Friday, May 21, 2010

How long does it take for a cat's urinary tract infection to clear up once medication has been prescribed?

My 4 month old male kitten was diagnosed this morning with a UTI. He was given a shot of cortisone, prescribed two medications and put on Science Diet Prescription C/D. Just was wondering how long it will take to clear up. I'm worried about my little one..

Thats really young to have that happen. Usually such an infection clears up fairly quickly, often within just a few days, but you want to be sure to keep the cat on his medications and give the full treatment, ior else the infection can come right back and be tougher to get rid of next time.

You also want to ask your vet about anything you can do to help prevent the cat from having the problem again. It is a problem that tends to recur (often for some strange reason, recurring at the same time of year that the cat has gotten the problem before, and also some research has shown that the problem tended to occur more in autumn than other seasons, but had no theory at all as to the reason to explain why autumn to be the most common time of year for a cat to develop UTI.

Some cat breeders have claimed that adding calcium ascorbate powder to their cat's food, or adding alum powder to their cat's food (calcium ascorbate powder used to be tough to find, and I have no idea where it would be found now, and alum powder was sometimes available in the spice section at big grocery stores). There may be products that the vet can recommend for adding to the cat's food, to help prevent the problem from recurring.

If your kitten isn't yet neutered, it may be a good idea to wait until he is at least 9 months old or the testicles are developed, because another possible complication in feline urinary problems in males, has been thought to be that males neutered young might be more likely to developed a plugged urethra because the opening was smaller than the urethra opening of an intact male.

Urinary problems occur in males and females, intact and spayed. Once your cat has had an attack of urinary problems, its a good idea to just get into the habit of checking the litterpan when you clean it, to make sure there is evidence the cat is urinating normally.

Also, make sure the cat drinks plenty of water. Change his water daily, cats like fresh water. You can also mix water into his food if you need to, if you're afraid he isn't drinking enough.
medication should allow you to see improvement by no more than 7 days, should be completely clear if you follow directions precisely as given to you by your veterinarian by 2 1/2 weeks.
Good luck!
Well I'm no vet, but I've worked for them %26 have had dogs %26 cats (and other animals) for many, many years. Yes, I agree you should see some improvement in a week or two, but I've personally experienced (and seen at vets I worked for) animals that don't respond to the particular drug prescribed.

If you see no improvement in a reasonably short time, make sure you schedule a followup visit. In one case a dog I had needed a different antibiotic, so the treatment period was more like a month!

As long as you "keep up" on it, your kitty should be well soon!

His symptoms should start to be better in 24 to 48 hours, but is important to finish the entire course of meds to prevent this from recurring. It is really important to watch and make sure urine is still getting out as male cats can become blocked or unable to urinate. If he is still straining and straining and no urine is coming out, call your vet back immediately, especially if you feel your kitty's tummy and it feels like a hard tennis ball is in there. Most cats respond really well to the treatment you described, but you may want to consult a veterinarian who specializes in alternative medicine if this is a recurring problem, since your kitty is kind of young to be starting with this already.
Good luck!
can take up to a week or it could be something you will battle for some time. Your cat may also have bladder stones which would require surgery. Follow all the directions of your vet and finish all medication
If it's just a UTI, you should notice a difference within a day or two, but give the medication until it is all gone. Some require repeated antibiotics. Keep an eye out for continued problems as make cats can get urinary problems quite frequently.
Usually they prescribe the medicine for 10 days and then do a recheck on the urine. It depends on how bad of an infection your little one had. He should be feeling better within a few days but you will still want to finish his course of medicines. Keep him on the food since usually they prescribe this food when they have crystals in their urine. Just make sure to do the recheck of his urine so the vet can make sure the medicine and food are working for him. I hope he gets to feeling better soon.
It should clear up quickly but keep a close eye on him and call the vet if you are concerned. I had a young male cat that got this infection and it didn't clear up with the tablets he was given. He got worse and after 3 days the vet put him in hospital. He would have died without the hospitilization--almost died anyway. So if you don't see improvement in a couple of days or if he seems worse call your vet for advice.

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