun or just crumple up a piece of tin foil or the strip from the milk bottle. Have fun with it. Good Luck!
Pay for its shots, play with him/her often, do lots of research on how to take care of cats, buy it treats, litter, toys and foods, and remember to give it lots of love and attention!

how do you take a cat's blood pressure?

There are several different techniques for indirect measurement of blood pressure. The two most common techniques are the Doppler technique and the oscillometric technique. The Doppler technique involves placing a small ultrasound probe over one of the large arteries in the limbs or the tail. An amplifier connected to the probe produces audible sounds for every pulse beat. A blood pressure cuff is placed proximal to the probe, and is inflated until the vessel is occluded and the pulse sounds can no longer be heard. The cuff is then slowly deflated. The pressure at which the pulse sounds consistently return is the systolic arterial blood pressure. In cats, Doppler readings have been found to underestimate the true systolic arterial blood pressure by about 17 mm Hg, and this should be taken into account when measurements are performed.

The oscillometric technique utilizes a blood pressure cuff to detect pressure oscillations as the diameter of the artery changes. Oscillations occur when the artery pulsates. Systolic arterial blood pressure is determined when the amplitude of the oscillations suddenly increase. With the technology now available, precise identification of the change in amplitude can be measured. A report in the September 1st, 2002 issue of the Journal of the AVMA concluded that the oscillometric method of blood pressure measurement is easily accomplished and is fairly accurate, although it slightly underestimates blood pressure, especially as blood pressure increases.

The following are approximate systolic and diastolic normals:

Dogs: Systolic/Diastolic = 147/83 mm Hg
Cats: .Systolic/Diastolic = 160/100 mm Hg
and if you can---how do you know what the normal ranges would be for your individual animal?
you take it's pulse.
Take it to the vet?
take it to a vet
very carefully.sorry, I couldn't resist.
With great care and wearing protective clothing!

Basically you take it to a vet.
why would you want to? i have never seen a b/p taken on any animal. i don't think that is something vets worry about. also i don't think they check their cholesterol either. hahaha!
I have seen (though I can't remember where) there are animal blood pressure cuffs out there. I wouldn't recomend it unless a vet shows you how. I wouldn't worry too much about the blood pressure of your cat unless your vet has given you a reason to worry about it.
Don't you think that if you need to be taking a cat's blood pressure maybe you should go to the vet? Do you even know how to take a human's blood pressure, can't be much different. Systolic and diastolic blah blah blah.
It is not easy to take a cat's blood pressure. Mostly because it has to be done by a veterinarian and most cats are stressed by being in the veterinary situtation., thus raising the pressure and giving an inaccurate reading. Sedation would make the blood pressure abnormally low and also not be worth doing.

My cat has had a blood pressure check. With older cats there is a concern that high blood pressure can cause retinas to detach resulting in blindness. My cat was fine and vets do give medication for cats who have a high bp.

how do you stop your cat from marking territory all over the house?

I'd make sure first there isnt something medically wrong with him. The cat may be spraying urine or scent from the anal glands; the vet can check. Then, get either the "no spray" stuff at the pet store, or splurge on the stronger version at the vet's office.

Cats can smell things we cant, and even when we scrub with bleach and Mr Clean, they can smell and will return to those area. (thats with spraying and urine) Thats why you need the special scent stuff to clean the areas where he has gone.
Get it fixed
Neuter your cat. That often stops the problem.
super glue will stop cats from marking their territory. Just glue the openings shut.
Take your cat to the vet. They have a variety of methods (including medication) to get your cat to stop marking its territory.
Try spraying him with a water bottle every time. However, if that doesn't work, talk to the vet. I believe there is something you can spray on furniture, etc, that you can't smell but he can. It will make him stop. I have a female cat, though, so I'm no expert on this particular area. I do know that talking to a vet is always a good idea, though. :-)
There is "no spray" spray you can buy at the pet store. It's supposed to help deter cats from marking their territory in certain areas of the house. It may be attracted to a certain scent, so it's a good idea to really clean those areas well, with something like "Nature's Miracle". This gets rid of animals stains, smells, etc. Also, have a squirt bottle full of water handy, and whenever you see your cat marking it's territory, spray the hell out of it! Best of luck!

How do you stop your cat from getting pregnant?

There are many good behavioral and medical reasons why female cats should be spayed and male cats should be neutered. This simple procedure is a safe and effective way of eliminating problems, without adversely affecting your cat’s weight or behavior. Birth control pills can cause diabetes in cats, are expensive and cannot be used for long periods of time. Tubal ligations or vasectomies are not routinely done in cats because they do not affect the amount of hormones being produced, which cause most of the behavior and medical problems.

Cats do not “need to have a litter” to be better or healthier cats. Many cat pregnancies do not go as smoothly as expected. Difficult labor, kitten death, health problems in the mother or kittens, infections of the uterus or mammary glands can make the experience very difficult for some cat owners. The cost of caring for a pregnant cat and her litter can be quite high. In addition, many litters wind up in shelters increasing the number of unwanted animals that get euthanized each year. If the kittens survive and are placed into homes without being neutered or spayed, the population problem will continue to grow.

A cat can stay “in heat” for up to two weeks. Cats only release eggs from their ovaries when they mate. If a female cat does not mate when she is in heat, she will go into heat every 2 to 3 weeks until she does mate. If your cat is an indoor-only cat, she will get very frustrated and anxious. If she goes outside, she will get pregnant. There will also be an influx of intact males roaming around your property making noise and getting into fights while trying to get to your female cat. In addition, some female cats will start spraying urine while in heat, upsetting your litter box routine.
Get her spayed at the Vet.
Get her fixed.
Keep her indoors.
If that won't work, then spay her.
Get her fixed..
get her fixed or keep her indoors all the time and every week or two the noises she makes will drive you nuts so I would just get her fixed.thats what I did.
keep her indoors or get her spayed that about all i can think of excepd keep her away from male cats and dont let her outside at all for about a month(ish??)
Spay her.
get her fixed ,or keep her away from males~
The only foolproof way is to get her fixed. Nothing else is guaranteed
have it spayed DUH!
Get your kitty spayed. It will not only keep her from having unwanted kittens, but will keep her from getting other health problems associated with allowing her to go through heat cycles without being bred.
have her spayed. or keep her in the house all the time with no other cats around
Please take your cat to the vet and have her spayed.
Get her fixed or keep her inside~!
1. keep it inside
2. hope it is a lesbian feline
3. small cork

how about getting her fixed, duh
Get it spayed.
are you being serious asking this question? If you are, keep her indoors until she is spayed, if you have an un-neutered male as well, keep them separate. If your are just being dumb. well all you have to do to stop your cat from getting pregnant is give her to someone else who knows better!
Declaw it and buy a pet alligator.
How old are you? If you are a very young child, you need to ask your parents about this.
Answer: Have the cat spayed at the vet or keep it inside forever.
Have her spayed.
Get her fixed

How do you stop kittens from scratching furniture?

