Monday, May 24, 2010

How long is a cat preg. for?

A little over 2 months.
about three months i think
I think 63 days
around 63 days.
about 10 to 11 weeks is about the average
9 weeks usually
my cat always went exactly 61 days.
9 Weeks
A cat is pregnant for about 60-63 days, you can have an ultrasound done at a local Vet for a reasonable price, and that will tell you how far along she is and how many kittens you are expecting.
3-4 months
9 weeks, you can easily remember because it is 9 months for an woman, and 9 weeks for a cat.
Nine weeks, but it is hard to tell if you don't know when they were caught or in heat last. When they start to show, you have about a month.
Your cat is pregnant about two months.
I have a cat who's almost always getting pregnant. her gestation peroid usually lasts about 3 months, so i would say, About 3 months.

(I may have spelled "gestation" wrong, I mean, what am i, a dictionary?!!?)
most of the time its 9 weeks.
Around 60 days give or take a few days depending on nutrition etc.
Pregnancy in cats , called the "gestation period", generally ranges from 60 to 67 days, with the average being 63 days. around 63 - 65 days.
untill there kittens are born
it,s 9 weeks.
3 months
10 mins in my house will drown it
Yep it,s nine weeks.

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