Think you can beat my record with 4 cats!? LOL jk me and my sis and bro and mom and dad love them.but still how many do yall have?
Hi there..I have 2 housecats and take care of 12 exotic cats:
2 cougars
2 bobcats
2 jaguarundi's
2 jungle cats
4 african servals
We have two, but since they're my sister's, I guess I have none.
i have none i hate cats
at the moment I only have 1, Im allergic to cats, but I will always have at least one cause I love them very much..they make great pets.
I have one and my whole family adore her so much. She's hyperactive, smart and eat alot too..:)
Can't beat you, but I can tie you. I also have 4 kitties, but I also have a dog and an aquarium. How many of your cats sleep with you? I usually end up with one cat and the dog in the bed with my husband and me. This cat is very jealous of the others, he won't let the other 3 near me. He thinks I'm his mom cat!
I have 2 kittens
i have one. do you want it?! cats suck. it's name is kitty.
The perfect!
I have none.. I hate cats
Brother has 7. its disgusting
i olny have 1 cat but someone who lives in my neighbor hood is a "cat foster mom" and she has about 10 lol
2 Kitties - sisters - 1 has catitude the other is a sweetie but we love them both
Don't have any cats myself, but I used to know this lady who lived a few streets away from me, who had fifteen. Everyone called her the Cat Lady.
5 cats - all spayed and neutered
I am in the country, one is an indoor only cat as she was declawed by her previous owner, one is indoor outdoor cat. the other three are outdoor only as they lived here before we moved in and apparently are not litter trained - but are friendly and eat on the patio.
no dogs
3 donkeys
3 llamas (including 1 who is only a few weeks old)
2 miniature horses
21 sheep
I have only one but she is perfect. She is Lucy C. Tabby.
Just two, Diablo %26 lucy-fur.
I also have four cats, three rescued moggies and an elderly ill persian who I had from a kitten. Proving hard work at mo with a 9 month old baby but would not change them.
The only thing cats are good for is ballistic jelly.
I have 3 cats. I started off with one 7 years ago and over the years just kept adding on.
I have 3, and people call me the crazy cat lady!
At the moment, I have 2 cats, Blaze and Lotus. My husband and I are planning on adopting a third sometime in the near future. We'd like another male. I wouldn't mind 4 cats, but my husband is concerned about the human to cat ratio..there are only 3 of us..and he doesn't want to be outnumbered, lol.
by maybe none soon she just doesn't like us
At one point I did have 6, they were all rescued. We found a home for one of the kittens that we rescued and my beloved Lucky passed away at age 16. That left us with 4 and unfortunately we lost one of our kittens, Lexi. Now we have 3, Cali, Rosaleigh and Mr.Poppins and they are the most spoiled cats ever and we love them very very much.
I have six cat's!Cammie, Lily, Sugar she thinks she queen of the house lol!! Binque, Smokey, and Slippers she only has one eye its so sad!! What are the names of your Cats?? Write back plz!!
I have 4 cats, too!! Plus 2 dogs, 2 rabbits and 3 fish. My parents live 2 blocks away and have 3 cats who are also 'my' kitties. Cats rule!! =)
I have five now, soon to be six I hope.
We have 5 cats all of them are loved by my family and me.
3 now. just took in a kitten a week ago! :)
I have 2 cats, 3 dogs and 2 children. My husband calls it my petting zoo. I also take in all strays. I must find homes for the homeless.
well three at the moment..!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
How many cats do you have?
At the moment i only have one. my neighbor actually has 76 cats! 4 of them are indoor cats.the rest are outdoor cats that can occassionally come inside tyheir house. my college professor (who happens to be an old maid) has 36 cats. Both of them were featured in various magazine shows. How many do u have? do u know anyone with that much of furry feline friends?
2 and that's two to many! I love them but they demand to much time and money. One is on its deathbed. I have to give him fluids and he has rebounded quite a bit. But after they go, no more for a long time.
Something will have to be done with that colony you have next door. If they aren't all fixed the problem will litter-ally (get it? ha ha ) multiply.
2 cats mom and kitten
Wow, 76 cats is crazy.
I have only 2. I love them and maybe would consider to get one or 2 more, if we would have a huge house.
i had 4 but they all ran a way
i have got 3 right now but at one point i had 23!!its alot better having 3 than 23!
I have no cats but two dogs
"Having" a cat implies ownership, so I don't think I have any. I am permitted to share living quarters with one -- she owns the place, I just live here.
I have 2. But I remember buying one at a breeder's home that probably had 76 cats. I have one girl friend that has 15 because she keeps rescuing cats.
It's 1 tom-cat, who shares living-quarters with me, as weemarian writes so nicely. Since my girlfriend lives here, he shares only parts of our living-quarters, because she doesn't like cats.
Our family has had cats for many years, usually 1. When we had a female, she was allowed to have kitten once before she had to go to the vet.. When the kitten were old enough they were given away, all or all but one.
Once neighbours took one kitten, and we kept another. The two sisters met frequently in the two gardens, without any problem.
I think it's not good for cats if there are too many together.
I just took in a sixth cat to join my other older cats. I have the time and the resources to care for them adequately and lots of space for them to enjoy (cat fence-in the the back garden).
It a lot of responsibility to have numbers as high as 36 or, god forbid, 76. Some people are just willing to devote their lives and resources to it.
In 24 years my family has loved and cared for 24 cats. We (my hubby %26 I ) are currently down to 4 (1 I inherited when my parents passed away). Have had as many as 13 alive at one time. What a mad house. It takes alot of time, $$, litter and love. What hurts is when they (the cats) pass away. After these last 4 are gone I don't think I'll have any pets for a bit.
Five indoor cats.
Peter Johnson, Mike Jones, Rosie Johnson Jones, Jade Miller and Maverick.
How I love them! :-))
i have 5 but my grandfather has 30!
I do not own any cats but there are thousands of homeless cats in our city which you can have them whenever you will!
not even one
Did you know thats illegal to have that many cats?? You can even report that. How on earth do they afford the vets, food, spaying, litter boxes, for all the cats? ARE YOU SURE? I dont have any. I would like to have 1. Just 1. Now that you mentioned 76. It's like a meow meow world in my head. I only seen people on animal planet with that many cats and the animal police had to take them away cause thats illegal for alot of reasons.
I have three and I love them all
none , don't want the nasty critters , can't imagine what the houses smell like that has 76 and the other 36 ,[ PHEW ]
I have one
I have 1 perfect him!
Three cats, Monster, Kiki and Momo.
to many 8
76 is kinda nuts!!
we have 5 (well, 4 1/2.1 is a 6 month old kitten).and they are a handful! they all have their own interesting personalities.they are our kids! wouldn't give them up for the world!
My grandmother has about 30! But I only have 3. One is a kitten she is SO cute! She turned one last week!
I have 4 cats, and love all 4
I have 14, 6 cats, 8 kittens
2 and that's two to many! I love them but they demand to much time and money. One is on its deathbed. I have to give him fluids and he has rebounded quite a bit. But after they go, no more for a long time.
Something will have to be done with that colony you have next door. If they aren't all fixed the problem will litter-ally (get it? ha ha ) multiply.
2 cats mom and kitten
Wow, 76 cats is crazy.
I have only 2. I love them and maybe would consider to get one or 2 more, if we would have a huge house.
i had 4 but they all ran a way
i have got 3 right now but at one point i had 23!!its alot better having 3 than 23!
I have no cats but two dogs
"Having" a cat implies ownership, so I don't think I have any. I am permitted to share living quarters with one -- she owns the place, I just live here.
I have 2. But I remember buying one at a breeder's home that probably had 76 cats. I have one girl friend that has 15 because she keeps rescuing cats.
It's 1 tom-cat, who shares living-quarters with me, as weemarian writes so nicely. Since my girlfriend lives here, he shares only parts of our living-quarters, because she doesn't like cats.
Our family has had cats for many years, usually 1. When we had a female, she was allowed to have kitten once before she had to go to the vet.. When the kitten were old enough they were given away, all or all but one.
Once neighbours took one kitten, and we kept another. The two sisters met frequently in the two gardens, without any problem.
I think it's not good for cats if there are too many together.
I just took in a sixth cat to join my other older cats. I have the time and the resources to care for them adequately and lots of space for them to enjoy (cat fence-in the the back garden).
It a lot of responsibility to have numbers as high as 36 or, god forbid, 76. Some people are just willing to devote their lives and resources to it.
In 24 years my family has loved and cared for 24 cats. We (my hubby %26 I ) are currently down to 4 (1 I inherited when my parents passed away). Have had as many as 13 alive at one time. What a mad house. It takes alot of time, $$, litter and love. What hurts is when they (the cats) pass away. After these last 4 are gone I don't think I'll have any pets for a bit.
Five indoor cats.
Peter Johnson, Mike Jones, Rosie Johnson Jones, Jade Miller and Maverick.
How I love them! :-))
i have 5 but my grandfather has 30!
I do not own any cats but there are thousands of homeless cats in our city which you can have them whenever you will!
not even one
Did you know thats illegal to have that many cats?? You can even report that. How on earth do they afford the vets, food, spaying, litter boxes, for all the cats? ARE YOU SURE? I dont have any. I would like to have 1. Just 1. Now that you mentioned 76. It's like a meow meow world in my head. I only seen people on animal planet with that many cats and the animal police had to take them away cause thats illegal for alot of reasons.
I have three and I love them all
none , don't want the nasty critters , can't imagine what the houses smell like that has 76 and the other 36 ,[ PHEW ]
I have one
I have 1 perfect him!
Three cats, Monster, Kiki and Momo.
to many 8
76 is kinda nuts!!
we have 5 (well, 4 1/2.1 is a 6 month old kitten).and they are a handful! they all have their own interesting personalities.they are our kids! wouldn't give them up for the world!
My grandmother has about 30! But I only have 3. One is a kitten she is SO cute! She turned one last week!
I have 4 cats, and love all 4
I have 14, 6 cats, 8 kittens
How many cats died making the movie "the adventures of Milo and Otis? read on?
check out the scene where they really throw an actual cat off of an actual cliff. It's pretty horrifying, and it's edited so that you have no idea if the cat really survived, or if they just grabbed a new one and kept filming. Also, check out the disclaimer in the end credits. It says "animals were under close supervision with utmost concern for their safety. Notice it takes great pains not to say "no animals were harmed", which has been boilerplate language for movie animal disclaimers for decades. What does this tell you? Wouldn't they say "no animals were harmed" if none were? Even if that cat survived, throwing it off a cliff into water, into what looks like breaking ocean surf if memory serves me, is unspeakably cruel.
P.S. I am not a PETA member nor am I a vegetarian (not that there's anything wrong with either of those). I believe that using animals for human benefit is good and necessary as long as it is not done cruelly. WHAT DO U GUYS THINK? THANKS
I expected a fuzzy, feel good flick, but instead, I found myself worrying about the animals used in filming. My concern began when Milo gets bitten on the nose by a crab. Later, he goes over a waterfall, is attacked by angry birds, falls off a cliff into the ocean, and has close encounters with two bears and a snake. You can tell you鈥檙e not looking at the same cat and dog throughout, and a disclaimer at the end mentions only that the animal actors were treated with concern; it doesn鈥檛 say that no animals were hurt or killed during the production. Perhaps none were seriously hurt, but if so, why don鈥檛 the filmmakers tell us that?
A deeply troubling film that shows animals, at the very least, in obvious physical distress, and, in all probability, in the midsts of horrific death. According to the American Human Society, it is rumored that as many as 27 cats were killed in the production of this picture in Japan. These are not computer generated special effects; it just wasn't possible to do that in 1986 when this movie was made. The scenes are also just too realistic to have been created any other way
not enough cats died.
I'm a PUG and no mentions anything about our plight or what we endured to get through that fricking flick.
I agree totally. Animals in movies and tv shows should not be harmed at all. I am an animal lover myself and I just found out my best friends cat just died. I cried for like an hour. Its sad when things like this happen
Hi Elmer.animal actors actually have an advocate (American Humane Association's History of Protection and Film Unit--) that oversees how animals are treated so the studios do not mistreat any of them while filming. It's quite common nowadays unlike 70+ years ago at least while filming in N. America.
I believe the Adventures of Milo and Otis were filmed overseas in Japan and there has been some rumours about the mistreatment while filming. No one however has been able to substantiate this. It would be disappointedly sad if they were harmed as some of the scenes are suspicious unless computer enhancement was used to intervene, which is possible. However, I wouldn't put it past the asian culture as they are very well known for the treating animals very poorly. ( list some of the despictable acts)
The American Humane Association has overseen movie sets since 1940 to make sure animal actors stay safe while portraying heroes, villains, companions, and comedians. American Humane's Film %26 Television Unit is designated by the Screen Actors Guild as the only animal welfare organization with onset jurisdiction. As such, the Film and TV Unit considers animal safety its primary goal.
Located in Los Angeles, American Humane鈥檚 Film %26 Television Unit has traveled to productions worldwide to protect animal actors. The presence of our Certified Animal Safety Representatives is an important reassurance for conscientious producers, actors, and animal trainers.
I havent watch this movie..but, it always irked me the safety of animals being used in movies..
I agree that animal cruelty must be prevented by all means.
Animals are not toys, or sume fancy cute thing. They are like human beings, in many ways.
So, treat them well..
That was my fav movie when i was little %26 i never thought about that until now. You're right there were a lot of questionable scenarios in that movie. If it was filmed in japan god only knows what happened to those animals. They have no regard 4 animal life
i haven't seen the movie clip but i do agree with you 100%
Never heard of the movie, but I am completely against any animals being harmed for any reasons! I love dogs the most, and I could not imagine seeing one being harmed. I have 8 pit puppies, 3 grown pits, and 1 rott. I would not give them up for the world. I take care of my animals like they are family.
