Monday, May 24, 2010

how long does it take for cats to deliver babies after becoming pregnant?

Cat pregnancies last about 9 weeks. If you're asking how long they're in labor for, that varies from cat to cat, but it doesn't usually last too long. If the mom starts showing signs of straining or it just looks like she's having difficulty and no kittens are coming out, you should call the vet.
9 weeks, or 2 months or 63 days.
WHY DIDN'T YOU SPAY YOUR CAT??!! then you wouldn't be asking this question!! you're are doing nothing but risking her health by letting her have a litter!! do know how many unwanted cats/kits in animal shelters are euthanized each year because there are just not enough homes for them! sure, your kittens may find a good home, but think about the kittens who will never have home becuase your kitten took away their chance of a caring home! maybe you should think about that lady!!
63 days in most cases
it should be about 9 weeks

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