Please don't declaw! Cats NEED to scratch.the trick is to make sure they have adequate "allowed" scratching surfaces. For us, that included a tall, sturdy post - one that they won't just pull over on themselves that allows them to stretch up and get a good pull. The stickypaws strips on the furniture worked wonders for us, too. A lot of cats I've seen love the cardboard scratchers.they're just slabs of sturdy cardboard you can get pretty cheap at pet supply stores.
take a spray bottle and everytime they scratch furniture, spray them
What we did with our kittens was buy the sticky pads at the pet store and put them on the couch so when they went to scratch they got the sticky on their paws. Also, I bought a round toy that has the ball in it they chase and the center is that tough corrogated cardboard with catnip you can dribble in it for them to scratch on. We redirect them from furniture to the toy or the hanging scratch post. Some people will suggest you buy Soft paws. These are plastic caps that you put on the cat every 2 weeks or so as they outgrow them so that they can't scratch. My cat bit them off in a matter of a day from putting them on. I put them on again and he took them back off. They are a good idea, if the pet will leave them on!
get rid of the furniture
Double sticky tape where your kittens scratch. make sure you have enough scratch posts get a few of different materials,
have them declawed it stopped mine!
Declaw them. Cats pretty much do what they want. I don't allow them in my house any more. They really have no use to me and they destroy too much property to be worth keeping around.
my cat does the same thing i mean by scratching it he rips it. so i guess order soft paws through the Internet. the spray water ,scratching pole doesn't work on my cat who knows maybe it works on if you find something i would like to know my op ion that what a cat is about .you can't never change dewclaw them or make him outside cat.don't allow him in the house. we love our cats even though they are bad.
buy or make them a scratching pole. they will use it.what they do is natural so accomodate them and you will fix the problem.
the most humane way is to go to your local pet store(petsmart ect.)they sell little covers that slip over the kittens just get different sizes as the kitten grows
you can get them declawed or just get a toy that they can scratch at.
Scratching posts

Scratching pads

If those don't work, try SoftPaws:

Please don't even consider declawing! Heres why:
get a scratchy post - or one made of cardboard. put the kitten on it when you see them try to scratch the furniture and they'll get the idea. Most of those things come with catnip, so they'll be attracted to it anyway.
Delclawing by a good vet(people have been doing that for-ever), scratch posts, stick ons for the furniture, spray bottle with water to douse them when you catch them doing it!!
spray them with a water bottle, swat them with a rolled up newspaper, or you can check the pet store for deterrents. If you don't like those ideas you can buy little caps to put on their claws so that they still have their claws but won't damage the furniture.
You don't. They will scratch. One good way to deter them is with a water pistol or better yet, a spray bottle with water in it. Even this, however, will cause them to run but will not prevent the behavior a little later. Remember, cats think they rule. The below is TRUE!

A dog says, "My human cares for me, scratches me, feeds me, gives me water and a treat. S/he must be god!" A cat says, "My human cares for me, scratches me, feeds me, gives me water and a treat. I must be god!"
ugh. De-clawing cats is cruel.
Buy a water pistol. Then shoot 'em when they touch the furniture. Unfortunately, the hard part is that the cats shouldn't SEE you doing it. That way, they'll think that if they touch the furniture (or go some place they shouldn't go to), they'll think that something's wrong and they'll start avoiding it.
If they see you, they might not make the connection that they're doing something wrong, and they won't know why you're being mean to them.
Some older cats might make the connection of doing something wrong after awhile if you grab them and yell at them several times. Kittens won't know what's going on.
Give them a scratch post or pad, Sam's and WalMart have, among many others. AND spay water on them when you catch'em.
Declaw them
Simple- Lock them in a cage or put them outside.
use a scratching post
Put scratch proof stuff on your furniture and get some cat toy that they can scratch their paws.
Cut their nails completely
Spray bottle - 50% water, 50% vinegar. They hate the smell, but the smell goes away when it dries.

I had mine de-clawed at the first possible chance.
There is a great product called Comfort Zone with Feliway that stops cats from scratching. Cats scratch because they are releasing pheromones to mark their teritory. Comfort Zone ( mimics this pheromone, signalling to cats that they don't need to mark an area. It is available in both a diffuser or spray. I swear by really works! Good luck.
everytime they do it, squirt them with a squirt gun. usually its effective after a week or so, but if your kitten has a real problem, it may take longer.

hope this helped!!
we had the same problem with our kittens. we got them a scratching post and they didnt know what it was at first then they used it all the time. if you get one, put it right next to whatever they're scratching.
I think that the scratching is just something cats do. You can consider declawing the kittens, though.

How do you stop cats from pooping in your yard?

Hi Sonya.Common odours that are effective deterrents for cats are:

Citronella works best for cats as well as citrus scents such as orange or lemon (primarily towards cats), cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and mustard oil.

"Havahart's Cat Repellent" uses capsaicin pepper and oil of mustard as its active ingredients. It repels by both taste and odor, has a lemon scent.

Every animal responds differently to each of these. Some will not be phased by them and others will be quite revolting.

For training purposes they are applied on items that are to encourage avoidance behaviours and not for use with a squirt bottle as they could harm the eyes or respiratory system. Test each substance and observe to see which works as a deterrent so that accidental injestion does not occur as some could then be fatal.

Coleus plants can be effective, but every cat responds differently so it is uncertain without experimenting.

