Monday, May 24, 2010

How many cat owners give their cats herbal remedies to keep sickness away and promote optimum health?

I give my 4 cats wet food with NEEM mixed in and a dash of olive oil every Sunday to keep fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and viral infections at bay. Who else gives their cat herbs and what herb do you use?
I have a 22 yr old cat and her homeopathic veterinarian has given me an herbal mixture to put in Cameo's food twice a day. I asked the vet what herbs were in the mixture and she rolled up her eyes and said, "Do you really want to know?" Chinese medicine is very complicated I guess and I wouldn't be familiar with any of the herbs anyway.

I am thinking now of taking on a beautiful white, fluffy cat who is fifteen years old and was abandoned at the groomer/cat boarder's place where Cameo goes to get her baths. So I will definitely be ordering "New Beginnings" from Dr. Jean Hovfe's site to treat all my other five and the new one when he comes to my home. The spirit essences are combinations of herbs and flowers used to treat emotional and adjustment issues in animals.

I don't have a problem with parasites here. I feed my cats a home-made raw meat diet which is supposed to be the best as far as keeping their immune systems in top shape. That has a salmon oil capsule per pound of meat.

I am going to get some Rhus toxicodenron (poison ivy) to see if it can help Cameo with her arthritis.

My twelve year old cat with bladder cancer, for which there is no allopathic treatment, is being treated by a homeopathic doctor. Mincho has had two doses of staphagaria.

So those are my ventures into alternative medicine for my cats.
I don't, but I like to give him cheetos because it freshens his breath and I like the little orange crumbs that he gets in his itty bitty beard.
I don't because he won't take them even in his wet food
i don't use any herbs for my cats

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