It is 2 months since I saw my cat. At the most he has been absent for 3 days and only once. But now it is 2 months. Neighbours have not seen a body or the cat. Where could he be?
Ive read many a story where a cat has ventured off and not come back till months later, i wouldnt give up hope just yet. They do say though it pays to think the worst cause anything after that is a bonus, goodluck hope kittys home safe and sound soon
P.S. an elderly neighbour of mine always feeds mine and other cats GOOD food, but my cat comes home every night so doubt very much ur cat gone off coz some1 feeding it better,
Its also that time of year where cats are in season, has he been neutered, if not he may just be off having the time of his life. Put ads up in your area
Probably means it has found a new home.
He's had a better offer round the next street.
Your probably going to have to face the fact the cat has gone, he's probably not dead but found somewhere else to live, cats do that sort of thing, i should know i've got plenty of them; at the moment anyway.
Same thing happened with a cat of mine. I just someone took him in that feeds him better food than me.
hi you cat could have got in someones car and they might not know whos it is and taken it to the rspca so it is worth ringing them up and giving them a description so they could return it to you. GOOD LUCK!!
NO! When I moved into my new home, I brought all my cats (even the outside ones) with me. Three weeks after the move, two of them ran off. I kept going back to the old house looking for them, but to no avail. Then, TEN months later, I went to the house again, and I found one of them!! Unfortunately, she had been hit by a car very recently. But the fact that she survived all that time alone, and made it back to the old home (its a 35 min drive) still amazes me today. I was sad to see she had died, but I was glad that I found her so I could bring her home for a burial. Anyway, what Im trying to say is dont give up. Two months doesnt mean shes dead!
Cats can survive for a long time on their own. As natural hunters, predators and smoozers, they can find back doors to restaurants, friendly neighbors, or local furry creatures like rabbits to provide substanence. Plus they are very adept at finding shelter. My former cat had tons of friendly neighbors feeding him, he would climb on peoples back decks, meow at their kitchen windows and paw the screens, and always scored. He even had the schedules down, hitting up one family for breakfast, another for lunch and still another for dinner. He was quite a charmer. Dont give up hope, but please contact all your local humane societies, police, and post him on the "missing pets" websites. He's probably with a nice family, but will remember you and resurface when he gets a chance to make a break for it.
A freind of my Moms had a cat that went missing for about 6 months, then one day just strolled back in as if nothing had happend so its possible that he has just gone "walkabaouts" though it would probably be best if you prepared your self for the worst.
Fingers crossed!
You might want to ask around the neighborhood. Call your local shelter ask if they have seen it. I agree that cats wander off and often find new homes. But he/she could still be out there. My cat went missing for 3 months and came back with a litter of kittens. There is a chance that he will come back but don't get your hopes up. Sorry to hear about your missing cat, hope it comes home. : )
Cats like to do their own thing.probably found better food someplace else. probably living in a mansion with a servant just for itself
As "Old Bill" said in the first world war: " if you can find a better 'ole, go to it". Your puss seems to have discovered a better feeding/watering hole - probably nearby.
Do not give up hope - they can return after many months, the trouble is that they will not tell you where they have been, and what adventures thay have had. Otherwise obtain a new cat, preferably a "Snowshoe". That breed, which is recognised, and they are a cross between a Siamese and the American short hair, and I have one, will never leave you for a second, or wander more that a few inches from home. Wonderful company, and extremely affectionate. Do not think he/she will be dead, but just wandered off - as they do..
Ahh. That's sad. My friend once thought her cat was missing, but in the end they found him locked in the shed. I'm sure you will have checked outside buildings and cupboards by now though.
The most time that my cat has been absent has been 3-4 days. I think if your cat is missing for more than a month, either someone stole him or he found a new home. I'd hate to say he's d_ _ _.
He may have found a new home like others have suggested. However, did you check your local animal shelters? If anyone that didn't know your cat found him, that's where he would be brought =)
Also, some cats have been known to disappear for longer then 2 months. Also, your local newspaper should allow you to post a "lost cat" article for free.
If you do find your cat, you may want to consider making him an "indoor only" cat, or building an enclosed run for him.
Good Luck! I've put a few articles in the "source" area that may help you out.
no my daughters cat turned up at the door after 3 months just as if nothing was wrong, hope your cat does the same
Have you checked your local shelters? Someone who found your cat may have taken him there. Good luck!
my cat went missing for 4 months, then just came home! i think she was "catnapped", as she had been well fed,so dont give up yet, goog luck
Cat's aren't very loyal animals, they can go missing for months and when they come back expect everything to be as if they just went 5 mins ago. He will probably come back of his own accord, but if you are worried put notices in shop windows or newspapers with a picture of him and hopefully someone somewhere will let you know that they have at least seen him. Good Luck. Also if he does come back get him microchipped
Well they do say that cats have 9 lives, maybe he is off spending his other 8 now. Did u stick posters on trees in your area when he went missing, that usually helps. Was he micro chipped, again a good idea cos if he is found or god forbid ran over at least u would be contacted. Bottom line is that he could be anywhere. U never know he may come home for xmas.
He is probably having a better time elsewhere.Cats tend to do things like this.
best to think that he has found someone who feeds him nicer food than you and has decided to move in with them.
do you live near any chinese restaurants? we used to and a lot of cats went missing
he may be at your local animal shelter or some one has taken him home. And just because your neighbors have not found a body does not mean that he may be dead (sorry). Check out all the possibilities that you can.
My friend's cat was missing for three months. He said that the worse bit was not knowing .
Then one day he had a phone call out of the blue, the lady milkman had seen his card in the vets when she took her cat in for it's booster vaccinations %26 remembered seeing a similar looking cat at a farm she delivered to.
He zoomed off up there - about two miles away - %26 was happily reunited. She'd been living with the farm cats.
We can't imagine that she walked up there by herself - she was generally a homeloving girl - we wonder if she got into a car by mistake or if someone took her off for a prank.
Hopefully, you've passed little cards to all the local vets %26 put up as many notices in local shops as you can.
Fingers crossed for you.
either he has run away and gone to a different neighborhood and someone has brought him into their lives or he ran away (many cats do this) to die because they go into the woods or a very remote area so no one bothers them as they die.maybe he was sick when he left and you just didnt know it
It is possible the cat is still alive in another part of town or for that matter even another town , cats can disappear for months sometimes and eventually turn up at home. They always find their way back , try not to give up ,
it could mean he's found a new home. im sorry to hear he is missing
he probably ran off. I couldn't say for sure if he's dead or not, there is a good possibilty. but if you feel you are ready for a cat go to the local shelter and adopt one. please consider keeping this one inside. body means no proof, so he might still be alive in a different area, being fed somewhere else
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my cat went missing the other day too i've been searching around everywhere and every street i still can't find a body or anything. I put out food everyday but some other cat keeps coming and eating it -.- so i all i;m doing is searching good luck with ur cat i believe its still alive. ;)