Many people believe mothballs work, however they are considered toxic. Here's more information on this:
MOTHBALLS are toxic to cats which contains the ingredient Naphthalene. Mothballs are approximately twice as toxic as paradichlorobenzene, and cats are especially sensitive to naphthalene. Signs of ingestion of naphthalene mothballs include emesis, weakness, lethargy, brown-colored mucous membranes and collapses. Paradichlorobenzene mothballs may cause GI upset, ataxia, disorientation, and depression. Elevations in liver serum biochemical values may occur within 72 hours of indigestion.
Get a fence
get a big dog or pit bull
get a dog
Buy a dog.
Kill them
You can buy over the counter anti-cat sprays to discourage cats. I had a cat pooping in my flower bed and I sprinkled cayenne pepper all over the place and that solved the problem. This might not be practical for a big yard though.
Go to the pet store they have pellets that you place around for that purpose, sorry I can't remember the name but they will.
A 12-guage Winchester pump works for me..
get a litterbox. quit treating them like dogs.
sprinkle some pepper around the yard.
Get some very big dogs with a fence around it.

A pellet gun filled with rock salt?

It would be nice if people would take care of there pets and not let them into other peoples property destroying it. Cat owners are the worst (I am sorry for you cat owners that are not in this category, but the others give all cat owners a bad name).
Mr hit his hand on the big truck before going to work the other day, I was out there and asked him why he did this. He said so the neighbors cats if they are in the engine will get out before he starts the truck..HELLO if there cats ruin either truck they will have to pay for it! Doubt it would do anything to the trucks though? Plus there neglected pet will be dead (which will hurt my feelings).
I have bad ra and to hit the hood of the truck HURTS.Although the neighbors kittens are so darn CUTE I thought about grabbing one of the kittens and bringing it inside the house and keeping it!
Get a live trap and catch them and take them to the pound. That's what I used to do.
get a dog.i hate dogs and i know those cats will

2 pts 4 me!
go to a pet store they have stuff you can put in your yard

How do you stop cats from pooping and peeing in my yard?

Hi there.Common odours that are effective deterrents for cats are:

Citronella works best for cats as well as citrus scents such as orange or lemon (primarily towards cats), cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and mustard oil.

"Havahart's Cat Repellent" uses capsaicin pepper and oil of mustard as its active ingredients. It repels by both taste and odor, has a lemon scent.

Every animal responds differently to each of these. Some will not be phased by them and others will be quite revolting.

For training purposes they are applied on items that are to encourage avoidance behaviours and not for use with a squirt bottle as they could harm the eyes or respiratory system. Test each substance and observe to see which works as a deterrent so that accidental injestion does not occur as some could then be fatal.

Coleus plants can be effective, but every cat responds differently so it is uncertain without experimenting.

Many people believe mothballs work, however they are considered toxic. Here's more information on this:
MOTHBALLS are toxic to cats which contains the ingredient Naphthalene. Mothballs are approximately twice as toxic as paradichlorobenzene, and cats are especially sensitive to naphthalene. Signs of ingestion of naphthalene mothballs include emesis, weakness, lethargy, brown-colored mucous membranes and collapses. Paradichlorobenzene mothballs may cause GI upset, ataxia, disorientation, and depression. Elevations in liver serum biochemical values may occur within 72 hours of indigestion.
u can put garlic and or cayenne pepper all around but u'll have to replace it every time it rains. there is also a product u can get at the pet stores but u still have to replace it when it gets wet.
spray vinegar where they go .or cajun pepper
wow. thats like inpoiple to stop i will try to look on the net 4 u but mayb if u sprinkeled sumthin they dont like on yur lawn they will stop srry i cant reall help
I'd try mothballs. It seems to work to keep the wild animals out of my yard. (racoons and the like)
Keep a clean litter box in a dry area for them. Or put a cork in it--Ha Ha
cats hate water so if you see where a cat pees or poops .just soak the area down as they do not like to get their feet wet ,or you can use cayanne pepper but that can get expensive.
1)Get a big dog that hates cats.2) stand out side with a spade tip shovel 3) stand out side all night with a water bottle or 4) refer back to #1. you could try and put Cayenne pepper all over the place or ammonia but cats love using other people's yards to do their thing in.Asking your neighbores to keep their cats in as well as asking animal control to help wont help either so..if all else fails, fall back on #1. Good luck 2 U :)
if they are yours, get them neutered and spayed to solve the problem. if not, ask your neighbors to keep them inside or put a fence up. ask your vet for some more tips

How do you stop cats from fighting?

At night my neighbour鈥檚 cats fight in our back garden. I think they class it as 'neutral' territory and fight as per nature. The noise they make has woken me up several times now and it's getting to be a bit of a pain in the neck.

Anyone have any 'humane' suggestions as to how to get them to stop please?
Spray the garden with a tea made of garlic and Cayenne pepper. not only will it cure many bug problems, but the cats won't like it and will likely find some other place to hang out.

You will have to respray every few days, depending on rain. every evening if it is rainy, but it will change their habits if you keep it up for a week or so. This worked to keep my cats out of the garden, along with most bugs, rabbits and rodents feeding on the veggies!
Give them a joint.
If they don't like smoking it, bake it in a cake.
shoot them. works every time
Set up a sprinkler system in the "fight club" with a motion detector. lol
We had the same issue when we moved from a house 3 down from where we used to live. We had a street cat bully who ran our male cats back to our old home, now 1 of them refuses to come back he stays at my moms next door. The mean tomcat suddenly went away, don't know really what happened
Good luck
Get a dog, they won't have time to fight.
Tiger poo. you can order it online. they might not stop fighting, but they wont fight in YOUR garden!
take their guns away!

seriously get them neutered!
take ur cat inside
Keep them indoors at night.
pop bottles filled with water at the end of your garden will stop cats from coming in your garden.
1. Tie their paws behind their backs or
2. Get them soft boxing gloves from
Get the hose out!
spray them with pepper spray
If I was you get a water hose put a garden sprinkler on it,water you back yard before you go to bed cats don't like water or if you can ease out and turn it on while they fight that's even better,now I use red peper to keep them out of my trash and it works don't hurt them in any way now if you do that remember to redo it after it rains try it works..Pearl g
You might try spreading moth balls in the area where they are fighting. Cats don't like moth balls and this would stop them from coming in this area and would also let you continue to sleep.
I bet they aren't neutered. Ask your neighbours to have them neutered or keep them indoors at night. Cats should be kept in at night in any case as it is too dangerous for them to be out. YToo many low intelligence morons want to hurt them, people in cars will aim for them etc.
Alternatively, invest in some earplugs.
give them love together on your lap and stroke them.
there are sprays on the market you can spray the garden aparently cats dont like the smell i think its called cats away people with posh gardens use it to stop cats digging up,the plants
well . . . i think i have a suggestion that just might work young man . . . throw water over them! cats hate being wet and the more you manage to hit them the more they will associate your garden with being wet and miserable! hey presto problem solved!