Just because they use more than one cat (or any animal) to play the part of a character in a movie DOES NOT MEAN THAT ANY WERE HARMED. (That's to emphasise a point, not to shout)
As an example, animals can become tired (just as humans do) when creating a production. The same is often done with human children where sometimes 2 babies are used because of the stressful conditions.
The use of editing in film and special effects can make some scenes APPEAR very realistic. Looking at the same film, I can pick out a number of ways the effect can be produced to make it appear that you are seeing what you believe you are seeing.
Having experience in special effects on stage can be a curse as well as a blessing sometimes when I watch a film..
I originally thought the movie was made in the US, so I wasn't too concerned about the animals (the Humane Society monitored the American studios use of animals since the '40's) but when you mentioned that it was made in Japan (checked my niece's DVD to make sure) I'm not so certain.
BTW; I liked the scene with the bear-I LMAO the first time I saw it.
Hmmm.. Haven't watched that movie since I was a kid, and it was one of my favorites. Now you got me thinkin'.
P.S. I am not a PETA member nor am I a vegetarian (not that there's anything wrong with either of those). I believe that using animals for human benefit is good and necessary as long as it is not done cruelly. WHAT DO U GUYS THINK? THANKS
I expected a fuzzy, feel good flick, but instead, I found myself worrying about the animals used in filming. My concern began when Milo gets bitten on the nose by a crab. Later, he goes over a waterfall, is attacked by angry birds, falls off a cliff into the ocean, and has close encounters with two bears and a snake. You can tell you鈥檙e not looking at the same cat and dog throughout, and a disclaimer at the end mentions only that the animal actors were treated with concern; it doesn鈥檛 say that no animals were hurt or killed during the production. Perhaps none were seriously hurt, but if so, why don鈥檛 the filmmakers tell us that?
A deeply troubling film that shows animals, at the very least, in obvious physical distress, and, in all probability, in the midsts of horrific death. According to the American Human Society, it is rumored that as many as 27 cats were killed in the production of this picture in Japan. These are not computer generated special effects; it just wasn't possible to do that in 1986 when this movie was made. The scenes are also just too realistic to have been created any other way
not enough cats died.
I'm a PUG and no mentions anything about our plight or what we endured to get through that fricking flick.
I agree totally. Animals in movies and tv shows should not be harmed at all. I am an animal lover myself and I just found out my best friends cat just died. I cried for like an hour. Its sad when things like this happen
Hi Elmer.animal actors actually have an advocate (American Humane Association's History of Protection and Film Unit--) that oversees how animals are treated so the studios do not mistreat any of them while filming. It's quite common nowadays unlike 70+ years ago at least while filming in N. America.
I believe the Adventures of Milo and Otis were filmed overseas in Japan and there has been some rumours about the mistreatment while filming. No one however has been able to substantiate this. It would be disappointedly sad if they were harmed as some of the scenes are suspicious unless computer enhancement was used to intervene, which is possible. However, I wouldn't put it past the asian culture as they are very well known for the treating animals very poorly. ( list some of the despictable acts)
The American Humane Association has overseen movie sets since 1940 to make sure animal actors stay safe while portraying heroes, villains, companions, and comedians. American Humane's Film %26 Television Unit is designated by the Screen Actors Guild as the only animal welfare organization with onset jurisdiction. As such, the Film and TV Unit considers animal safety its primary goal.
Located in Los Angeles, American Humane鈥檚 Film %26 Television Unit has traveled to productions worldwide to protect animal actors. The presence of our Certified Animal Safety Representatives is an important reassurance for conscientious producers, actors, and animal trainers.
I havent watch this movie..but, it always irked me the safety of animals being used in movies..
I agree that animal cruelty must be prevented by all means.
Animals are not toys, or sume fancy cute thing. They are like human beings, in many ways.
So, treat them well..
That was my fav movie when i was little %26 i never thought about that until now. You're right there were a lot of questionable scenarios in that movie. If it was filmed in japan god only knows what happened to those animals. They have no regard 4 animal life
i haven't seen the movie clip but i do agree with you 100%
Never heard of the movie, but I am completely against any animals being harmed for any reasons! I love dogs the most, and I could not imagine seeing one being harmed. I have 8 pit puppies, 3 grown pits, and 1 rott. I would not give them up for the world. I take care of my animals like they are family.
Just because they use more than one cat (or any animal) to play the part of a character in a movie DOES NOT MEAN THAT ANY WERE HARMED. (That's to emphasise a point, not to shout)
As an example, animals can become tired (just as humans do) when creating a production. The same is often done with human children where sometimes 2 babies are used because of the stressful conditions.
The use of editing in film and special effects can make some scenes APPEAR very realistic. Looking at the same film, I can pick out a number of ways the effect can be produced to make it appear that you are seeing what you believe you are seeing.
Having experience in special effects on stage can be a curse as well as a blessing sometimes when I watch a film..
I originally thought the movie was made in the US, so I wasn't too concerned about the animals (the Humane Society monitored the American studios use of animals since the '40's) but when you mentioned that it was made in Japan (checked my niece's DVD to make sure) I'm not so certain.
BTW; I liked the scene with the bear-I LMAO the first time I saw it.
Hmmm.. Haven't watched that movie since I was a kid, and it was one of my favorites. Now you got me thinkin'.
How many cats can you put into an empty box?
1 coz its not empty then
one, comfortably
27. definitely 27.
i hope you're not intending to perform an act of cruelty! If not, depends how big the box is!
My local chinese can get 10 in freezer. how big is the box?
Why?If your going to do something cruel , like put thme in a box and leave them somewhere , just take them to the SPCA. Dont dump thme somewhere of if your going somewhere and taking them with you , get a cat carrier.
Ans 1: 1 because once the 1 is in it isnt empty anymore.
Ans 2: It depends how fine you liquidise them.
Dead or alive? Cremated ones take up less space per cat!
thats a bit cruel
IT depends on how big is the box!!
Depends - how many bricks will you place in the box also?
I assume only one, as soon as you put one cat into the box , the box is no longer empty !!
One - 'cos after that the box is no longer empty.
Depends on if they are dead or not,and golf junkie I'd put them all in at the same time.
how big is the box
kittens u can put more than one
cats u can put only 3 or 5 because they need there space
it depends on how big the cats are
i would say none cos even if you put 1 in its not empty
depends how big the box is.
what you need to ask is when you close the obx and cant see the cat - is it still there?
As many as want to play.>^..^%26lt;
Reminds me of a quantum physics theory:
Here's Schr枚dinger's (theoretical) experiment: We place a living cat into a steel chamber, along with a device containing a vial of hydrocyanic acid. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat. The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know whether the vial has been broken, the hydrocyanic acid released, and the cat killed. Since we cannot know, the cat is both dead and alive according to quantum law, in a superposition of states. It is only when we break open the box and learn the condition of the cat that the superposition is lost, and the cat becomes one or the other (dead or alive). This situation is sometimes called quantum indeterminacy or the observer's paradox: the observation or measurement itself affects an outcome, so that it can never be known what the outcome would have been if it were not observed.
We know that superposition actually occurs at the subatomic level, because there are observable effects of interference, in which a single particle is demonstrated to be in multiple locations simultaneously. What that fact implies about the nature of reality on the observable level (cats, for example, as opposed to electrons) is one of the stickiest areas of quantum physics. Schr枚dinger himself is rumored to have said, later in life, that he wished he had never met that cat.
depends how thinly you slice them
If you put them in at the same time.. then as many as you can fit, cos if you put them in one at a time. the box isnt empty after the first one!!
get me??
none hopefully
How many cats are too many?
This is like for 1 person to have for pets?
as long as you can financially support them you can have as many as you want. i had 9 cats at one i don't think 4 is too many, my animals make me HAPPY
1 is too many
Four is too many. Trust me, I am there
Cats - none, thats the best number to have
Most of the time if you get more than 3 -4 cats in a hosehold-somebody is going to have behavior issues. This includes stress-related urinary issues and aggressive tendencies. Cats are generally solitary animals. One or two is enough.
More than 2.
depends on the size of living quarters
really dont want more than three per room
and to be honest it really starts to stink if there are lots of them
For one person, three or four would be alot.
I am currently debating owning 101 cats and living in a mansion all by myself until the cats eat my alive. j/K
I have three
A cat, a dog and a pond turtle
If you have to ask that question - you may already be in trouble.I would say more than two.
2 maybe.I don't know!
For me 1 is too many.
more then 1 is too many in my opinion
When you can't afford to take care of them, for some, one is too many.
I think 5 is too many
ONE !!.
i think 42 cats is bordering on too many for one person.
3 or more cats is always to many. 1 is not enough. Either get 0 or 2 cats.
This depends on your living arrangements, the type of cats you have (Are they pedigrees? If so, which breed?), if you are at home a lot or away and many other factors.
My vet did once say to me that 6 is the optimum number for a group of cats - but again - this depends on so many factors.
I have a lot of cats (17 at the moment including kittens - I breed them as a hobby), but they all get along fine. They're a very easy-going, laid back breed (Ragdolls) and enjoy each others company. I don't have any problems with aggression or inappropriate behaviour. I don't think it would be the same story if I had a different breed of cat!
If you work full time and are a single person I'd probably say that 2 is better than 1. A single cat may become lonely when you are at work and then start to show behavioural problems. With two cats, even if they don't get on particularly well they'll still be good company for each other!
Personally, I think 3 cats, or pets in general, is the limit.
But, if you keep them inside, don't let them breed uncontrolled, are well fed, and have regular vet visits, then it is your business. I have friends with four cats, a dog, and a bird, and they seem to all get along just fine.
3 is too many. But if you can handle 3 or more, then go for it. I won't make fun.
Just get one cat because your going to have cat hair all over the house,that's way we sold are two cats.
As a rule, if you cannot take care of the number of pets you have(ie.. food, cleaning, vet visits, etc..)then you definitely have too many. iIt is required by law, lin America, that you register, or license, your pets at your vet, if you cannot afford to keep up the bills, then you have too many.
If you don't like cats, then 1 is too many! But anyway my friend had 2 cats got married to someone with 2 cat and she when and got another 1. and it seem like too many for 2 people so I would say 2 should be good, because when you are not around they would still have a companion to hang out with.
the most pets I have had was 7 growing up now that I'm an adult I have 4 I would have no more then 5 at a time you can't spread your attention out to them all if you have too many pets
as many as you whant!
depends on your situation.
do you have the finances to take care of the cat(s)?
do you have the space for them?
do you have time?
do you have energy?
Well, I have 2 now and we are doing just fine, no behavior problems such as inappropriate urination etc. I have had as many as 6 with much problems.
Two is a manageable number. Have had more ourselves - three gets to be a lot; once we had nine.
as long as you can financially support them you can have as many as you want. i had 9 cats at one i don't think 4 is too many, my animals make me HAPPY
1 is too many
Four is too many. Trust me, I am there
Cats - none, thats the best number to have
Most of the time if you get more than 3 -4 cats in a hosehold-somebody is going to have behavior issues. This includes stress-related urinary issues and aggressive tendencies. Cats are generally solitary animals. One or two is enough.
More than 2.
depends on the size of living quarters
really dont want more than three per room
and to be honest it really starts to stink if there are lots of them
For one person, three or four would be alot.
I am currently debating owning 101 cats and living in a mansion all by myself until the cats eat my alive. j/K
I have three
A cat, a dog and a pond turtle
If you have to ask that question - you may already be in trouble.I would say more than two.
2 maybe.I don't know!
For me 1 is too many.
more then 1 is too many in my opinion
When you can't afford to take care of them, for some, one is too many.
I think 5 is too many
ONE !!.
i think 42 cats is bordering on too many for one person.
3 or more cats is always to many. 1 is not enough. Either get 0 or 2 cats.
This depends on your living arrangements, the type of cats you have (Are they pedigrees? If so, which breed?), if you are at home a lot or away and many other factors.
My vet did once say to me that 6 is the optimum number for a group of cats - but again - this depends on so many factors.
I have a lot of cats (17 at the moment including kittens - I breed them as a hobby), but they all get along fine. They're a very easy-going, laid back breed (Ragdolls) and enjoy each others company. I don't have any problems with aggression or inappropriate behaviour. I don't think it would be the same story if I had a different breed of cat!
If you work full time and are a single person I'd probably say that 2 is better than 1. A single cat may become lonely when you are at work and then start to show behavioural problems. With two cats, even if they don't get on particularly well they'll still be good company for each other!
Personally, I think 3 cats, or pets in general, is the limit.
But, if you keep them inside, don't let them breed uncontrolled, are well fed, and have regular vet visits, then it is your business. I have friends with four cats, a dog, and a bird, and they seem to all get along just fine.
3 is too many. But if you can handle 3 or more, then go for it. I won't make fun.
Just get one cat because your going to have cat hair all over the house,that's way we sold are two cats.
As a rule, if you cannot take care of the number of pets you have(ie.. food, cleaning, vet visits, etc..)then you definitely have too many. iIt is required by law, lin America, that you register, or license, your pets at your vet, if you cannot afford to keep up the bills, then you have too many.
If you don't like cats, then 1 is too many! But anyway my friend had 2 cats got married to someone with 2 cat and she when and got another 1. and it seem like too many for 2 people so I would say 2 should be good, because when you are not around they would still have a companion to hang out with.
the most pets I have had was 7 growing up now that I'm an adult I have 4 I would have no more then 5 at a time you can't spread your attention out to them all if you have too many pets
as many as you whant!
depends on your situation.
do you have the finances to take care of the cat(s)?
do you have the space for them?
do you have time?
do you have energy?
Well, I have 2 now and we are doing just fine, no behavior problems such as inappropriate urination etc. I have had as many as 6 with much problems.
Two is a manageable number. Have had more ourselves - three gets to be a lot; once we had nine.
How many Cats are too many Cats?
Does your County have a law, if so how many cats are too many to have? I dont have any, but what do you think?
