Monday, May 24, 2010

How long will my cats be kept at the vets when they are neutered??

Male - neutered: just overnight (actually, some vets have you bring the male cat in the morning and release them in the evening of the same day)
Female - spayed: at least two nights, most of the time 3
You can generally take them home that same afternoon. If there are complications or other procedures at the same time (like declawing), they are usually kept overnight.
overnight. no longer. unless there's complications but their shouldn't be.
i dont really know the real answer but when i brought my rabbit in to be fixed which is like the same thing as a cat i brought her home the same day but it also depends when you bring your cat into the vet if you bring it in early in the morning you will be able to take it home later in the day
It really depends on what the surgeon feels is adequate time to observe post surgery. Most hospitals will let you take them home the same day since a cat neuter is a fairly uninvasive surgery. But if there are any special situations in which he is dehydrated or taking longer to recover from anesthesia then they may choose to keep him longer.
your cats will be out the same day depending on how thier surgery went they have 2 stay in the vets for at least 2-3 hours after thier surgery so they can recover they will be very sleepy during the rest of the day but will soon be playful cats again dont worry it will be fine
i too just had a cat neutered. two actually. it depends on the vet. some vets will keep them for a day or two over night. some will just tell u to come pick him up after the surgery. so no one can really tell u that. the only person that could is ur vet. and he doesnt even know.cuz something could go wrong with the surgery. but dont take my word for it. this is a very routine procedure. it just depends on the vet
male overnight.female 2-3days
I put a female cat in to get neutered once, got a male back. Boy was I embarrassed but a darn sight cheaper it was
They used to keep cats overnight but not any more. You bring them to the vets in the morning and can bring them home that night. The vet will advise you on what time to take their food/water away the night prior to the surgery.
Perhaps 5 days.
my female cat was kept overnight, so probably overnight, maybe a few days.
usually 24 hours tops.If it means u don't have to pay for them to stay then let them keep them for the night to b safe but if it is a money issue then you would be able to take them home the same day try asking your vet ot a couple some r out to make extra money.
Since they are sedated, we generally ask clients to drop the patient off between 7-8 am, NO FOOD or DRINK after 10pm the night before. After surgery and the sedation wears off, they generally are released to go home by 5pm.UNLESS there were complications, which in that case it would be the doctor's/vet's decision as well as the client/owner. We do ask that they reutrn for an incision recheck in 10 days, sooner if there is swelling or complications that arise before.
Most vets now use the gas anesthesia isofluorene for their dentals and surgeries. Recovery from that it very quick and the neutering surgery is also quick so in AM is usually out PM on that one.

If injection anesthesia is used it takes much longer for it to leave the cat's body and vets will have them "under observation" until they are fully awake and moving normally.
Male cats can be taken in morning, out that same evening. Female cats usually kept in overnight unless vet decides it safe to take kitty home for tlc.

Ive just had my male kittens done less than a month ago and they were take in at 8.45am and picked them up at 5pm.

Different cats. different vets. different circumstances.
Just a few hours. You'd usually take them in about 9am and pick them up around 3 or 4 depending on how well they were coming round from the anesthetic
my male cat went in early morning came out at tea time. couldnt eat or drink b4 op its a minor op on a male they soon recover but longer for females
i got my cat neutered a few weeks ago and i droped him off at like 8 in the morning and picked him up at like 330. he was still groogy so i keept him in his crate overnight.and he was fine..
Hi, generally they go in the morning and then you collect them later the same day, mine were only in for about 5 hours and they werent as dopey as the vet said they would be either!
you take them in in the morning and they come home that afternoon.
WHAT? no, males the same day, females-the next day! i have fixed many cats!
take them in the morning and back by teatime either sex
when i had mine done,i took them in 8 in the morning and they came out at 6pm.please be carefull,if its a female make sure she cannot reach her stitches,i REALLY REALLY would advies a cone collar when shes coherant, as mine ripped her stitches and i saw her guts hanging on the floor.she went into emergency surgery and was fine,but i dont think a lot of vets tell u the danger of that.sorry to give u the worst case scenario,ive had 5 others done and they were fine!
Its just a day job, as far as my experience goes.
After the surgery is completed, the vet will want to keep an observation on your kitty for at least one full day once he/she has reached the recovery room.
God bless you!
If the surgery has gone well..then usually within a few hours..but most certainly the same day. Make provisions (ie. Litter Tray) for keeping you cat in for at least a few days whilst he/she is recovering, you vet practic will advise you on the aftercare required depending on the proceedure carried out (you didn't say if it was a boy or girl and I didn't want to presume that as you said neutered that it was a boy.many people misunderstand this term)
they most likley will be home the same day!!
I picked my2 up later on that day, the female was more lathargic than the male,it's tougher on them(typical!!) they like lil patients but the sooner you have the procedure done the better,also the female cat has to return4the removal of stiches around a week later but on the most part they remove them while cleaning themselves,good luck.

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