How do you stop cats fouling in the gravel in your garden?

and using the gravel as a giant litter tray
Stick a curry plant down, my next door neighbour does that and they seem to stay out of her garden and crap in mine. my mother in law sticks cd's in or bottles of water.
Move the gravel - sorry a simple but really effective way! - they just like gravel and no matter what you do - they will go pee pee and doo doo on it whilst it's there.
Buy a BIG dog!
There is a cat deterrent you can get from B%26Q. It scares them off !!

Good Luck !!
Haha, tie them or put in cage if you are too bothered! It's natural for them to act in such a way, try getting them their litter box and train them in using that instead.
put garlic or moth balls in it also you can buy this stuff called pet begone it works pretty good
Maybe you should put her litter tray out there with gravel and she will use that instead. She might just like gravel to poop in, who knows.
You will have to put something on the gravel they don鈥檛 like the smell of, my neighbour put curry powder down but it stunk the whole street out for weeks!

Trr putting some esential oil drops %26 water in a watering can and then sprinkling that over the gravel.
They do a fine line in budget bb guns.
May I recommend the M14 replica with grenade launcher? My garden is now cat ( and squirel) free. Dont worry you wont do any serious damage to the cat, but they will think twice before fertilising your gravel again!
you have to clear away all the mess first. Perhaps then wash gravel using a hose (bucket). from any garden centre you can buy a product called "keep off my grass" or something similar which you spray over the whole area. There is also a jell product which you can spread round. you have to persist but it definitely will work in the end.
There's a green gel you can buy from pet shops - think it's called 'Get Off My Garden' and it's pretty effective. Of course, you will end up with green gel on your gravel, which may not be acceptable. You can also buy pepper powder, also from pet shops - this is less visible but doesn't work quite as well, in my experience.
You'll have to apply these remedies every few days - more if it's rainy, but eventually the cats may take the hint and go somewhere else. Good luck.
i have 3 cats and have bark up the side of my house belive it or not but your own cat don't do it in their own garden, but this works get a 2 litre bottle of water and fill it half way and place it an the gravel don't ask lol but it work one thing for sure cats don't like water good luck
Mustard spray from your local pets store
You can put some chicken wire underneath the gravel so that when they scratch it hurts their paws. You could also sprinkle moth balls in with the gravel. Any kind of citrus will repel them. There are sprays you can get at a pet store. The only problem with that is that it would have to be reapplied periodically. If you live near a zoo, ask them for lion feces and put them in the gravel. They will mark the gravel as another animals territory.

If all else fails, use live traps and take them to a shelter.
Buy some mothballs as cats dont like the smell, and leave them scattered in the gravel.
Before planting anything, put down chicken wire on the ground.
The cats will not like the feel on their paws and will go and find another spot.
Daft as it sounds, I don't have any gravel in my garden, and strangely enough I don't appear to have any problems with cats in t either. Maybe there is some kind of crazy correlation between the two? Who knows?
PLANT MARIGOLDS! They have such a strong odor, cats avoid them! :O)
get concrete

How do you stop cat getting out of garden?

Nail it to the fence .
Shoot it. Job done, also a major saving on food and future vet bills.
This is a great way of keeping your cat in your garden.
you want the cat in the garden or you don't want the cat in the garden.

If this is your cat and you only want it to stay in the garden build a cat enclosure in the garden for your cat.

if this is a neighbors cat getting into your in your garden put lemon or orange peals in it, cats don't like citurs. if that doesn't work call animal control and they will come and pick up the cat.
You can't. Cats go where they like. They can jump, climb and squeeze through small spaces.

Tie its legs together might work.
Cats are like people, they are independent, full of ideas, and they have bundles of imagination. If you want your lovable cat to stay in your garden, then you will need to put up some chicken wire for the sides, and top. Cats are smart by nature, so be on the look out for cleverness from them on how to get out.
>^.^%26lt; Have a good day!
Try Cajan Pepper sold at your local grocery store. just sprinkle it everywhere around and in between. do this weekly.
Short of getting a cat proof fence I`m afraid there`s nothing you can do. Cats are inquisitive creatures and like to roam, they usually come home.
You don't. Cats by nature roam around they should be allowed to come and go as they please otherwise they turn into boring fat house cats.
MOTHBALLS all the way.i use this in my house plants and garden,,,,it also keeps other wildlife is totally safe and it wont hurt them..they just don't like the smell.
I had to restrict my cat due to an injury and found the best way to stop her going too far was to attach a bit of string to the collar, with the other end tied to something like a fence or washing pole.

Obviously you need to keep a close eye on them as they do tend to get tangled and at one point almost managed to hang herself.

Other than that not sure, cats are clever creatures and can usually overcome any obstacles you set up ie special fencing etc. Prob best just to keep them in the house.
Do not use mothballs, they can be toxic. Keep the cat inside if you can't watch it. To eep it from straying too fa rwhen you're outside, it would be good to train them to walk on a harness and leash from a young age, and they'll walk just like dogs. If she's already older, try getting one of those round puppy pens, but make sure the holes are small enough that she can't get out or get her head stuck, and cover the top with mesh or flyscreen.

How do you stop a neutered male cat from urinating in unwanted places?

I've already been to the vet to check for a urinary infection. It isn't medical, but behavioral.
I've been told strong scents of orange will keep them from even going in certain areas. I've never tried it so I don't know if it works!
is this the only cat you have? if it is not it is because he is trying to mark his territory over other cats or animals you have. i had this same problem with my chiuaua and once i got rid of the other dogs he stopped peeing everywhere.
If you can't train him, there may be something you can stick around in the house (not where the litter box is) that will keep them away from those spots. My grandmother has always used moth balls. They seem to work OK. There may be other things at the store though. Is he peeing in potted plants and things? If you can't find anything, try to limit his access to them.
Shoot it.
Pellet gun, stripped electical wire, sling shot.
I have a similar problem. Except my 10 year old female cat seems to poop and pee (peeing might be the male) in other places, that are not the litter box. Part of my problem (I didn't have it before moving into my current home) is the previous people who own my home let their animals go all over the house. We still haven't managed to get this smell out of every single area.