In some cases 1 is too many.
2 are enough
more that 2 is to many as far as i'm concerned
6. are you a crazy cat lady?
2 cats are 1 too many!!
One is too many when you are allergic.
1 cat is way to many. Sorry I am a dog person
my county doesn't have a law but i have a lovely rule of thumb
u can never have to many pets
especially low maintenance ones
like cats
but u can also never have too many horses..
and their really high maintenance..
i'm not really an expert on the subject..
more than one
i wouldn't have more than 2 or 3 but I had a friend who had 8 at one time. Yikes!
more than 4 is against the law it is a misdiminer
You would need to check with your city/county ordiance law. Every county is different depending on what your area is zoned for.
Untill you cant afford to feed them.
I have one I love him a lot, but over one is to many for me. to avoid disease up to five is ok anymore than that there is chances of diseases.
one is
It all depends on how much work you want to do. I have 8 cats and they are alot of work keeping everyone healthy and my house clean. You have to keep more than one litter box and make sure they are clean at all times. I adore them and wouldn't give them up for the world but 8 is enough
it depends on how much living space you have available.
In a small apartment one would be plenty, a large apartment/house two or three I think would be the most anyone would need.
I think two is enough.
Too many is when they fill up the litter box and leave their mark in other places
I know people with three, but there's probably one of them left out. So I'd say four.
3 or more, but I love cats its just you don't want to become the creepy cat person. I know that there is a law in my county you can only have 2 dogs in your house.
Based on my experience more than 1 cat per two rooms is too much.
Most places have only sanitary and humane laws, meaning you can keep as many as you can care for in a healthy environment.
I have a huge house and five was too many. The more you have, the more likely it is that some won't get along. They will fight and start marking territory which is really bad.
If you got all the males from a litter or two, made sure they were all neutered in time and raised them together as brothers, you could have 6-10 and they would be happy. If you have cats of different sexes and some were neutered late, it could be hard to make even two get along.
actually, i'm not sure if my area has a law about it. i'd assume 20 cats or so would be the legal limit. at that point, no matter how big your house is, you're way overloaded with cats.
I have six and I love every last one of them .but yes it really is a lot of work keeping everything clean and ODOR FREE
Too many is when you have so much cat poop all over that you can't keep it clean,when the neighbors can smell your house from down the block, and when you have dead cats around your house and you don't even know about them. Too many is when you cannot even remember how many you have or their names or if you haven't even named them, also when you cannot afford to feed them or take them to the vet. Too many is when you don't even have a warm safe sanitary place for them to live.
I love cats
Never Enough!
Some states of USA (though I don't know about other countries) have laws on limitation of how many animals, depending on what species they are. Check your state or country and see what the law says just to be safe. But for me, I would say 2 is a safe number to have for cats.
Well, many cities do have an ordinance concerning the number of cats and dogs you are allowed to have. My city allows 4 cats. Most rural towns don't regulate the number, to the best of my knowledge.
It all comes down to how many animals you can care for PROPERLY. And that includes:
~regular vet care (including any on-going treatments and/or surgeries that may occur)
~quality food and fresh water daily
~maintaining a clean and safe living environment
~love and attention
There is no set number, just a standard of quality care that is essential to any animal's health and well-being. What might be considered to be a heavy workload for one person or family might be considered to be a breeze to the next.
In some cases 1 is too many.
2 are enough
more that 2 is to many as far as i'm concerned
6. are you a crazy cat lady?
2 cats are 1 too many!!
One is too many when you are allergic.
1 cat is way to many. Sorry I am a dog person
my county doesn't have a law but i have a lovely rule of thumb
u can never have to many pets
especially low maintenance ones
like cats
but u can also never have too many horses..
and their really high maintenance..
i'm not really an expert on the subject..
more than one
i wouldn't have more than 2 or 3 but I had a friend who had 8 at one time. Yikes!
more than 4 is against the law it is a misdiminer
You would need to check with your city/county ordiance law. Every county is different depending on what your area is zoned for.
Untill you cant afford to feed them.
I have one I love him a lot, but over one is to many for me. to avoid disease up to five is ok anymore than that there is chances of diseases.
one is
It all depends on how much work you want to do. I have 8 cats and they are alot of work keeping everyone healthy and my house clean. You have to keep more than one litter box and make sure they are clean at all times. I adore them and wouldn't give them up for the world but 8 is enough
it depends on how much living space you have available.
In a small apartment one would be plenty, a large apartment/house two or three I think would be the most anyone would need.
I think two is enough.
Too many is when they fill up the litter box and leave their mark in other places
I know people with three, but there's probably one of them left out. So I'd say four.
3 or more, but I love cats its just you don't want to become the creepy cat person. I know that there is a law in my county you can only have 2 dogs in your house.
Based on my experience more than 1 cat per two rooms is too much.
Most places have only sanitary and humane laws, meaning you can keep as many as you can care for in a healthy environment.
I have a huge house and five was too many. The more you have, the more likely it is that some won't get along. They will fight and start marking territory which is really bad.
If you got all the males from a litter or two, made sure they were all neutered in time and raised them together as brothers, you could have 6-10 and they would be happy. If you have cats of different sexes and some were neutered late, it could be hard to make even two get along.
actually, i'm not sure if my area has a law about it. i'd assume 20 cats or so would be the legal limit. at that point, no matter how big your house is, you're way overloaded with cats.
I have six and I love every last one of them .but yes it really is a lot of work keeping everything clean and ODOR FREE
Too many is when you have so much cat poop all over that you can't keep it clean,when the neighbors can smell your house from down the block, and when you have dead cats around your house and you don't even know about them. Too many is when you cannot even remember how many you have or their names or if you haven't even named them, also when you cannot afford to feed them or take them to the vet. Too many is when you don't even have a warm safe sanitary place for them to live.
I love cats
Never Enough!
Some states of USA (though I don't know about other countries) have laws on limitation of how many animals, depending on what species they are. Check your state or country and see what the law says just to be safe. But for me, I would say 2 is a safe number to have for cats.
Well, many cities do have an ordinance concerning the number of cats and dogs you are allowed to have. My city allows 4 cats. Most rural towns don't regulate the number, to the best of my knowledge.
It all comes down to how many animals you can care for PROPERLY. And that includes:
~regular vet care (including any on-going treatments and/or surgeries that may occur)
~quality food and fresh water daily
~maintaining a clean and safe living environment
~love and attention
There is no set number, just a standard of quality care that is essential to any animal's health and well-being. What might be considered to be a heavy workload for one person or family might be considered to be a breeze to the next.
How many cats are too many cats to have in your house before you're considered a 'crazy cat person'?
Depending on the size of your house .. and how many people or other pets are living their with you .. Probably anything over 4 or 5 cats would start to be excessive.
3 or 4
More than six.
Three max. After that it starts looking like a barnyard trough at feeding time.
I couldn't answer. I have 5!
I think 3 is more than enough. Any more after that, the house starts to smell like the pet store.
I had 7 at one time and my neighbors would call me the cat lady. I love cats and somehow ended up with 7. Now I only have 1. And I have to admit I enjoy spending time with the 1 I have.
I hate cats (probably because I'm allergic). I'd say more than three is too many.
I think it depends on the person-to-cat ratio. The last place I lived we had 6 cats, but 3 individuals living there. now, 6 cats to one person. ewww. thats a lot of litter
1 . ;-)
depends are they indoor or outdoor, if there outdoor and hardly ever inside then 5. if there indoor and are always inside then 3.
If you have room for them and they are well fed and get proper vet care, how ever many you have room for. You will be doing a lot of litterbox cleaning though.
Usually having more than four is against the law depending on the local by-laws. A 'Crazy' Cat lady usually refers to a person with hoarding tendancies and keeps buying or adopting cats long past their ablity to handle them. Depending on your ablity 3-6 should be enough! Although I an quite aware that cats tend to adopt people.
When a person has more cats than they can correctly take care of them. I have four and they are very well taken care of. For each cat that lives indoors you should have one litter box (per cat). Should be fed a good nutritional food, free of parasites ~inside and out. They should be happy and content.
There are so many people who think they are doing a justified service to the animals they take on. If they are not providing with their basic neccessities, they are doing more harm than good. I think they know that and that is what drives them crazy.
Once you have more than 4 cats in your house, you have now become crazy cat person.
any more than 3 and your cosiderd a crazy cat person!
12 or 13 as long as ur taking good care of them. you should have more then one litter box, cats love a clean place when it's time to use it. i would love to have more but my cat won't let me bring any other cats in the house.
Depends on the size of your home. It is not healthy to have to many cats. You should have enough room that each cat can have his or her own space in the house.
I would say having more than the law allows would definitely qualify you as a "crazy cat person."
Most cities have restrictions on the number of cats you are allowed to have in your home. In our area, five is the most you can legally have--unless you are a breeder or have a kennel. A friend of mine was reported to the city because she had more than that. They told her either get rid of some, or get licensed as a kennel.
More than 2.
I have 4 and they already call my the crazy cat lady. I say as long as you can take care of them then there is no limit.
my mother had 6 cats and shes not considered a crazy cat person. I dont think there is a specific number. I think it has more to do with a persons behavior as well..
I am our neighborhood's "Batty Cat Lady" even though I only have two cats of my own. Why they call me this? Well, when I step out my front door with my two cats and begin to go "walkies" with them around the block, we are joined by . let me see. "Simba," who belongs to neighbor 1; and "Princess " who belings to neighbor upstairs, and "Zeus" who belongs to Daniel the brat; and "Dinggo" wo bellongs to. who does Dinggo belong to? Anyway, by the time we are halfway around the block, I have quite a parade in tow. So. am the Batty Cat Lady and I am proud of it!
More than you can care for adequately. I have accidently ended up with 5,but we are all happy and healthy and my home does not smell because I keep the boxes clean.
more than 3 unless you have a huge house!! Well the lady who I bought my kittens from has 11, but she has her whole garden transformed into cat runs and heated pens, her cats live in ultimate luxury.
How many cats are put to sleep in the US each year?
Every year in the U.S. approximately 7.6 million cats and dogs are euthanized because lasting, loving homes cannot be found for them.
Each year millions of healthy and lovable cats and kittens are euthanized at shelters and pounds in our country because their numbers greatly exceed the number of available homes.
I do not know how many millions.The figures are only that there are 3-4 million kitties killed each year.. euthanized
I dont know. How would one go about finding out?
I imagine that statistics on this are kept locally and someone may be extrapolating them to reach national numbers. I do know that San Francisco SPCA has significantly reduced the number of cats and dogs being "put to sleep" by an aggressive campaign of spaying and neutering and working with the local animal control to become no-kill shelters for homeless companion animals.
This movement has been going on in many of the large cities in the US and the number has now been at least halved in the last ten years. It is, of course, still significant and a national disgrace.
Too many people in our country do not spay and neuter their cats and dogs and allow them to breed, dumping the kittens and puppies on shelters or giving them away "free" with no stipulations that the animal can receive necessary medical attention, quality housing and food, etc. People here continue to declaw cats (outlawed in all the countries of Western Europe) which, when they become biters or stop using their litterboxes are dumped in shelters - with taxpayers paying the tab for their housing and food.
how many cats am I allowed to keep in my house as pets in Wallaceburg Ontario Canada?
I was told by a Police officer that I was only to have 2 cats in my home as pets,I have never heard of this law befor and wanted to know if this is true or just something a " cat hater" would say.
Hi there.consider contacting the Wallaceburg Animal Shelter as they would know what is the legal limit of pets per household.
Here's their information:
Wallaceburg Animal Shelter
105 Arnold Street
Wallaceburg, ON N8A 3P3
(519) 627-6722
I think you can call your local bylaw enforcement officer.
look in the blue pages under bylaw enforcement - they are listed by municipality there.
I think it's probably more than 2, but wouldn't get crazy with it either.. hahahhhaa
why would the police lie to you
well in florida about 4 but more if you have kittens but you have to give them away and four dogs it depends how you live and where
well im sure there is a website that will inform you exactly how many if you long as you can properly care for them and feed them why should anyone care? and who would know unless you tell them?
Look up your city code ordinances. I cant see a Police officer lying to you, whether he hates cats or not.
Hi there.consider contacting the Wallaceburg Animal Shelter as they would know what is the legal limit of pets per household.
Here's their information:
Wallaceburg Animal Shelter
105 Arnold Street
Wallaceburg, ON N8A 3P3
(519) 627-6722
I think you can call your local bylaw enforcement officer.
look in the blue pages under bylaw enforcement - they are listed by municipality there.
I think it's probably more than 2, but wouldn't get crazy with it either.. hahahhhaa
why would the police lie to you
well in florida about 4 but more if you have kittens but you have to give them away and four dogs it depends how you live and where
well im sure there is a website that will inform you exactly how many if you long as you can properly care for them and feed them why should anyone care? and who would know unless you tell them?
Look up your city code ordinances. I cant see a Police officer lying to you, whether he hates cats or not.
How many cat owners give their cats herbal remedies to keep sickness away and promote optimum health?
I give my 4 cats wet food with NEEM mixed in and a dash of olive oil every Sunday to keep fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and viral infections at bay. Who else gives their cat herbs and what herb do you use?
I have a 22 yr old cat and her homeopathic veterinarian has given me an herbal mixture to put in Cameo's food twice a day. I asked the vet what herbs were in the mixture and she rolled up her eyes and said, "Do you really want to know?" Chinese medicine is very complicated I guess and I wouldn't be familiar with any of the herbs anyway.
I am thinking now of taking on a beautiful white, fluffy cat who is fifteen years old and was abandoned at the groomer/cat boarder's place where Cameo goes to get her baths. So I will definitely be ordering "New Beginnings" from Dr. Jean Hovfe's site to treat all my other five and the new one when he comes to my home. The spirit essences are combinations of herbs and flowers used to treat emotional and adjustment issues in animals.
