Friday, May 21, 2010

how long does a cat live?

average life is 15-17 years some live longer my sisters cat is now 25 years old and still going strong the better you look after them the longer they can live . plenty of attention and love and they will love you back in their own way i have 4 cats
the mother and her 3 kittens 2 female 1 male all have been fixed up which also improves their life expectancy
the mother cat is now 13 years oldkittens 6 years old
normally cats live up to 15 years or more,.the longest living cat is 34 years old.
At least for 10 years if they are healthy.
appx. 14-20 yrs i believe
In my personal experience the oldest cat I met was 18 years old, but I believe on average they live to be 13-15 depending on how well they are cared for.
up to at least 20 years or a couple more.or less.
wish they lived longer!
My cat is 17 years old and still going strong, she still plays and acts likes a kitten at times, Ive seen cats 21 and 22 years old come in @ work. Cats live way longer of course kept inside. I just looked at a survey out of curiosity to your question. Indoor cat life span up to 21 years and outside kitty 3 to 8 years.. hope this helps
my stepmother whom lives in toronto, she has a persian white long hair and she's between 24 and 26 and my step mother figures the cat have maybe another 2 or 3 more years to go.

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