I'm not sure where you live, but I bought a product at Meijers in the cleaning aisle. I can't remember the name right now, but it says right on the bottle that is discourages them from going in the same spot.

It is NOT Nature's Miracle. That one didn't work for my cat. You might have to try a few different products and see which one works best for your pet. And make sure you thoroughly soak the offending area. Especially if it is carpet he is urinating on. You need to make sure the removal stuff soaks all the way through the pad. If you don't soak it enough your cat will still be able to smell it.

Good luck with your problem.
First off it depends how long ago the cat was neuteured, over time the cat will calm down but sadly not completely. It will never lose it's instinct to mark its territory full stop, but it will calm down. Obviously if we're talking about an ex-stud you'll notice a massive change, if this was done when the male was young, it should be minimal anyway.

There is no sure fire way i'm afraid, my mum's had loads of cats over the years, lemon juice/orange juice/vinegar - personally it just seems to make them want to do it all the more.

The main thing you can do is try to have one central point in the house where the litter tray is, if you already have then fine otherwise old cats can learn new tricks and let them know you're the boss. It might sound cruel but get a water pistol, if the cat begins to spray just give it a shot (just to surprise) and it'll soon learn not to spray around your house.
its easy, try this wherever he pees clean it with jus water than when its dry, use vinegar on the same spot n make him smell it for a sec, then he wont pee in that spot again, try usin vinegar in ur cleanin routine it will stop him peeing n he will be left wit his litter box.
trust me it works I've got more than 5 cats n it worked for all of them
Can't be done. Tried different techniques for years, to no avail. Just love him and put up with him.

How do you stop a kitten pissing where it shouldn't?

My newly aquired six month old kitten is perfect in every way, he's laid back, friendly, plays fetch and uses his litter tray like all good cats should - however. he also insists on pissing on my bean bag in my living room! every opportunity he gets he pisses on it - its lucky its a leather bean bag so easy to clean up, but I can't understand his obsession with it!?!?! how do i make him stop?
Hi Brett.sometimes when cats inappropriately soil in areas other than the litterbox it is indicative of a medical problem. If he's constipated or has a urinary infection of one type or another this cause litterbox avoidance. When cats are using the litterbox and experience pain while going to the bathroom they associate the pain with the litterbox thereby believing by going elsewhere will feel better. Consider ringing your vet to discuss an appointment for an evaluation.

Additionally, if there's been a recent change of location of the litterbox, change of litter brand, new changes in the home, new pets added, multiple cats competing for the litterbox, not cleaning the box more frequently, box is too small, litterbox is uncovered or it's not covered (some cats prefer one over the other).all of these and other associated possibilities will also cause litterbox avoidance behaviours as well.

Many people have have noted that beanbags contains some type of chemical which bears similarity to urine used in the stryofeam beads inside that cats dislike. This could be why he's only chose this one area, however it's best advised to considering contacting your vet to discuss an evaluation if your kitty has a urinary infection.

The other possibility is if your male kitty hasn't been neutered he's past the age of reaching sexual maturity (5/6 months). Having him neutered as soon as possible would be recommended so that he doesn't turn this into a long-term bad habit which neutering sometimes will not help in this one area.

More on litterbox avoidance problems by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine:
kick it!
spray it with lemon juice diluted in water
Keep the litter box very clean or the kitty will not piss there
i think you should stop taking him to the bean bag. its like why do u prefer to piss in the toilet. y cant you piss on the road
Every time you catch him spray water from a water bottle on his face or stick him in litter box. He will get it.
either plug its hole or cut it off
As leather doesn't absorb moisture it might make your pusssy wet?

U have to catch him in the act %26 induce pain, cover his eyes when U deliver it, so he dosn't see where it's coming from.
There is probably an odor that you haven't successfully been able to get rid of and it's attracting the cat to go there. I'd suggest cleaning it with Natures Miracle, you can get it at pet stores and can be kinda costly, but it's guaranteed to work. I'd also leave the bean bag on top of a shelf or something until it thoroughly dries giving the cat some time to forget about it. If not, when you catch the cat in the moment of going pee, carry her to the litter box.
Your bean bag now smells like his toilet, cut your loses bin it. Use a litter designed to attached cats to it, once he gets the idea a cheaper one will do. Keep it clean. Stick the cat in it whenever he looks like he is thinking about it. You have to untrain him then train him again.
I had a problem with a cat and my carpet, once I lost the carpet lost the problem went straight to the tray!
Have you had him neutered yet? If not that's a good first step. Male kittens tend to spray more before they're neutered.

Other than that, make sure his litter box is clean and in an area that he's comfortable with.
may be you should try and put the litter tray there when he has had a poo,he keeps going back there because his scent is there due to him weeing there before,
My mum swears by rubbing vinegar where a cat has weed coz it takes away the scent to the cat that thats their toilet
Sounds like the little guy has claimed some territory. One thing that you can do that will help, is clean the bag with a cleaner that has lemon oil in it. Pledge, or Mr. Clean with lemon, something like that will work nicely. Cats tend to dislike the lemon scent, and this should repel him from doing his business on the sleeping bag. Check with your local nursery and see if you can get a potted lemon oil plant and set it nearby as a permanat repellant. Another thing you can do, is feed him nearby. Animals don't usually pee where they eat. Especially the fanatically clean feline. It goes against their very nature. Hopefully these small things will discourgage your beloved beast into becoming a purrrfect pet.
Spray citrus scents around. and on what it's pissing on they usually fined it offensive and run the other way.
I have cats and have had cats most my life when thats the problem look on line and at cat training books or every time you cat does that catch it then take it back were he did it force his face infront of it and then squirt with a sray bottle in his face, then put him in his litter box for a while and if that doesn't work, put his litter box in a small room with his litter box for about an hour after hes eaten alot.
Wipe the bag with a mixture of half bleach and half water the smell will keep kitty away.
catch her and rub her nose it htet spot wher she is pissing
He must smell something there that triggers it.
it's because the bean bag is leather and therefore the kitten sees it as another animal. Maybe you could put the bean bag somewhere where the kitten doesnt go? Not sure but my cat is pretty violent with my leather coach, straching it all the time and stuff.
Good Lucj

How do you stop a cat from urinating in a certian area of the house?