I don't have a problem with parasites here. I feed my cats a home-made raw meat diet which is supposed to be the best as far as keeping their immune systems in top shape. That has a salmon oil capsule per pound of meat.
I am going to get some Rhus toxicodenron (poison ivy) to see if it can help Cameo with her arthritis.
My twelve year old cat with bladder cancer, for which there is no allopathic treatment, is being treated by a homeopathic doctor. Mincho has had two doses of staphagaria.
So those are my ventures into alternative medicine for my cats.
I don't, but I like to give him cheetos because it freshens his breath and I like the little orange crumbs that he gets in his itty bitty beard.
I don't because he won't take them even in his wet food
i don't use any herbs for my cats
I have a 22 yr old cat and her homeopathic veterinarian has given me an herbal mixture to put in Cameo's food twice a day. I asked the vet what herbs were in the mixture and she rolled up her eyes and said, "Do you really want to know?" Chinese medicine is very complicated I guess and I wouldn't be familiar with any of the herbs anyway.
I am thinking now of taking on a beautiful white, fluffy cat who is fifteen years old and was abandoned at the groomer/cat boarder's place where Cameo goes to get her baths. So I will definitely be ordering "New Beginnings" from Dr. Jean Hovfe's site to treat all my other five and the new one when he comes to my home. The spirit essences are combinations of herbs and flowers used to treat emotional and adjustment issues in animals.
I don't have a problem with parasites here. I feed my cats a home-made raw meat diet which is supposed to be the best as far as keeping their immune systems in top shape. That has a salmon oil capsule per pound of meat.
I am going to get some Rhus toxicodenron (poison ivy) to see if it can help Cameo with her arthritis.
My twelve year old cat with bladder cancer, for which there is no allopathic treatment, is being treated by a homeopathic doctor. Mincho has had two doses of staphagaria.
So those are my ventures into alternative medicine for my cats.
I don't, but I like to give him cheetos because it freshens his breath and I like the little orange crumbs that he gets in his itty bitty beard.
I don't because he won't take them even in his wet food
i don't use any herbs for my cats
How long will my cats be kept at the vets when they are neutered??
Male - neutered: just overnight (actually, some vets have you bring the male cat in the morning and release them in the evening of the same day)
Female - spayed: at least two nights, most of the time 3
You can generally take them home that same afternoon. If there are complications or other procedures at the same time (like declawing), they are usually kept overnight.
overnight. no longer. unless there's complications but their shouldn't be.
i dont really know the real answer but when i brought my rabbit in to be fixed which is like the same thing as a cat i brought her home the same day but it also depends when you bring your cat into the vet if you bring it in early in the morning you will be able to take it home later in the day
It really depends on what the surgeon feels is adequate time to observe post surgery. Most hospitals will let you take them home the same day since a cat neuter is a fairly uninvasive surgery. But if there are any special situations in which he is dehydrated or taking longer to recover from anesthesia then they may choose to keep him longer.
your cats will be out the same day depending on how thier surgery went they have 2 stay in the vets for at least 2-3 hours after thier surgery so they can recover they will be very sleepy during the rest of the day but will soon be playful cats again dont worry it will be fine
i too just had a cat neutered. two actually. it depends on the vet. some vets will keep them for a day or two over night. some will just tell u to come pick him up after the surgery. so no one can really tell u that. the only person that could is ur vet. and he doesnt even know.cuz something could go wrong with the surgery. but dont take my word for it. this is a very routine procedure. it just depends on the vet
male overnight.female 2-3days
I put a female cat in to get neutered once, got a male back. Boy was I embarrassed but a darn sight cheaper it was
They used to keep cats overnight but not any more. You bring them to the vets in the morning and can bring them home that night. The vet will advise you on what time to take their food/water away the night prior to the surgery.
Perhaps 5 days.
my female cat was kept overnight, so probably overnight, maybe a few days.
usually 24 hours tops.If it means u don't have to pay for them to stay then let them keep them for the night to b safe but if it is a money issue then you would be able to take them home the same day try asking your vet ot a couple some r out to make extra money.
Since they are sedated, we generally ask clients to drop the patient off between 7-8 am, NO FOOD or DRINK after 10pm the night before. After surgery and the sedation wears off, they generally are released to go home by 5pm.UNLESS there were complications, which in that case it would be the doctor's/vet's decision as well as the client/owner. We do ask that they reutrn for an incision recheck in 10 days, sooner if there is swelling or complications that arise before.
Most vets now use the gas anesthesia isofluorene for their dentals and surgeries. Recovery from that it very quick and the neutering surgery is also quick so in AM is usually out PM on that one.
If injection anesthesia is used it takes much longer for it to leave the cat's body and vets will have them "under observation" until they are fully awake and moving normally.
Male cats can be taken in morning, out that same evening. Female cats usually kept in overnight unless vet decides it safe to take kitty home for tlc.
Ive just had my male kittens done less than a month ago and they were take in at 8.45am and picked them up at 5pm.
Different cats. different vets. different circumstances.
Just a few hours. You'd usually take them in about 9am and pick them up around 3 or 4 depending on how well they were coming round from the anesthetic
my male cat went in early morning came out at tea time. couldnt eat or drink b4 op its a minor op on a male they soon recover but longer for females
i got my cat neutered a few weeks ago and i droped him off at like 8 in the morning and picked him up at like 330. he was still groogy so i keept him in his crate overnight.and he was fine..
Hi, generally they go in the morning and then you collect them later the same day, mine were only in for about 5 hours and they werent as dopey as the vet said they would be either!
you take them in in the morning and they come home that afternoon.
WHAT? no, males the same day, females-the next day! i have fixed many cats!
take them in the morning and back by teatime either sex
when i had mine done,i took them in 8 in the morning and they came out at 6pm.please be carefull,if its a female make sure she cannot reach her stitches,i REALLY REALLY would advies a cone collar when shes coherant, as mine ripped her stitches and i saw her guts hanging on the floor.she went into emergency surgery and was fine,but i dont think a lot of vets tell u the danger of that.sorry to give u the worst case scenario,ive had 5 others done and they were fine!
Its just a day job, as far as my experience goes.
After the surgery is completed, the vet will want to keep an observation on your kitty for at least one full day once he/she has reached the recovery room.
God bless you!
If the surgery has gone well..then usually within a few hours..but most certainly the same day. Make provisions (ie. Litter Tray) for keeping you cat in for at least a few days whilst he/she is recovering, you vet practic will advise you on the aftercare required depending on the proceedure carried out (you didn't say if it was a boy or girl and I didn't want to presume that as you said neutered that it was a boy.many people misunderstand this term)
they most likley will be home the same day!!
I picked my2 up later on that day, the female was more lathargic than the male,it's tougher on them(typical!!) they like lil patients but the sooner you have the procedure done the better,also the female cat has to return4the removal of stiches around a week later but on the most part they remove them while cleaning themselves,good luck.
how long will it take to get over the death of my 17 year old cat?
I had to put her down this morning and I'm heartbroken. It feels like there is something missing in my house tonight. I was so used to her presence day in day out and she was such a nice cat. I will never forget how she meowed at me 10 seconds before she passed away today. almost like saying goodbye. How long will it take me to feel okay again? I'm so sad now.
My cat, Dixie died on St. Patrick's Day in 2003. I was so heartbroken, she was my baby (I have no kids). The day before she died, she looked me straight in the eye and peed on the floor and I wasn't angry. I just could not let her go, she was my inspiration, she talked to me when I came home from work, she was my alarm clock. I went into the livingroom and ask God to give me the strength to release her to fly with the wind and went back into the room and told her, "Dixie mommy releases you, so fly with the butterflies"., and she was gone by 6 A.M. the following morning. I told GOD the next cat I'd get, I would name her Angel. Dixie's spirit watches Angel when I go to work, to keep her from harm and it works. I still think of Dixie as if she were here.
Here is a poem from the website below.
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
-- Unknown Author
I've been in your situation before, and I'm very sorry for your loss. It will be difficult, but time will heal your broken heart, as it did mine.
There's no time limit on mourning. It is different with everyone. Just take as much time as you need.
as long as u let it bother you :(
I know this is very sad indeed.You have had the cat for 17 years.similar to a family member.You will go through the grieving process and when all the crying is over you will be ok.knowing she is in CAT HEAVEN or wherever they go.BUT JUST KNOW SHE IS SAFE>>>>AND IS OUT OF PAIN MOST OF ALL!
I went through this about a year ago. The next couple days will not be easy. Talk about her to whoever will listen. Let the tears come if you need. On the day it happened for me, I put away her favorite toys. I could not look at them for about a month. Eventually, I was able to pull them out and smile. It's a slow process that gets a little better each day.
I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I had a cockerspaniel named chewy and he was born the day and year I was born my father brought him home to me when i got out of the hospital we were inseperable. He had to be put down when I was 16 years old. For a dog to live that long was very remarkable. But chewy meant the world to me when I was younger and he was a great dog, but with time you will get over it. Just remember the good times.
Im really sorry. Ive lost loved ones to i took me forever(2 years).
We lost our cat of 15 years while we were on vacation. We felt so terrible that we weren't with him! We made a special box to bury him in, and laid him on a cloth from a basket that he always laid in. We all wrote him a letter, and buried those with him. We will always grieve, but just like with the loss of humans we love, time eases the pain.
You will eventually but, you'll always be melancholy when you think of it. It's just natural. You'll never forget.
Adopt a new one, it'll help.
I have a saying. Time does not heal all wounds. It only makes it eaiser to cope with. I have had to put down many cats due to medical problems and you never really forget. It will get eaiser though in time but the love stays forever. If you don't have another cat I suggest getting a kitten. This will not take the place of your cat but it will give you something to help fill the void.
It's been 10 years since the death of my beloved cat Mooshie, and I still haven't gotten over it, really. You did such a good thing, helping your cat to be out of its pain. I wish I'd done the same, but instead I listened to the doctors tell me he was fine, and he ended up dying just horribly, in my arms. I don't think you ever want to get totally "over" the death b/c to me that means you just kind of forget you ever even knew your cat. In time you may feel ready to take in and love another animal, but that doesn't mean you can't miss your cat and treasure the time you had with it.
I am such an animal lover. I have had many cats and dogs in my life. They not only become our best friends, but they become members of our family.They love us unconditionally. I just recently lost a pet myself, and I know how hard it is. I took my pets death worse than the deaths of family members. You never really get over it. But, as time goes on, things will get easier. Just never forget your pet. Remember, you gave your cat alot of love and that`s a wonderful thing. You will be fine.
I had my cat for 22 years and about a year ago I had to have him put down, I still think about him probably twice a week but after about the first month that he was gone I stopped being upset.
Now when I think about him I think of all the stupid stuff he use to do. Just remember that while she was with you she had the best life she could have.
Feel better soon xx
sweetie, there is no time limit on grief, you are going to be sad for a long time and it is ok and normal, when we lose an animal it is very traumatic and hurts so deeply but as the weeks go by it will get easier, but you will never forget or lose the love you have for your cat or any animal and there will be times when you think and feel that she/he is still in the house with you and that is also normal. just remember you will get through this but all in time.
OOOH, I KNOW what you are going through! My condolences to you.
First I lost my husband of 22 years on Oct. 9, 04 and then I had to put my 15 year old (that I had raised from a 4 week old waif) down in May 05. I know the meows that my Leo gave me on the way to the vet as well as while we were there. Like your kitty, Leo was saying good-bye. [Tears welling up now :(( ] As you can see I still miss them both a LOT! I just take solace in the fact that Leo, like Larry, are now together in a MUCH better place than WE are %26 that death is just another part of life.
I also had another kitten to raise! It'll take some time for the edge to wear off your grief, but you'll ALWAYS have your memories of your beloved kitty.
Now I'm trying to find good "forever" homes for two strays that have shown up %26 asked me for my help. (See my Questions).
i am so sorry for your loss! there is a web site called there are support groups and it will help a bit, but all in all it takes time and you just have to go day by day. my thoughts are with you! ss!
It really depends upon the person. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my cat of 20+ years almost 3 years now, and when I think of her I still cry. It's hard, very hard. You do go on somehow. Go to
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat!
You will grieve for her as much as you would any human member of your family. Because she has been part of your life for such a long time. So you will feel something missing.
I can't offer much- but look up the story called the Rainbow Bridge. That might help some.
Feel better.
I had to put my dog down, she died in my arms. That was 15 years ago and I am still not over it. My dog had cancer and was only 5 years old. Your cat lived a long life but you will always miss her, forver.. but in time you will get a new kitty (don't do this too soon) and it will ease your pain. I finally got a new puppy a year ago and I love her as much as my first dog (I never thought that could be possible) but now I wonder how in the world I am going to handle it when her time is up, it bring back the pain and some times I wish I never got her so I would never feel that pain again. The first year of loss will be touch and go, mostly tears when you are alone a few times a month. The years after is a combo of tears and happy memories. Having a nice framed picture of her will help with the up and down emotions because if you see it all the time you learn to adjust better.
I can't give you an answer exactly, but I know how you are feeling. I have "lost" four of my cats over the years; one was 17, one was 16, and one was 23 (!). I loved them all so much, and it hurt something awful to lose them. I lost my first sweetie (Missy) about 20 years ago, and although I will never forget her or the special relationship we had, and I still cry when I come across a picture of her, I know that she had a good and happy life. I think I was pretty sad for about six months.
You must have been a wonderful human "buddy" to your cat, and I am sure that she was happy and knew that she was loved. I hope that you won't hurt for long, because you sound like a fantastic person!
I feel your pain, greatly, for I lost a cat at age 15yrs. My life was so empty for 8 months. The house was silent and something was missing.
So, after visiting her grave and talking to her pictures, I asked her if I could adopt two kittens--I waited for an answer and she said OK. Sounds bizarre, but it helped me to ask her.
