Friday, May 21, 2010

how long does it take a cat to digest a piece of string?

My cat swallowed a piece of string in JUly and its now October and he just threw up a piece of string. is it possible its the same piece?!
Hi there.. It's unlikely the string you see is the same piece since items pass through the digestive system within 2-4 days. It's truly important to secure all string-like objects (kitty-proof) within your home to prevent accidental ingestion, which can be lethal.

String, twine, cord, ribbon, tinsel, rubber bands, dental floss, and similar items are potentially lethal/fatal to cats. When string/thread is chewed and swallowed by a cat, it often can become caught on the tongue or lodged somewhere in the gastrointestinal tract sometimes but rarely pooped out if it's small enough. Ingested string-like substances continues to be carried through the tract by the natural actions of the digestive system. The taught string slices the intestinal tissues, causing severe infection and death if surgery is not performed in time. Any vet can confirm this fact over the phone. Sometimes the end of a thread foreign body can be seen in the cat's mouth or protruding from the anus, but many cannot be seen on examination. Your cat should be taken to a veterinarian immediately if you suspect that he has swallowed string or anything else that might cause damage. Please DO NOT PULL the string from the anus as this could kill a cat. Contact your vet as quickly as possible as this is life threatening.

Please the following article about the dangers of string substances:
I wouldn't doubt it. My granddaughter's cat had to be put down because her intestines were entangled by a ribbon she (the cat) swallowed.
string is pretty much undigestable.. but I wouldnt suspect the same string would have remained in the stomach though to be vomitted up.. it would pass through the intestines and be pooped out.. however it is a small possibility .

I suggest keeping your house so the cat cannot get any string - it could have actually killed the cat by causing problems when passing through the intestine
I don't know about that, but my Poppy once ate a piece of yarn, and she pooped it out later that day or the next, I'm not sure which. Perhaps it depends on what the string is made of.

But I do recommend keeping an eye on her. If she's a string eater like my girl, you'll want to make sure there's nothing accessible to her, because it is dangerous to them.

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