We have a female cat that continues to urinate in one spot of the house no matter what we spray or how many times we clean it
Have you taken her to the vet? Sometimes when a cat urinates outside of it's box it may be a sign of an underlying health problem. Is the area she's peeing on carpet? Perhaps you need to get rid of that peice of carpet. no matter how well you clean it the scent will stick. Maybe move her box to that area if possible. If all else fails you may just have to resort to closing off the area (if possible). good luck!
I have 3 cats. We cleaned it, and I think it was at PetCo or somewhere like that, they have this spray, that you spray down where they've been spraying. It worked for my cat. But too, we took her to the vet and I forget what, but something was scaring her or something. I don't remember completely.

But check out the pet stores for stuff like that.
Cats hate the smell of citrus. Try rubbing some orange peel in that area and see if that does the trick.
It has worked for me in the past.
I've read that a cat won't potty on aluminum foil.Give it a try!
if the area is a wood floor the solution is vinger..white vinger pout it on and rub in..meow vinger
why dont you try getting some of this spray stuff instead of the usual things.

just click on it and itll take you to this spray that keeps cats from scratching things but im sure it could prevent ur cat from marking that spot nemore and since its from petsmart you know its gotta b safe. hope this helps!!
All of these suggestions are good ones.

The one that finally worked for my cat was to move her food to the area where she was peeing. Cats won't pee around their food.

How do you stop a cat from spraying?

We have a male tomcat,and lately he's beenmarking on everything ,what is a cheep effective way to stop this behavior.I'd like to do it without having him fixed .
He has to be fixed, no two ways about it, and do it soon or he will keep spraying even AFTER he's fixed because it will be a habit. Please get this done, or there will be litters of kittens at the SPCA that were sired by your cat.
having him neutered is the only way he will stop. sorry
You can't. he will probably continue to do it after he is fixed, if you would have done it early he may never have started.. my male never sprays..
get a squirt bottle and sqirt him when u see him doing that
Once a cat learns to spray, he will spray forever. Sorry!
wash it using head and shoulders shampoo
have him fixed. get the vet to give him a shot of hormones.

Yeah, gotta agree, this is why you get them fixed, and get them fixed young. Pet overpopulation is obviously an issue as well. And, fixed toms don't fight nearly as much.
Try Feliway

Feliway庐 Pheromone Spray and Diffuser

* The Natural Solution to Control Cat Urine Marking, Scratching and Stress.
* Feliway is an synthetic analogue of the feline facial pheromone which reproduces the familiarization properties normally produced by a cat when it deposits its own facial pheromones in the environment.
* Ideal for use with behavioral problems such as:
o Urine marking
o Vertical scratching
o Loss of appetite
o Avoidance of Social Contact
* Aids in calming cats:
o During travel
o Useful in acclimating cats to new environments
o During hospitalization
o When moving to a new home
o When introducing a new cat into a multi-cat household
* One vial last approximately 4 weeks
* Active coverage area is up to 650 square feet
* Plug diffuser in an open area, do not place behind furniture
* Phermone Spray calms cats in stressful situations:
o Transport
o Hospitalization
o Boarding and waiting rooms
* Helps cats adjust to new environments, new pets, and new people
* Convenient 75 mL spray bottle
The only way to stop a tom cat form spraying is to take his balls out.
we have the same problem w/ our cat. try getting a kitty litter box for him w/ some kittey litter and see wat he does.
I know the prospect of fixing the cat may seem expensive.. but its really not that bad. You can choose between a house full of cat urine. or spending $70 to have him fixed. Its definitely worth it!
The only way to do this is get him fixed. What is your reasoning for not wanting to have this done?? It is not expensive. There are alot of unwanted animals in this world and thousands that get euthanized every day at shelters becuase there arnt enough homes. Please dont contribute to this by not neutering your cat.
As everybody else has told you you have to get him fixed and it might be to late. We had the same problem with a cat we found and we had him fixed and it kept spraying in the house. I hated to do this but it had to go outside. Cat urine is very hard to get the smell out and my house was smelling so bad it was nasty and it almost gagged you when you walked in the door.
The only way I know is to get it neutered.

How do you stop a cat from spraying in the house?

If your cat is neutered and it starts spraying in the house, it's usually because of some change, like a new dog or cat being brought in.

If it's legal in your area, put the cat outside for awhile.

The only way i know of is getting it fixed (spayed/neutered).
put it outside.
take to the vet to be spayed.
get them nuetered.
Either get a dog or have the cat spayed.
leave it out side or if you have to bring it in tazer it every time it goes to do something, such as poop, pee, eat, drink, blink. etc.

How do you stop a cat from returning to a previous home?

Hello. we have 3 cats, Mommy cat and 2 of her sons. We have recently moved a few streets away from where we living, approx 1/2 mile away.
The sons are fine and have not returned, the Mother however is a different kettle of fish. She is returning at least once a week and it is getting more difficult to get her to come to us when we fetch her home. She seems content enough when here and has always been with us since a kitten.
All 3 were kept in for the same amount of time before letting them explore their new territory in gradually increasing amounts of time. So what can we do; as we are concerned that someone may take her in or that she may get hurt on her travels; to keep her by the new house?
butter her paws
its bad to let youre cat outside the can catch all kinds of stuff my 9 year old kitty hasnt ever been outside hes fine just looking out the window .
Move overseas.
put it in a bin liner and place the bag behind your rear wheel, get into the car and put the gear in reverse and put your foot on the gas. Once you have performed this task put your gear into 1st and repeat the process. You will find that your cat will not be bothering anyone again.
Have you tied putting butter on her paws? There's an old wife's tale about this!

Half a miles's not far and she probably used to roam this far when she was in the OLD house. Of course in her mind, if she could get into the old house it would be great- especially now the sons are away!

No, the only way is to make the old house seem unpleasant in some way.
It woul dhelp if they had a dog actually. If the new occupants are cat lovers they are probably talking to her, and she will sense that a good lifestyle awaits her in the old house.