I knew I gave her the best life, but I still miss her even though I now have two young adult kittens, but it has helped me get through this life and she is in cat life, not ours.
It just depends how long it will take you to feel okay again. Just be sad and go through it.
There are so many animals that need us as good owners that we must carry on and adopt, and give them good homes.
Grief is personal and there is no time limit and that is OK, really.
My cat, Dixie died on St. Patrick's Day in 2003. I was so heartbroken, she was my baby (I have no kids). The day before she died, she looked me straight in the eye and peed on the floor and I wasn't angry. I just could not let her go, she was my inspiration, she talked to me when I came home from work, she was my alarm clock. I went into the livingroom and ask God to give me the strength to release her to fly with the wind and went back into the room and told her, "Dixie mommy releases you, so fly with the butterflies"., and she was gone by 6 A.M. the following morning. I told GOD the next cat I'd get, I would name her Angel. Dixie's spirit watches Angel when I go to work, to keep her from harm and it works. I still think of Dixie as if she were here.
Here is a poem from the website below.
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
-- Unknown Author
I've been in your situation before, and I'm very sorry for your loss. It will be difficult, but time will heal your broken heart, as it did mine.
There's no time limit on mourning. It is different with everyone. Just take as much time as you need.
as long as u let it bother you :(
I know this is very sad indeed.You have had the cat for 17 years.similar to a family member.You will go through the grieving process and when all the crying is over you will be ok.knowing she is in CAT HEAVEN or wherever they go.BUT JUST KNOW SHE IS SAFE>>>>AND IS OUT OF PAIN MOST OF ALL!
I went through this about a year ago. The next couple days will not be easy. Talk about her to whoever will listen. Let the tears come if you need. On the day it happened for me, I put away her favorite toys. I could not look at them for about a month. Eventually, I was able to pull them out and smile. It's a slow process that gets a little better each day.
I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I had a cockerspaniel named chewy and he was born the day and year I was born my father brought him home to me when i got out of the hospital we were inseperable. He had to be put down when I was 16 years old. For a dog to live that long was very remarkable. But chewy meant the world to me when I was younger and he was a great dog, but with time you will get over it. Just remember the good times.
Im really sorry. Ive lost loved ones to i took me forever(2 years).
We lost our cat of 15 years while we were on vacation. We felt so terrible that we weren't with him! We made a special box to bury him in, and laid him on a cloth from a basket that he always laid in. We all wrote him a letter, and buried those with him. We will always grieve, but just like with the loss of humans we love, time eases the pain.
You will eventually but, you'll always be melancholy when you think of it. It's just natural. You'll never forget.
Adopt a new one, it'll help.
I have a saying. Time does not heal all wounds. It only makes it eaiser to cope with. I have had to put down many cats due to medical problems and you never really forget. It will get eaiser though in time but the love stays forever. If you don't have another cat I suggest getting a kitten. This will not take the place of your cat but it will give you something to help fill the void.
It's been 10 years since the death of my beloved cat Mooshie, and I still haven't gotten over it, really. You did such a good thing, helping your cat to be out of its pain. I wish I'd done the same, but instead I listened to the doctors tell me he was fine, and he ended up dying just horribly, in my arms. I don't think you ever want to get totally "over" the death b/c to me that means you just kind of forget you ever even knew your cat. In time you may feel ready to take in and love another animal, but that doesn't mean you can't miss your cat and treasure the time you had with it.
I am such an animal lover. I have had many cats and dogs in my life. They not only become our best friends, but they become members of our family.They love us unconditionally. I just recently lost a pet myself, and I know how hard it is. I took my pets death worse than the deaths of family members. You never really get over it. But, as time goes on, things will get easier. Just never forget your pet. Remember, you gave your cat alot of love and that`s a wonderful thing. You will be fine.
I had my cat for 22 years and about a year ago I had to have him put down, I still think about him probably twice a week but after about the first month that he was gone I stopped being upset.
Now when I think about him I think of all the stupid stuff he use to do. Just remember that while she was with you she had the best life she could have.
Feel better soon xx
sweetie, there is no time limit on grief, you are going to be sad for a long time and it is ok and normal, when we lose an animal it is very traumatic and hurts so deeply but as the weeks go by it will get easier, but you will never forget or lose the love you have for your cat or any animal and there will be times when you think and feel that she/he is still in the house with you and that is also normal. just remember you will get through this but all in time.
OOOH, I KNOW what you are going through! My condolences to you.
First I lost my husband of 22 years on Oct. 9, 04 and then I had to put my 15 year old (that I had raised from a 4 week old waif) down in May 05. I know the meows that my Leo gave me on the way to the vet as well as while we were there. Like your kitty, Leo was saying good-bye. [Tears welling up now :(( ] As you can see I still miss them both a LOT! I just take solace in the fact that Leo, like Larry, are now together in a MUCH better place than WE are %26 that death is just another part of life.
I also had another kitten to raise! It'll take some time for the edge to wear off your grief, but you'll ALWAYS have your memories of your beloved kitty.
Now I'm trying to find good "forever" homes for two strays that have shown up %26 asked me for my help. (See my Questions).
i am so sorry for your loss! there is a web site called there are support groups and it will help a bit, but all in all it takes time and you just have to go day by day. my thoughts are with you! ss!
It really depends upon the person. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my cat of 20+ years almost 3 years now, and when I think of her I still cry. It's hard, very hard. You do go on somehow. Go to
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat!
You will grieve for her as much as you would any human member of your family. Because she has been part of your life for such a long time. So you will feel something missing.
I can't offer much- but look up the story called the Rainbow Bridge. That might help some.
Feel better.
I had to put my dog down, she died in my arms. That was 15 years ago and I am still not over it. My dog had cancer and was only 5 years old. Your cat lived a long life but you will always miss her, forver.. but in time you will get a new kitty (don't do this too soon) and it will ease your pain. I finally got a new puppy a year ago and I love her as much as my first dog (I never thought that could be possible) but now I wonder how in the world I am going to handle it when her time is up, it bring back the pain and some times I wish I never got her so I would never feel that pain again. The first year of loss will be touch and go, mostly tears when you are alone a few times a month. The years after is a combo of tears and happy memories. Having a nice framed picture of her will help with the up and down emotions because if you see it all the time you learn to adjust better.
I can't give you an answer exactly, but I know how you are feeling. I have "lost" four of my cats over the years; one was 17, one was 16, and one was 23 (!). I loved them all so much, and it hurt something awful to lose them. I lost my first sweetie (Missy) about 20 years ago, and although I will never forget her or the special relationship we had, and I still cry when I come across a picture of her, I know that she had a good and happy life. I think I was pretty sad for about six months.
You must have been a wonderful human "buddy" to your cat, and I am sure that she was happy and knew that she was loved. I hope that you won't hurt for long, because you sound like a fantastic person!
I feel your pain, greatly, for I lost a cat at age 15yrs. My life was so empty for 8 months. The house was silent and something was missing.
So, after visiting her grave and talking to her pictures, I asked her if I could adopt two kittens--I waited for an answer and she said OK. Sounds bizarre, but it helped me to ask her.
I knew I gave her the best life, but I still miss her even though I now have two young adult kittens, but it has helped me get through this life and she is in cat life, not ours.
It just depends how long it will take you to feel okay again. Just be sad and go through it.
There are so many animals that need us as good owners that we must carry on and adopt, and give them good homes.
Grief is personal and there is no time limit and that is OK, really.
How long will it take my kitten to get used to the new kitten?
they are both 9 weeks old. i've had one for almost a month and just brought the other one home today. how long will it take for them to get used to each other. i have college on mondays, wednesdays and fridays so i can't watch them all the time.
I would watch them when you're home, but keep one in a different room when you're at work. Chances are at that age it won't take long, but I'm a very careful person and I don't like to take chances. In some cases, it can depend if they're the same sex or not.
Also, remember that you will need AT LEAST two sand boxes.
They might become friends , cause if they are very young and grow up together . It will be very easy for them to get to know each other and get along better.
One or two weeks.
I think they will get used to wach other soon because your first kitten is only nine weeks old and you've only kept it for a month. The kitten will probably want to play with it and so that'll bring them closer.
just let them bee and things will work out! as from how long it takes is hard to say! most the time less then a week! i think it is great you got the kitten a Friend! now it has someone to keep it company while you are gone! cat are very social and do allot better with a friend!! lots of luck~:)
Probably a little longer than a nano second. Kittens learn very quickly that it is much more fun to play than to have a serious fight.
Two young kittens can get into a lot of mischief however and I think you should confine them to one room or a bathroom for the time you are at school.
Leave them some food, water and a littbox and let them out to roam the house or apartment when you return.
Kittens that young shouldn't be too territorial yet, so I doubt it will take long before they're playing, sleeping together, grooming one another, etc. I wouldn't worry about them hurting each other while you're not home, but please set up a kitten-safe room in your home to keep them in while you're away. Kittens get into everything and can severely injure themselves on things you may not even think of (chewing on electrical cords, getting stuck behind or under large appliances or furnitures, hanging themselves on blind cords, etc.). A bathroom would be a good choice provided electrical cords and the like are kept out of reach and the toilet lid remain closed. Whichever room you choose to kitten-proof, make sure you put a litterbox, food and water dishes, and some toys in it. A blanket or pet bed, too, since they'll want a snuggly place to nap (which kittens do quite frequently:)
Congratulations on your new additions, and good luck:)
I would watch them when you're home, but keep one in a different room when you're at work. Chances are at that age it won't take long, but I'm a very careful person and I don't like to take chances. In some cases, it can depend if they're the same sex or not.
Also, remember that you will need AT LEAST two sand boxes.
They might become friends , cause if they are very young and grow up together . It will be very easy for them to get to know each other and get along better.
One or two weeks.
I think they will get used to wach other soon because your first kitten is only nine weeks old and you've only kept it for a month. The kitten will probably want to play with it and so that'll bring them closer.
just let them bee and things will work out! as from how long it takes is hard to say! most the time less then a week! i think it is great you got the kitten a Friend! now it has someone to keep it company while you are gone! cat are very social and do allot better with a friend!! lots of luck~:)
Probably a little longer than a nano second. Kittens learn very quickly that it is much more fun to play than to have a serious fight.
Two young kittens can get into a lot of mischief however and I think you should confine them to one room or a bathroom for the time you are at school.
Leave them some food, water and a littbox and let them out to roam the house or apartment when you return.
Kittens that young shouldn't be too territorial yet, so I doubt it will take long before they're playing, sleeping together, grooming one another, etc. I wouldn't worry about them hurting each other while you're not home, but please set up a kitten-safe room in your home to keep them in while you're away. Kittens get into everything and can severely injure themselves on things you may not even think of (chewing on electrical cords, getting stuck behind or under large appliances or furnitures, hanging themselves on blind cords, etc.). A bathroom would be a good choice provided electrical cords and the like are kept out of reach and the toilet lid remain closed. Whichever room you choose to kitten-proof, make sure you put a litterbox, food and water dishes, and some toys in it. A blanket or pet bed, too, since they'll want a snuggly place to nap (which kittens do quite frequently:)
Congratulations on your new additions, and good luck:)
How long will it take for my cats to get used to our new dog?
We rescued a dog, a small Bagel (a Beagle/Basset Hound mix) and brought her home. My cats are reacting very meanly. Normally, they are good with other cats, but have never been around a dog. They walk around the house with puffed up tails and attack the poor thing if she tries to walk. Also, my son was sitting my the dog, and the younger of the two cats scratched my son on his face. They have NEVER scratched or anything like this before!
I know it is just the first day. but is this likely to get better? How long should it take?
Their world has become invaded by an outsider. You need to introduce them to one another slowly. Dont just plop the dog in the room and expect the cats to be happy. Keep the dog restrained in another room for awhile. Use a baby gate to keep her in the kitchen and just let the cats get used to her being in the house--but restrained so she cant get at them. The dog is a threat to them no matter how docile the dog may be right now. Since the cats have had free reign in the should continue to allow them that. As far as them scratching your son.he just happened to be the closest living being between the cat and the dog. The cat simply lashed out b/c its angry. Keeping the dog retrained from the cats for a week or so and letting the cats get slowly used to the dog will ease their fears. The dog will adapt.the cats will take longer. My cats had a bit of a time getting used to my dog but now they sleep together and nuzzle with one another. It will take some time but it will work. Just be patient and keep your son away from the swiping claws! Good luck.
as long as it takes for your dog to get hungry..hehehe
i had cats and then got a dashhound it took almost a month for my cats to get use to my dog now they never leave each other side and when i take my dog out my cat follows with her
Cats are territorial and the dog is in they're territory. Do Not give the dog more attention than you will give your cats stay away from the dog for a few days let the cats show him the rules of the house and everything will be fine. Keep your son away from the dog at first the cats know him as they're human. Animals actually think we are their pets. LOL
You can get Rescue Remedy from a health foods store. With animals you just shake the bottle well and put three to four drops on each animal's fur. Treat as often as you can for the next week or ten days. It can help ease the tensions among the animals. It's not a drug or a medicine and can't hurt them in any way.
If you want to wait a week you can get "New Beginnings" from Dr. Jean Hovfe's site It would cost about the same as the RR.
I'm sure Hovfe's essence has Walnut in it which might have a better effect long-term and I think either would help the situation.
yes, it will get better but, I predict it will take a while. don't force them to be together or in the same room or anything. The dog is smart enough to know the cats are boss and will act accordingly but, it will take time for him to know what they will and will not tolerate and him being a puppy will naturally test the cats pretty often and learn his lessons the hard way, over and over. I hate to say it but dogs are dumb that I have 2 cats and a dog. It's funny to watch. Let them take all the time they need. the cats are mad and the dog is , well a dog. So, time is the answer. Good luck and many years of dog and cat antics for you and your family. Great that you rescued a dog..won the doggier lottery huh?
the cats and your nwe puppy should be playing together in about a couple of days . it takes a few days for them to adjust themself to eachother. what ever you do do not leave the cats and the puppy alone together at all you have to watch them like hawks. as for scratching our son if they have newer done that befor it is probably just jelosy. I would not worry about it.. e-mail me if the dogs and cats don't get better in about 3-4 days ok.. good luck.
