Monday, May 24, 2010

How long should you wait before you wean a kitten.?

I usually leave them with their momma untill they are eating solid food regularly which is about eight weeks.

Read this site for more info on cat weaning.
I think it is 6 weeks
usually till they get a little buzzed.
Ideally, eight weeks so the kitten will be well adjusted. Too soon, and they will have behaviors that reveal they were weaned too early.

Please find good homes for the kittens when the time is right, and get everyone fixed so you do not contribute to pet overpopulation any further. Too many animals are needlessly put to death each year because people did not prevent it.
Between 7 and 8 weeks. just make sure he can eat some solids, but when you do it, first put the the kitty's food in milk, so it would be softy, and would not get hurt.

[I love kittens]
start at about 41/2 weeks soft food at first by six weeks they should be worked upto dry food and good to go!
About 8 weeks, even though kittens are starting to eat dry food doesn't mean they are fully weaned. Most mothers will do this themselves. It was so funny when our mother kitty (that we fostered) was spayed because she had mostly weaned her kitties (or we wouldn't have spayed her.) The moment mommy was asleep because of the medicine, the kittens all tried to nurse. I made sure then to remove mother while she was still drowsy because I wasn't sure them drinking medicine filled milk was good for them. I had one kitten name Willie who wouldn't stop nursing. Mom used to bat him away all the time, but this time he was 9 weeks old and she knew it was time for him to be done.
Momma cat will do the weaning. They will start trying to eat mom's food in about 5 to 6 weeks. When mom has had enough of nursing, she will not allow it any more. By 8 weeks they no longer need to be nursed at all.
you should never wean before six weeks, but eight is actually better for the kitten. by then mom will have already started to do it for you.
at least 6 wks - 8 wks is better
They can be weaned at five or six weeks.

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