But at the end of the day- and we should NEVER forget this- it's only a cat.
I'm not sure how but putting some butter on her paws is supposed to work.
You need to keep it in the new home for a while say about two weeks to allow it to get the new scent of the place and the knowledge that you live as well too. Also spead some of its cat litter in the garden/yard to help it to know that its own smell is there. If you can keep it on a lead for a while around the garden/yard for the same reason. The cat should soon ajust. Best of luck they are not daft it will soon work it out.
tough question. I would get a leash and harness and take her out that way for a good while, that might teach her it'd not okay to run free, and she has to stay at you new house.make sure she had ID on her to
The poor mommy kitty.. She misses what she had at the previous home.. It is sad in a way. What you must do is to give her love(pettings, brushing, etc) at YOUR new place and of course I am sure that you are feeding her there at your new place also but that is probably all you can do.. I feel so sorry for the mommy kitty since she misses so much her life at the former place but if you can give her much attention, they usually change
Keep your cats in as there is enough unwanted cats being drop off at ranches like mine because people do not want them or the kittens anymore.
She's older right? So, she might be taking longer to adjust. Keep her inside for a bit longer. It might just work!
Hi, this is a common problem and the usual technique is to keep them housebound for a couple of weeks when you move. She is still treating the old house as her territory and has to be broken of the habit
when i moved house ( i have 2 cats) keep them "house-bound" for about 1 - 2 weeks, using a litter tray, so they dont have to go outside, and soon they should get the picture that THIS is their new home
you don't actually say HOW long you kept them in. Some cats need to be kept in for longer. Try a month. Then do not feed her in the morning, let her out and call her back in an hour later and give her a little food. Always make sure she is hungry when you let her out.
I can't believe some people actually believe that putting butter on their paws actually works hehehehehe! Some folks will believe anything.
Cats are territorial and can travel many miles to go back to old homes.Keep her in for a few weeks then when you let her out stay out with her for a few times, always make a big fuss of her when she goes out and comes back.At least you don't have far to go to fetch her home.
go back to stage one and keep mum in again for 4- 6 weeks do not let her out quicker she will only do it again that is the recommended time to keep the cat in for do not put butter on her paws she willonly be sick licking it off
keep her in the house for a while and give her some treats.
Some say if you put butter on their paws they'll never leave.

I did it with my cat and she hasnt tried to go to the other house yet. Dont know if thats the reason or not. But it cant hurt to try.

How do you socialize a feral 8-12 week old kitten?


I rescued a kittie. He is sort of feral through he never tried to bite me, scratch me or hiss at me. He even let me pet him for a sec before he started to try to climb the walls in fear.anyway I want to try to socialize him, and find him a good home, but have never done it before. Does anyone know how to do that?
Patience and a lot of love, lol.

It doesn't sound as if he's too far gone. In fact, he may not be feral at all, just a scared kitten.

Give him plenty of love (but don't force affection), and try to move slowly around him for the first couple of days, taking care to move things to a more "normal" pace with time. This will get him used to your presence slowly instead of being bombarded with the oddities of every day life all at once. Too much stress could delay the socialization process. Get some cat toys and play with him, offer him treats from your hand, and give him a warm place to curl up and sleep (the rounded cat beds are fantastic).

And most importantly, get him to a vet as soon as possible!

And kudos for wanting to rescue the little guy:)
Nicolette, you've got to have a lot of patience and use lots of TLC. Feed it and socialize by giving treats every time it gets close to you. Of course, keep up the petting and when you've won it's confidence pick it up and hold close; not tight in a short time it'll be used to the love and attention. Good luck.
feral means a plant or animal that is not native to the country that it is currently in. do you mean it is wild?
food is the best motivator. get a can of tuna and make it come to you to get it. get up and move with the tuna, and make it follow you around to get more. only feed it dry food away from you.
soon enough it will asociate you with good things and will come to you even when you dont have any food.
The best way to get a wild or semi wild animal to get used to you is with food. Sit or lay near the bowl when you feed, as close as he will let you. If he won't come, move back. Don't make any movements towards him until he is comfortable. Speak softly to get him used to your voice.Then try laying your hand on the floor and sliding it closer. Reaching from above will trigger the instinct to run/hide. Often if you just sit quietly, curiosity will prevail and they will come to you. Let him see that you are not threatening in any way. Once you can move without startling him, try rolling a ball with a bell or one of those crackly foil ball toys slowly towards him. Especially if it's a kitten they will eventually want to play.

Good Luck!
You just need to take the time with him. You need to contain him to one room and stay with him a little every day. talk to him like a baby they seem to like that. I just recently rescued 4 kittens and i have kept one by the time i had given the kittens to new owners they wher fine but it took 8 weeks and they wern't that feral. Just remember it's time consuming just don't give up
Feral kitties need ALOT of patience. My son brought home my Stormy over 13 years ago. She was doing fine with a couple of my elderly cats, at the time. When I got her spayed, she didn't want us to hold her anymore or touch her tummy. But when my older cats passed, she was very sad. But,she is resceptive to petting, but not holding her. I wake up with her sitting on top of me,now. Different cats respond to different places and enviorments-GOOD LUCK!!
Yay! A feral question! I am my shelters only feral handler, and I LOVE it. If you properly want to socialize a feral kitten, you'll need to purchase a few things. First get a small crate (small dog cage basically)- try those renting stores if you dont want to buy one- buy a harness w/leash. Ok.. put the cage in a semi-busy people traffic area in your home. That wa he can get used to feet, sounds of ppl walking by, but not to much to scare him so much he just hides in the lit box! Make sure you put his food and water and litter box inside the cage as well. Also place a few towels in there so he can consider them security blankets.
Do NOT let him out to play or whatever until he can come up to you and let you pet him etc on his own from the corners of the cage. Once that trust is established, you can practice letting him out in front of the cage with the harness and leash. Dont let him roam to far, get some toys keep him entertained near the cage. Try to hold him at this point with the harness and leash on, baby steps on that. After about a week of that step- he'll be ready to start exploring more around the house with a harness/leash. For the first few times he gets roam of the house, stay with him on the leash. Gradually, and with your knowledge of how he's coming along, you can let him go on his own with out you, but with the harness and leash still on. This way, you can still get him if he is spooked and runs under something, and he learns that you are the one in control. The purpose for going with him on the leash at first before letting him go on his own, is because he needs to learn comfort with people around him, following him, behind him, etc. And if he realizes he cant get away, over time that'll pass and he'll calmly explore a little more w/comfort.
When you think he is read you can eliminate the harness and leash, but not the cage. I think it would be best if you kept him caged over nights and what not, so that way your not adding confusion by moving a litter box, or comfort zones. Let a new family do that.
Hope I have helped some, good luck!