Everyone has given excellent advice, another thing to do is, as you should be keeping them apart for a bit - every time you feed your cats, bring the dog in the room, it helps them associate the pleasurable activity of eating, with yonder puppy. Maybe don't leave pellets out for them inbetween meals for a few days, this helps sharpen appetites, and ensures that they will be nice and hungry when you feed them. That way, they will definitely leave puppy alone so they can eat. Keep the dog restrained while the cats are eating, on a leash, so that she doesn't annoy them at their bowls. Also, pin both cats down when they are tired and trim their nails - there is definitely going to be a few occasions when they are going to try to hack your puppies face up! Not to worry though, if they can adjust to other cats it means that they are already tolerant kitties, the dog won't take too long to adjust to. Just make sure that they have all got places to hide in, and that their food and litter trays are protected from your pup.
If they have got favourite places to sleep, take a blanket or old tee shirt and let the dog sleep on it, then put it in kitties favourite spots, this helps them get used to the dogs scent, without it actually being there. You can even put their food bowls on to the dog smelly blanket!
I know it is just the first day. but is this likely to get better? How long should it take?
Their world has become invaded by an outsider. You need to introduce them to one another slowly. Dont just plop the dog in the room and expect the cats to be happy. Keep the dog restrained in another room for awhile. Use a baby gate to keep her in the kitchen and just let the cats get used to her being in the house--but restrained so she cant get at them. The dog is a threat to them no matter how docile the dog may be right now. Since the cats have had free reign in the should continue to allow them that. As far as them scratching your son.he just happened to be the closest living being between the cat and the dog. The cat simply lashed out b/c its angry. Keeping the dog retrained from the cats for a week or so and letting the cats get slowly used to the dog will ease their fears. The dog will adapt.the cats will take longer. My cats had a bit of a time getting used to my dog but now they sleep together and nuzzle with one another. It will take some time but it will work. Just be patient and keep your son away from the swiping claws! Good luck.
as long as it takes for your dog to get hungry..hehehe
i had cats and then got a dashhound it took almost a month for my cats to get use to my dog now they never leave each other side and when i take my dog out my cat follows with her
Cats are territorial and the dog is in they're territory. Do Not give the dog more attention than you will give your cats stay away from the dog for a few days let the cats show him the rules of the house and everything will be fine. Keep your son away from the dog at first the cats know him as they're human. Animals actually think we are their pets. LOL
You can get Rescue Remedy from a health foods store. With animals you just shake the bottle well and put three to four drops on each animal's fur. Treat as often as you can for the next week or ten days. It can help ease the tensions among the animals. It's not a drug or a medicine and can't hurt them in any way.
If you want to wait a week you can get "New Beginnings" from Dr. Jean Hovfe's site It would cost about the same as the RR.
I'm sure Hovfe's essence has Walnut in it which might have a better effect long-term and I think either would help the situation.
yes, it will get better but, I predict it will take a while. don't force them to be together or in the same room or anything. The dog is smart enough to know the cats are boss and will act accordingly but, it will take time for him to know what they will and will not tolerate and him being a puppy will naturally test the cats pretty often and learn his lessons the hard way, over and over. I hate to say it but dogs are dumb that I have 2 cats and a dog. It's funny to watch. Let them take all the time they need. the cats are mad and the dog is , well a dog. So, time is the answer. Good luck and many years of dog and cat antics for you and your family. Great that you rescued a dog..won the doggier lottery huh?
the cats and your nwe puppy should be playing together in about a couple of days . it takes a few days for them to adjust themself to eachother. what ever you do do not leave the cats and the puppy alone together at all you have to watch them like hawks. as for scratching our son if they have newer done that befor it is probably just jelosy. I would not worry about it.. e-mail me if the dogs and cats don't get better in about 3-4 days ok.. good luck.
Everyone has given excellent advice, another thing to do is, as you should be keeping them apart for a bit - every time you feed your cats, bring the dog in the room, it helps them associate the pleasurable activity of eating, with yonder puppy. Maybe don't leave pellets out for them inbetween meals for a few days, this helps sharpen appetites, and ensures that they will be nice and hungry when you feed them. That way, they will definitely leave puppy alone so they can eat. Keep the dog restrained while the cats are eating, on a leash, so that she doesn't annoy them at their bowls. Also, pin both cats down when they are tired and trim their nails - there is definitely going to be a few occasions when they are going to try to hack your puppies face up! Not to worry though, if they can adjust to other cats it means that they are already tolerant kitties, the dog won't take too long to adjust to. Just make sure that they have all got places to hide in, and that their food and litter trays are protected from your pup.
If they have got favourite places to sleep, take a blanket or old tee shirt and let the dog sleep on it, then put it in kitties favourite spots, this helps them get used to the dogs scent, without it actually being there. You can even put their food bowls on to the dog smelly blanket!
how long will it take for my cat to calm down?
my b/f and i got a cat a few months ago and sometimes he plays too rough and other times he thinks he can climb the walls. some people told me getting him neutered would calm him down but it hasn't. he is 4 months old and bites really hard. we tried spraying him with a spray bottle but he only stops for a little while. what can i do and how long will it take?
We have a very party-hardy kitty - he's just 12 mos. old and loves to play too! Tons of toys are the answer - try looking up Drs. Smith %26 Foster for a catalog online. Toys %26 time will reduce that behavior quite a bit, be patient and spend time playing. Our cats fav toys are:
Cardboard boxes with ping pong balls
Throw a ping pong ball in the shower or empty tub
Nylon kitty cubes/tunnels - try WalMart for Sport Pet brand
Cat condo/tree to climb and jump on
Here are some informational links for you also.
Get him a playmate! 2 cats honestly aren't that hard to take care of. Trust me.. it'll save your house and your skin.
getting him under control will take as long as it takes you to go to the store, buy a huge box of tuna flavoured melt in your mouth cat treats, and load it filled with useless junk food. that'll slow him down.
use a little bit of bitter apple from petsmart and when you are playing with him and he bites to hard spray a little in his mouth and tell him no or gentel.
He's still a baby and rough play is part %26 parcel of it. He will start to calm down in a few more months.
Hopefully your cat won't calm down for another three or four months. Even then, expect him to want to play a lot. Cats, like people, need exercise to tone their muscles and grow properly, to say nothing of avoiding obesity. Kittens, like kids, need to play and an inactive kitten is probably sick.
He should be neutered, but that won't make him grow up. In the meantime, try to use toys for him to get rid of some energy. A trip to the pet store can be a real revelation. Balls with bells and noisy stuff inside will keep a kitten amused for a long time. They also have long plastic sticks with various attachments at the end of a string that you can wave to give you cat the chance to chase and capture. This is natural behavior and your cat is behaving naturally.
If he grabs onto your hand too hard, stop playing immediately and acted shocked. Even ask, "Now why would you do that?" End the playtime for the moment and repeat the action every time it happens again. It does work. In the meantime, you should be very happy that you have a healthy, normal kitten and that he is developing just the way he should. You might ask the vet to show you how to trim his claws. It is easy to do, but requires great care to avoid injuring your cat. Not a thing that is easily described in words. You need to have someone show you the correct procedure.
Oh, three or four years from now, you will miss that playful kitten. Trust me, it's true.
Get him neutered. unless you want unwanted kitties. (Or put the burden on others). They do calm down. Try lavendar therapy. they do respond to the soothing scent. After a divorce and moves (my cats hate traveling), they did calm down when the scent was present.
I have four cats and they love playing together, it might be a good idea to get another cat[ of course my kitties have known each other their whole lives their siblings] But if he has someone to play with he may calm down, also get him some cat toys with cat nip, my cats love it! The bitting should stop soon, hes still just a kitten and he might be teething. By the time he's a full grown cat it should stop.
We have a very party-hardy kitty - he's just 12 mos. old and loves to play too! Tons of toys are the answer - try looking up Drs. Smith %26 Foster for a catalog online. Toys %26 time will reduce that behavior quite a bit, be patient and spend time playing. Our cats fav toys are:
Cardboard boxes with ping pong balls
Throw a ping pong ball in the shower or empty tub
Nylon kitty cubes/tunnels - try WalMart for Sport Pet brand
Cat condo/tree to climb and jump on
Here are some informational links for you also.
Get him a playmate! 2 cats honestly aren't that hard to take care of. Trust me.. it'll save your house and your skin.
getting him under control will take as long as it takes you to go to the store, buy a huge box of tuna flavoured melt in your mouth cat treats, and load it filled with useless junk food. that'll slow him down.
use a little bit of bitter apple from petsmart and when you are playing with him and he bites to hard spray a little in his mouth and tell him no or gentel.
He's still a baby and rough play is part %26 parcel of it. He will start to calm down in a few more months.
Hopefully your cat won't calm down for another three or four months. Even then, expect him to want to play a lot. Cats, like people, need exercise to tone their muscles and grow properly, to say nothing of avoiding obesity. Kittens, like kids, need to play and an inactive kitten is probably sick.
He should be neutered, but that won't make him grow up. In the meantime, try to use toys for him to get rid of some energy. A trip to the pet store can be a real revelation. Balls with bells and noisy stuff inside will keep a kitten amused for a long time. They also have long plastic sticks with various attachments at the end of a string that you can wave to give you cat the chance to chase and capture. This is natural behavior and your cat is behaving naturally.
If he grabs onto your hand too hard, stop playing immediately and acted shocked. Even ask, "Now why would you do that?" End the playtime for the moment and repeat the action every time it happens again. It does work. In the meantime, you should be very happy that you have a healthy, normal kitten and that he is developing just the way he should. You might ask the vet to show you how to trim his claws. It is easy to do, but requires great care to avoid injuring your cat. Not a thing that is easily described in words. You need to have someone show you the correct procedure.
Oh, three or four years from now, you will miss that playful kitten. Trust me, it's true.
Get him neutered. unless you want unwanted kitties. (Or put the burden on others). They do calm down. Try lavendar therapy. they do respond to the soothing scent. After a divorce and moves (my cats hate traveling), they did calm down when the scent was present.
I have four cats and they love playing together, it might be a good idea to get another cat[ of course my kitties have known each other their whole lives their siblings] But if he has someone to play with he may calm down, also get him some cat toys with cat nip, my cats love it! The bitting should stop soon, hes still just a kitten and he might be teething. By the time he's a full grown cat it should stop.
How long will it take for her to get back to normal??
1 of me 2 kittens have died, the other seems depressed, how long will she be like this?
It is true that if your other kittien is healthy that in time it will do just fine with love and affection. However if you can get another kitten or cat that can give some companionship, it will do alot better and you will see improvements right away. Hopefully you have taken it to be seen by a veternarian too.
Keep showing her love and affection..she'll soon forget.
cats get depressed?? maybe you are projecting your feelings on an animal..
hi there, don't want a new kitty? try an alarm clock or soft stuffy for temporary company. have a nice snug bed. How long will this last.anyones guess.
I really don't know how long your little kitten will be depressed. My advice would be to show her lots of love and attention. Cuddle her, pet her, etc. Soon she will come around.
It is true that if your other kittien is healthy that in time it will do just fine with love and affection. However if you can get another kitten or cat that can give some companionship, it will do alot better and you will see improvements right away. Hopefully you have taken it to be seen by a veternarian too.
Keep showing her love and affection..she'll soon forget.
cats get depressed?? maybe you are projecting your feelings on an animal..
hi there, don't want a new kitty? try an alarm clock or soft stuffy for temporary company. have a nice snug bed. How long will this last.anyones guess.
I really don't know how long your little kitten will be depressed. My advice would be to show her lots of love and attention. Cuddle her, pet her, etc. Soon she will come around.
how long will it take for all of the flea eggs to drop off my cats?
I have 2 kittens, they both had I fleas. I used that Advantage stuff from the vet. Now the fleas are gone but I see the eggs everywhere they go! i keep vaccuuming and I'm going to get some spray for the house, but how long will it take for all of the eggs to drop off??
I have no idea. put a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner bag. that will kill all the eggs you suck up
You totally should get frontline next time, it's a bit more but it kills the eggs too. The eggs will most probably keep dropping because the meds dont allow the eggs to hold on to the skin like they did before. Go get some cat shampoo from your local petshop (DO NOT GET HARTZ, Hartz is known to kill animals with their products) And give your kittens a bath (as long as they are over 8 weeks) that will guarentee all the eggs are washed away. Giving cats a bath may seem difficult, but as long as you reward them after with a bit of lactose free milk, or some treats, they'll be a bit happier. When you are bathing them, try to have another person with you to comfort them and make it a bot easier. Do only one at a time, and don't show the other what you are going to do (bathe him) he'll run and hide! Good luck! And if you need anymore help, you can email me :D
Advantage only kills adult fleas. You'd be much better off with Frontline Plus which kills adults, larvae, and eggs. But obviously, you can't use the Frontline Plus until the Advantage has worn off.
I have no idea how long it will take for the eggs to drop off.
But the first advice was good; put a flea collar in your vacuum to kill off the eggs you're sucking up. Otherwise, the eggs could hatch, and the fleas could get out of your vacuum and back into your carpets and furniture. You said you're getting a spray, make sure you spray your furniture as well as your carpets.
If it's been a few days since you applied the Advantage, you could try giving the kittens a bath to remove the remaining eggs.
You should spray the flea spray on a paper towel and the wrap the kittens up for a minute. Then take a fine comb like the ones for lice and comb the kittens. Do this about two times a day. It usually takes about 2 days and they will be gone. You can also get Capstar from your vet to make sure if any eggs hatch they will not stay on the kittens.
