Friday, May 21, 2010

How long does it take cats fur to grow back on average?

I took my cat to the groomers today to get "Trimmed" note the word trimmed. Much to my suprise I got him home and he was given a lions cut/buzz. He is a beautiful part siamese part persian long hair cat and he looks soo terrible. The cut is all jagged and sloppy and uneven. To make things worse I have 3 other cats at home who are his best buddies and when I brought him home they totally freaked out. They won't stop hissing at him and acting as if they don't know him. He is so confused as to whats going on. I thought cats remembered each other by scent but obviously not. so how long is it gonna be before they recognize him? And for his fur to grow back normal?
I appreciate any help!
Sad Shaved Kitty
It usually takes around 6 months for cat hair to grow back. I hate too be the one to tell you this, but your cat's hair will never grow back the same way it was before. Length wise, probably. Fluffiness and silkiness, no. When the hair grows back, it grows in thicker. My sister is a dog/cat groomer and she has one client who keeps her cat shaved in a lion cut. Its a funny thing to see, but I don't understand why someone would want that for their cat (I'm sorry your kitty got shaved that way).

Good luck to your kitty for regrowing his hair.
When i first got my cat he was a stray, and he was so scared at my house he chewed all of his hair on his legs all the way up. He is a long haired cat, and it grew back within a few months.. I was worried about the cold weather coming , but he had hair bythen. It will grow back sooner than you think.
Cat fur is constantly growing, and replenishing itself. Unfortunatly, it sounds as if you and your groomer didn't communicate well. It could take as long as 6 months before your cats coat is back to normal. Your other cats will adjust to the new look though.
His scent smells different as he has been to the groomers.Try dabbing all your cats with a dab of vanilla then they will all smell the same and the hissing should stop. As to the fur it will take a couple of months.
I'm curious why you thought kitty needed a trim, was it because of fur balls? That's the only reason I can think of why someone would take their cat for this type of treatment. Persians need to be brushed, plain and simple. I digress, your cats hair is like human hair, it grows back at about the same rate. So everyone is correct, 6 months and you will never know this happened. The other cats? Well, kitty is now different, so acceptance has to happen all over again.

It will grow back within a few short weeks. Once kitty gets even some fur back, he will look much, much better.

I hope you didn't PAY for this. I would have raised hell!

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