How do you set a Havaheart trap?

I'm trying to trap a sweet little black cat that has a wounded leg.have the Havaheart trap from the local Humane Society, and we'll have him seen by the vet, get the wound fixed and then find him a home. I just can't seem to get the trap set right.

Please help this sweet cat!
they are not easy to set and to try to explain on here without showing you would be difficult, i would suggest that you ask those who lent you it, to show you. once you have seen them do it, try it yourself, so you have it firmly fixed in your mind. wishing you all the very best with catching this cat.
You should go back to your humane society and ask them to instruct you on it. You may also want to take a look at this website.

How do you scold a cat when it attacks and bites you repeatedly?

I have a cat that has a jekyl and hyde personality.we've had him for 5 years and you'll be petting him and wham he turns and tries to eat your hand. we calmly put him down on the floor and walk away from him. You can try the water squirting thing but I have never tried that to give you any pointers. We just have to be very aware of our cats mood and if he does attack we put him down an dremove ourselves from the equation. Cats love attention so if they stop getting it the behavior might too. But please ignore the beat them comments you can do real damage to a cat if you do that.but I'm sure you already knew that :) GOOD LUCK and I hope you keep all your limbs :)
Beat the heck out of it
DONT! Cats are wonderful animals, show it that you love it somehow, animals have emotions just like humans and most people don't belive or get that. Or give it a present. If it still acts like that towards you after being very kind, then spray it with some water!
Just boot it's ar*e
be firm when saying no or try a water spray bottle. cats hate water for the most part and it always works to spray them when they are doing something bad.
Do it the liberal way, send it to therapy!
Shoot the damn thing.
mother cats discipline kittens by bopping them on the nose. Just a light tap should work. You should see the look on their faces after you do that, it gets the message across!
Did that poster actually say give the cat a present? that's nuts!
Need more information here as to the age of the cat. If it is a kitten you are its playmate and mother and you must do the training to help the youngster understand this is not acceptable behavior.

You will not "train" by any physical punishment. Cats cannot understand why they are being "punished" for their natural behavior so redirection is the key in training.
dont hurt your cat, but you might want to say No! or spray your cat with a spray bottle. but dont scare you cat too much or it wont like you O.O
Carry part of a rolled up newspaper with you. When the cat begins this, slap the newspaper against your leg. The noise will frighten her. May take a few times, but she'll get it. Never hit the cat with the newspaper.
Put water in a spray bottle and spray her with it right in the face she will stop.
k sounds mean but lemoon juice it! lol, evrytime it behaves badly, squirt a bit of lemon juice on his fur, where you know itl be able to lick it off, and w8. Firstly the shock becomes ascociated wit the bad behaviour, but this is reinforced by the bad taste when the cat tries to groom itself. Lemon juice is harmless so this method is safe and effective.
well i don't know about cats,only have dogs, but a spray bottle with water is a great training tool. i would imagine kitty would get the point real quick after being squirted in the face a few times.
tell her no then watch her roll her eyes at you
How need to growl in a very low voice and tap her on the nose. Turn away and refuse to play or pick her up. She will get the message.
give it to the pound
i have a female cat that is 2 years old, and unfortunatly not fixed yet. she does have that jeckel and hyde personality too. she gets real angry and attacks. what i do is i grab her by the scruff of the neck like the mother does and hold down her front legs and tell her no and then i put her down and walk away from her. she has stopped doing as often as she was, you have to let them know that you are the alpha leader and are not going to let her do what ever she wants. i watch that dog wishper show and i use some of his techniques on her, like using that sound and projecting my energy to her and she doesn't know what to make of it and she gets confused and most times she just walk away from me! good luck! i am hoping that when i get her fixed this will go away.
Invest in a spray can of air (the kind you clean electronics with). Spray that at them and shout NO!. I have an aggressive cat and it works wonders on him. We were taught that trick by someone we went to that specialized in animal behavior.
she probaly thinks you are playing with her tap the cat LIGHTLY on the nose and say NO in a loud firm voice and walk away
do you try playing with her and giving her loving my cat use to do that but i gave her a little bit of playing and she calmed down a lot
I think what you have is an outdoor kitty. If you don't have the yard for it, and have to keep the cat indoors, just leave your cat be. Some cats, like some people, are just unsociable. It won't do much good to scold a cat. They respond well to a loud firm "NO!" In order to teach them the word, you have to be consistent and use the word everytime they're are doing a behavior you don't like. A squirt of water inconjunction with the "NO!" helps too. I suspect you used you hands to play with your cat when it was a kitten. So it learned it was ok to attack and chew on you. Try introducing some toys, so your cat has other outlets for it predatory instincts.
Get a kitty friend.
When 2 kittens play with eachother they can see that biting and scartching actually hurts and won't do it to you.
Plus if they feel the need to have a cat fight they can with their new friend instead of you/your sweater/your foot or whatever.
If you don't want a seccond cat, or don't have room for it, then would say no fimly and take the cat and put it on the floor or walk away. The cat will understand you don't like to play like this.
Another way that is very effective in stopping the bitting instantly is to hiss like a cat would. That stops them right in their tracks.
Good luck!

How do you revive a dead kitty with common household tools if your dad is a mad scientist?

Fart, Eat crap, marry a penguin, and run down the street screaming "I'M JAMES BOND!!" hope that helps.
It doesn't matter if you have a mad scientist for a dad, although that sounds AWESOME! all you have to do is cut an electric wire plugged in to the house, and shock the cat.. or just set it on fire and watch it burn. And before you ask your next question, i am completely sane. i think!
u send ur dad to the asylum, then bury the cat, cuz it ain't coming back
Hey, it sounds like you're the mad scientist. BTW My cat, Tika, thinks so too. I hope that you're just kidding.
ohhhh. you better be kidding.