Normally about 24-48 hours but may be longer if your pet had alot of fleas. plus if your pet had fleas so did all of your stuff so keep that in mind.
The eggs are not sticky and when laid on the animal, often fall off immediately into the environment. You need to treat the environment, not just the pets, to fully get rid of the fleas. You should also ask the vet for a dewormer for tapeworms, since fleas transmit tapesworms.
when you pick up the eggs as you are doing put some dish detergent on the towel and the pick up will go much smoother for you
thank you
I have no idea. put a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner bag. that will kill all the eggs you suck up
You totally should get frontline next time, it's a bit more but it kills the eggs too. The eggs will most probably keep dropping because the meds dont allow the eggs to hold on to the skin like they did before. Go get some cat shampoo from your local petshop (DO NOT GET HARTZ, Hartz is known to kill animals with their products) And give your kittens a bath (as long as they are over 8 weeks) that will guarentee all the eggs are washed away. Giving cats a bath may seem difficult, but as long as you reward them after with a bit of lactose free milk, or some treats, they'll be a bit happier. When you are bathing them, try to have another person with you to comfort them and make it a bot easier. Do only one at a time, and don't show the other what you are going to do (bathe him) he'll run and hide! Good luck! And if you need anymore help, you can email me :D
Advantage only kills adult fleas. You'd be much better off with Frontline Plus which kills adults, larvae, and eggs. But obviously, you can't use the Frontline Plus until the Advantage has worn off.
I have no idea how long it will take for the eggs to drop off.
But the first advice was good; put a flea collar in your vacuum to kill off the eggs you're sucking up. Otherwise, the eggs could hatch, and the fleas could get out of your vacuum and back into your carpets and furniture. You said you're getting a spray, make sure you spray your furniture as well as your carpets.
If it's been a few days since you applied the Advantage, you could try giving the kittens a bath to remove the remaining eggs.
You should spray the flea spray on a paper towel and the wrap the kittens up for a minute. Then take a fine comb like the ones for lice and comb the kittens. Do this about two times a day. It usually takes about 2 days and they will be gone. You can also get Capstar from your vet to make sure if any eggs hatch they will not stay on the kittens.
Normally about 24-48 hours but may be longer if your pet had alot of fleas. plus if your pet had fleas so did all of your stuff so keep that in mind.
The eggs are not sticky and when laid on the animal, often fall off immediately into the environment. You need to treat the environment, not just the pets, to fully get rid of the fleas. You should also ask the vet for a dewormer for tapeworms, since fleas transmit tapesworms.
when you pick up the eggs as you are doing put some dish detergent on the towel and the pick up will go much smoother for you
thank you
How long will it take for a kitty(male) to finish teething?average? how old will the kitty be?
How long will it take for a kitty(male) to finish teething?average? how old will the kitty be?
my kitten is around 5 months old. and i think its teething cause its biting lieks feet for somereason.
so how old well the average kitten be when it finishes teething?
All little kittens bite, it's just the way they interact with their world.
By the time you got this kitten he had already gone through his "teething". That's the first erruption of teeth from the gums. Now he will gradually lose certain teeth on both sides and it won't bother him at all.
Don't play with the kitten with your hands, always use a cat dancer or feather toy. If he bites when you are just holding him, put him away from you with a firm "No". Another kitten would have "trained" him not to bite hard and his mother would have to.
You are both playmate and mother so you need to assert yourself in a gentle firm manner and let him know what is acceptable to you.
I think by six months they are pretty much done growing including teething. neutering also helps mellow out most kitties and they don't bite as much.
my kitten is around 5 months old. and i think its teething cause its biting lieks feet for somereason.
so how old well the average kitten be when it finishes teething?
All little kittens bite, it's just the way they interact with their world.
By the time you got this kitten he had already gone through his "teething". That's the first erruption of teeth from the gums. Now he will gradually lose certain teeth on both sides and it won't bother him at all.
Don't play with the kitten with your hands, always use a cat dancer or feather toy. If he bites when you are just holding him, put him away from you with a firm "No". Another kitten would have "trained" him not to bite hard and his mother would have to.
You are both playmate and mother so you need to assert yourself in a gentle firm manner and let him know what is acceptable to you.
I think by six months they are pretty much done growing including teething. neutering also helps mellow out most kitties and they don't bite as much.
How long will a cat live for?
My cat was hit by a car and was stabbed by a person and had a operation and still alive he live from my great great grans and she got 5 daughter they got children and the children got children..
cats live for 300 yrs and mostly they have 9 lives he spended 3 or 4 so he got 5 or 6 lifes left so 300 yrs
Too long. Smelly, dirty animals.
wow great cat!
My brothers cat lived till she was 20
well how old is it? cats can live to be as old as 25. it must of planned out very well on how and when it was going to use all 9 of its lives.
i think my cat is 18 now the longest cat to ever live was 21 tho
depends on the time it takes to live 9 times
15 to 20 years is average..crazy.poor cat..its been thru alot already
my cat is 26 and still able 2 do all thing that it did 13 years been hit by a car and missing his leg and tail + we have a new puppy and it can still defend itself
My cat Suki was 22 when she died, many cats live until they are in their high teens.
i had a cat who lost an ear in a catfight, lost part of his tail, got his throat sliced up in the engine of the car, went through surgery and lived outdoors his whole life. he lived to be 15.
A well looked after (usually non pedigree ) cat can live to advanced years. Already some answerers have indicated that 25 is possible. I have owned two cats which, as far as I know lived to 18 (it's a guess since they were already mature animals when acquired from a rescue centre). Look after it well, make sure it is checked over once year by a vet, look for any early signs of illness, feed it good quality food, make sure it has plenty of toys for exercise and, with luck it will be your companion for a long time.
Sounds like one tough puss!
Average cat ages are mid to late teens, but with improved quality in pet foods available these days and better vet care they can live well into their 20's
Lucky cat! We have had several, the oldest died at 16 the youngest about 2 months old. Five tragically died under cars. Its a pity drivers don`t take more care!
Now that is some cat. I would think if it has been around for all that then it will be here when your great grand are born and even after.
Do all of you think we should ask what that cat eats and drinks. It might be the real secret of life. I sure hope it tastes good.
i had a cat live to 23.and i have clients who come into the animal hospital i work at and their cats are 25+ and they are doing well. It all depends on kind of care you take for it. But usually cats live to be around 15-18years old.if she's older than that your doing something right.
PLEASE tell me what you feed you tough cat; how you look after him; vet care. etc.
15/20 is not that unusual - depends on how close they are to road traffic - a bit like adults they are prone to being damaged by idiot drivers.
u ask this question then ask wot 2 do with dead cats?? wots goin on with u?
cats are supposed to have nine lives so maybe thats wby its surviving.
They can live for years, not sure how long though.
depends on the type of cat. average is about 10 years i would say
I doubt very much that your little cat story is true.
My cat is 18 years old and she's doing great.
The majority of cats live between 15 and 18 years hwever your cat may live alot longer it has a considerible amount of fight innit.
cats live for 300 yrs and mostly they have 9 lives he spended 3 or 4 so he got 5 or 6 lifes left so 300 yrs
Too long. Smelly, dirty animals.
wow great cat!
My brothers cat lived till she was 20
well how old is it? cats can live to be as old as 25. it must of planned out very well on how and when it was going to use all 9 of its lives.
i think my cat is 18 now the longest cat to ever live was 21 tho
depends on the time it takes to live 9 times
15 to 20 years is average..crazy.poor cat..its been thru alot already
my cat is 26 and still able 2 do all thing that it did 13 years been hit by a car and missing his leg and tail + we have a new puppy and it can still defend itself
My cat Suki was 22 when she died, many cats live until they are in their high teens.
i had a cat who lost an ear in a catfight, lost part of his tail, got his throat sliced up in the engine of the car, went through surgery and lived outdoors his whole life. he lived to be 15.
A well looked after (usually non pedigree ) cat can live to advanced years. Already some answerers have indicated that 25 is possible. I have owned two cats which, as far as I know lived to 18 (it's a guess since they were already mature animals when acquired from a rescue centre). Look after it well, make sure it is checked over once year by a vet, look for any early signs of illness, feed it good quality food, make sure it has plenty of toys for exercise and, with luck it will be your companion for a long time.
Sounds like one tough puss!
Average cat ages are mid to late teens, but with improved quality in pet foods available these days and better vet care they can live well into their 20's
Lucky cat! We have had several, the oldest died at 16 the youngest about 2 months old. Five tragically died under cars. Its a pity drivers don`t take more care!
Now that is some cat. I would think if it has been around for all that then it will be here when your great grand are born and even after.
Do all of you think we should ask what that cat eats and drinks. It might be the real secret of life. I sure hope it tastes good.
i had a cat live to 23.and i have clients who come into the animal hospital i work at and their cats are 25+ and they are doing well. It all depends on kind of care you take for it. But usually cats live to be around 15-18years old.if she's older than that your doing something right.
PLEASE tell me what you feed you tough cat; how you look after him; vet care. etc.
15/20 is not that unusual - depends on how close they are to road traffic - a bit like adults they are prone to being damaged by idiot drivers.
u ask this question then ask wot 2 do with dead cats?? wots goin on with u?
cats are supposed to have nine lives so maybe thats wby its surviving.
They can live for years, not sure how long though.
depends on the type of cat. average is about 10 years i would say
I doubt very much that your little cat story is true.
My cat is 18 years old and she's doing great.
The majority of cats live between 15 and 18 years hwever your cat may live alot longer it has a considerible amount of fight innit.
How long was your cat fed food to dissolve struvite crystals?
My vet told me to feed Medi-Cal Dissolution or Hills s/d food for 3 months to dissolve feline struvite crystals. Is that how long you fed the special diet to your cat?
The Medi-Cal food makes my cat vomit, so I am trying Hills s/d now. Obviously that food is not great for my cat. I feed both canned and dry food since she will only drink the water I add to the canned food and leaves the meat there.
I cant say that I have ever had experience with that. Listen to your vet though.
If you think it isnt working or need more information you can always research the product and the disease. Also, you can get a second opinion from another vet. Let them know your concerns and the things you have already done for your cat.
If the cat is dehydrated I hope they gave him fluids. Water that is added to the canned food might not be enough.
My kitty had crystals twice. Feed him any cat food that is urinary tract healthy AND .08% magnesium or less. Purina One makes it and so does Natures Choice at Petco or Petsmart
If cats ate their "natural" diet of raw meat they would not have this problem with alkaline urine.
That was what solved the issue for my cat who would spike urines with a pH of up to nine! The raw meat is just what cats need to keep the urine slightly on the acidic side and it's much better food and the cats like it better than the prescription foods. There are many Yahoo groups about raw feeding. Holisticat is a great group and they have recipes in their archives and plenty of people there to support you in making a switch. also discusses raw diets for cats.
The Medi-Cal food makes my cat vomit, so I am trying Hills s/d now. Obviously that food is not great for my cat. I feed both canned and dry food since she will only drink the water I add to the canned food and leaves the meat there.
I cant say that I have ever had experience with that. Listen to your vet though.
If you think it isnt working or need more information you can always research the product and the disease. Also, you can get a second opinion from another vet. Let them know your concerns and the things you have already done for your cat.
If the cat is dehydrated I hope they gave him fluids. Water that is added to the canned food might not be enough.
My kitty had crystals twice. Feed him any cat food that is urinary tract healthy AND .08% magnesium or less. Purina One makes it and so does Natures Choice at Petco or Petsmart
If cats ate their "natural" diet of raw meat they would not have this problem with alkaline urine.
That was what solved the issue for my cat who would spike urines with a pH of up to nine! The raw meat is just what cats need to keep the urine slightly on the acidic side and it's much better food and the cats like it better than the prescription foods. There are many Yahoo groups about raw feeding. Holisticat is a great group and they have recipes in their archives and plenty of people there to support you in making a switch. also discusses raw diets for cats.
How long until my cat can get pregnant again?
On june 12th my cat gave birth to 4 kittens. we got rid of 3 of them and kept one and he will be 14 weeks on monday. We want her to have another litter but we dont know when she could get pregnant again. someone told me that you had to wait until her kittens stopped nursing but he is still nursing once a day.
In like two seconds. My friends cat had kittens and a month later we noticed a change in her belly again, sure enough she was preggo.
Why do you want her to have another litter if you gave most of the first litter away? If your friends and family want kittens, give them a ride to the local shelter- there are plenty of kittens there that need homes- you don't need to use your pet as a breeder to supply the neighborhood.
7 weeks after giving birth.
how would you like to pop out 4-8 babies, then 2 or 3 months later pop out another liter? Your cat wont live a very long life if you keep that up.she needs to recouperate.
They don't have to stop nursing to get pregnant again. Listen to the other people who are trying to tell you that you are not doing the right thing by breeding this cat again, and CERTAINLY not right away.
PLEASE STOP contributing to the pet overpopulation that results in 10 MILLION cats %26 dogs being euthanized every year.
Be a responsible pet owner and enjoy the kitties you have.
First of all you need to stop the kitten from nursing he is way over 8 weeks old %26 doesn't need to nurse anymore!
As for when your female will become pregnant again. Sometimes it can happen fast but if you want to do it right you need to stop the nursing with the kitten then let the mother's milk dry up %26 then most likely in a couple of weeks or so she would come into heat again therfor attracting males which in turn would enpregnate her again. But I warn you that if you are not careful you can kill your female cat by letting her get pregnant too soon %26 not giving her enough time to recouperate %26 gain her weight back that she lost during the nursing period.
A 14 week old cat should NOT be nursing.
And, don't breed her again. Its sad. I just read another answer where a guy said his daughter found a bag of three kittens thrown out on the road. One was flattened and the other two were LUCKY to find a loving home. Please don't let her have another litter that could possibly NOT find good homes.
That makes me so angry when animals are abandoned. :(
Why on earth would you want to breed her again! Are you unaware of the pet overpopulation and unresponsible pet owners like you are the cause of millions of animals being put to sleep each year in shelters everywhere. Spay your cat, or give it to owners that care, and will get her spayed.
In like two seconds. My friends cat had kittens and a month later we noticed a change in her belly again, sure enough she was preggo.
Why do you want her to have another litter if you gave most of the first litter away? If your friends and family want kittens, give them a ride to the local shelter- there are plenty of kittens there that need homes- you don't need to use your pet as a breeder to supply the neighborhood.
7 weeks after giving birth.
how would you like to pop out 4-8 babies, then 2 or 3 months later pop out another liter? Your cat wont live a very long life if you keep that up.she needs to recouperate.
They don't have to stop nursing to get pregnant again. Listen to the other people who are trying to tell you that you are not doing the right thing by breeding this cat again, and CERTAINLY not right away.
PLEASE STOP contributing to the pet overpopulation that results in 10 MILLION cats %26 dogs being euthanized every year.
Be a responsible pet owner and enjoy the kitties you have.
First of all you need to stop the kitten from nursing he is way over 8 weeks old %26 doesn't need to nurse anymore!
As for when your female will become pregnant again. Sometimes it can happen fast but if you want to do it right you need to stop the nursing with the kitten then let the mother's milk dry up %26 then most likely in a couple of weeks or so she would come into heat again therfor attracting males which in turn would enpregnate her again. But I warn you that if you are not careful you can kill your female cat by letting her get pregnant too soon %26 not giving her enough time to recouperate %26 gain her weight back that she lost during the nursing period.
A 14 week old cat should NOT be nursing.
And, don't breed her again. Its sad. I just read another answer where a guy said his daughter found a bag of three kittens thrown out on the road. One was flattened and the other two were LUCKY to find a loving home. Please don't let her have another litter that could possibly NOT find good homes.
That makes me so angry when animals are abandoned. :(
Why on earth would you want to breed her again! Are you unaware of the pet overpopulation and unresponsible pet owners like you are the cause of millions of animals being put to sleep each year in shelters everywhere. Spay your cat, or give it to owners that care, and will get her spayed.
how long until an adult cat and kitten get along?
I have an adult cat who is about 3 years old and this past weekend I got a kitten they seem to be getting along nicely are there any helpfull tips for getting them to play "nicely"??
We had almost exactly the same situation. The older cat was about 3 years old when we brought a kitten home. Both were females. The kitten kept approaching the older cat, wanting to play and the older one would swat it away. After about 2 weeks they had "worked things out" and we found them sleeping together in a ball. The older cat almost became protective of the kitten and they got along fine for the rest of their lives.
Now we have two other cats, both neutered females about 8 years old. Recently our son and his wife moved in with us for a few months while they were relocating, and brought their spayed Persian male with them. For the first week we would keep the "guest" in a separate room for most of the day and let him out for a few hours in the evening so they could all "get acquainted" They was some growling and hissing from our cats, but no fighting. We would scold them if they seemed to be getting too "steamed", but we never had a "cat fight" that we had to break up.
Then we let him have the run of the house. They cats pretty much stayed out of each others' way for about a week, but then started to get along. They would play with each other, taking turns chasing each other around the house, and they would all sleep in the same room together.
After our son moved back out, our cats would wander around the house, meowing, looking for the other cat.
So no guarantees, all cats have their own personality. But if it's going to work, they will just "work it out" on their own. Just make sure they don't get too aggressive towards each other,
you can't do any thing except let the older cat display its dominace over the kitten, once the kitten has accepted that it is inferior, the fighting should stop, except for the occosional break outs
You really cant to do anthing . But let them play on thier own. Let them get to know each other better on thier own. let the kitty run around and try to get to know the older cat. But you should watch them , just to be safe. Good luck.
Wow, you're lucky. We brought home a new kitten this last summer %26 I have a 2 yr Siamese. My Siamese hissed like crazy and hid for a couple weeks. refused to sleep with me or get near the new kitty. After about a month they were rolling around %26 chasing each other like old friends.
Just be sure to keep your eye on them when playing. Kittens are much more playful and may eventually wear on the adult cat making him/her likely to swipe or bite.
Make sure you show the adult just as much attention and do so, while also petting the kitten, not to mention giving each separate attention, much like children. This prevents jealousy and shows your adult cat that you still love them and the kitty is not taking their place.
just let them be the older cat needs to show the kitten who's the boss.
We had almost exactly the same situation. The older cat was about 3 years old when we brought a kitten home. Both were females. The kitten kept approaching the older cat, wanting to play and the older one would swat it away. After about 2 weeks they had "worked things out" and we found them sleeping together in a ball. The older cat almost became protective of the kitten and they got along fine for the rest of their lives.
Now we have two other cats, both neutered females about 8 years old. Recently our son and his wife moved in with us for a few months while they were relocating, and brought their spayed Persian male with them. For the first week we would keep the "guest" in a separate room for most of the day and let him out for a few hours in the evening so they could all "get acquainted" They was some growling and hissing from our cats, but no fighting. We would scold them if they seemed to be getting too "steamed", but we never had a "cat fight" that we had to break up.
Then we let him have the run of the house. They cats pretty much stayed out of each others' way for about a week, but then started to get along. They would play with each other, taking turns chasing each other around the house, and they would all sleep in the same room together.
After our son moved back out, our cats would wander around the house, meowing, looking for the other cat.
So no guarantees, all cats have their own personality. But if it's going to work, they will just "work it out" on their own. Just make sure they don't get too aggressive towards each other,
you can't do any thing except let the older cat display its dominace over the kitten, once the kitten has accepted that it is inferior, the fighting should stop, except for the occosional break outs
You really cant to do anthing . But let them play on thier own. Let them get to know each other better on thier own. let the kitty run around and try to get to know the older cat. But you should watch them , just to be safe. Good luck.
Wow, you're lucky. We brought home a new kitten this last summer %26 I have a 2 yr Siamese. My Siamese hissed like crazy and hid for a couple weeks. refused to sleep with me or get near the new kitty. After about a month they were rolling around %26 chasing each other like old friends.
Just be sure to keep your eye on them when playing. Kittens are much more playful and may eventually wear on the adult cat making him/her likely to swipe or bite.
Make sure you show the adult just as much attention and do so, while also petting the kitten, not to mention giving each separate attention, much like children. This prevents jealousy and shows your adult cat that you still love them and the kitty is not taking their place.
just let them be the older cat needs to show the kitten who's the boss.
how long till my cat gives birth?
she met her mate in august and is she due soon because she kinda got bigger out of no where and i mean her sides?
it will take her about 62-69 days. if you notice her nipples should
be pink around now . and like you notice her belly is kind of enlarge. so by the 7 week you could feel her kitten moving in her belly.
well it depends wat kinda cat u have and how long its been pregnat !! why dont u take her to the vet !!??
just wait about 30 more days and meantime have every thing ready i had a cat to they will have 5-7 cats most of the time so make sure you know what you are going to be doing with them
usually 90 days
How should I no? I don't even no how she looks. Maybe in 3 months?
Cats are normally pregnant between 3 and 5 months (I'm not exactly positive.) My kitty dissapeared last night because she's having kitties! I'm excited!
better watch your things cats like to give birth on soft warm things like your cloths and your blankets or sheets also try to confirm to a certain place they don't like people handling the litter and keep the male away from her when she has her litter it should be soon.congrs
63 days is the normal pregnacy for a cat if I am not mistaken .. Been a while since I have had a cat that was pregnant
Cats are usually pregnant for about two months. They have on average 2-5 kittens but could have more (sometimes 8 or more). Make sure you provide plenty of fresh water and food. Pregnant cats need more to eat than usual. Prepare a place for her to have the kittens. A box laid on its side works good. Put some newspaper in the bottom and a towel or blanket on top of that. Good luck.
Please contact some vet doctor. But i think the best is that you wait patiently, sooner or later secret will be revealed to you.
About 63 days after she was bred.
it will take her about 62-69 days. if you notice her nipples should
be pink around now . and like you notice her belly is kind of enlarge. so by the 7 week you could feel her kitten moving in her belly.
well it depends wat kinda cat u have and how long its been pregnat !! why dont u take her to the vet !!??
just wait about 30 more days and meantime have every thing ready i had a cat to they will have 5-7 cats most of the time so make sure you know what you are going to be doing with them
usually 90 days
How should I no? I don't even no how she looks. Maybe in 3 months?
Cats are normally pregnant between 3 and 5 months (I'm not exactly positive.) My kitty dissapeared last night because she's having kitties! I'm excited!
better watch your things cats like to give birth on soft warm things like your cloths and your blankets or sheets also try to confirm to a certain place they don't like people handling the litter and keep the male away from her when she has her litter it should be soon.congrs
63 days is the normal pregnacy for a cat if I am not mistaken .. Been a while since I have had a cat that was pregnant
Cats are usually pregnant for about two months. They have on average 2-5 kittens but could have more (sometimes 8 or more). Make sure you provide plenty of fresh water and food. Pregnant cats need more to eat than usual. Prepare a place for her to have the kittens. A box laid on its side works good. Put some newspaper in the bottom and a towel or blanket on top of that. Good luck.
Please contact some vet doctor. But i think the best is that you wait patiently, sooner or later secret will be revealed to you.
About 63 days after she was bred.
how long till my cat gives birth if i feel kicking?
plz i got to know because so i can get ready for her nest
When she starts looking for a place make a dark box with a planket then it will be around 4 days before she gives birth.She will be wet behind then you know she is close.
it's usually 6 weeks total from conception to birth. So if you know when whe was in heat last then you should be able to guess. Make a bed for her and get her to lay in it and when she's ready she will go in there on her own and you'll know. She'll start getting restless and go in there and roll around a little and other funny movements.
Cats have a gestation period of about 65 days,below is a great website all about cats, you may find some really good information there that will help you. Congratulations.
A cat's pregnancy lasts an average of 9 weeks, not 6.
When she starts looking for a place make a dark box with a planket then it will be around 4 days before she gives birth.She will be wet behind then you know she is close.
it's usually 6 weeks total from conception to birth. So if you know when whe was in heat last then you should be able to guess. Make a bed for her and get her to lay in it and when she's ready she will go in there on her own and you'll know. She'll start getting restless and go in there and roll around a little and other funny movements.
Cats have a gestation period of about 65 days,below is a great website all about cats, you may find some really good information there that will help you. Congratulations.
A cat's pregnancy lasts an average of 9 weeks, not 6.
how long till a cat has kittens if she started a month ago?
please give details.
like how many days or weeks or months
and please try to get it correct.
My husband works in a vet school, mostly with cats, he stated depends on what you mean by started, if she started having kittens a month ago, she needs to be checked. If she was breed a month ago and conceived the gestational period is 60 to 65 days.
A cat's total gestation is about 62 days--get them spayed!
around 67 days that is about 9 weeks
It's right around 2 months (60 days) when she bred with the male. After this litter, please have her spayed! There are so many unwanted kittens. I'm not lecturing you because I let my cats breed once because I wanted kittens but I regret it.
60-70 days. Enjoy the kittens :-)
2 more months because it takes 90 days.
started what??
A heat cycle is about 3 weeks and gestation is about 63 days
A cat is prego for 9 weeks, (easy to remember because you relate it to a woman being prego for 9 months).
Our cat just had kittens, and I would recommend giving her some kitten supplement milk around the last two weeks of her pregnancy. Our vet recommended this to us because he said it would help make sure she was getting enough of the nutrients that should be soon be loosing once she began nursing.
Have fun with your kitties!!
If she is pregnant about 63 days. After kittens are weaned and given away GET HER SPAYED. To get it correct, do not let her be around males when she is in heat.
like how many days or weeks or months
and please try to get it correct.
My husband works in a vet school, mostly with cats, he stated depends on what you mean by started, if she started having kittens a month ago, she needs to be checked. If she was breed a month ago and conceived the gestational period is 60 to 65 days.
A cat's total gestation is about 62 days--get them spayed!
around 67 days that is about 9 weeks
It's right around 2 months (60 days) when she bred with the male. After this litter, please have her spayed! There are so many unwanted kittens. I'm not lecturing you because I let my cats breed once because I wanted kittens but I regret it.
60-70 days. Enjoy the kittens :-)
2 more months because it takes 90 days.
started what??
A heat cycle is about 3 weeks and gestation is about 63 days
A cat is prego for 9 weeks, (easy to remember because you relate it to a woman being prego for 9 months).
Our cat just had kittens, and I would recommend giving her some kitten supplement milk around the last two weeks of her pregnancy. Our vet recommended this to us because he said it would help make sure she was getting enough of the nutrients that should be soon be loosing once she began nursing.
Have fun with your kitties!!
If she is pregnant about 63 days. After kittens are weaned and given away GET HER SPAYED. To get it correct, do not let her be around males when she is in heat.
How long should you wait before you wean a kitten.?
I usually leave them with their momma untill they are eating solid food regularly which is about eight weeks.
Read this site for more info on cat weaning.
I think it is 6 weeks
usually till they get a little buzzed.
Ideally, eight weeks so the kitten will be well adjusted. Too soon, and they will have behaviors that reveal they were weaned too early.
Please find good homes for the kittens when the time is right, and get everyone fixed so you do not contribute to pet overpopulation any further. Too many animals are needlessly put to death each year because people did not prevent it.
Between 7 and 8 weeks. just make sure he can eat some solids, but when you do it, first put the the kitty's food in milk, so it would be softy, and would not get hurt.
[I love kittens]
start at about 41/2 weeks soft food at first by six weeks they should be worked upto dry food and good to go!
About 8 weeks, even though kittens are starting to eat dry food doesn't mean they are fully weaned. Most mothers will do this themselves. It was so funny when our mother kitty (that we fostered) was spayed because she had mostly weaned her kitties (or we wouldn't have spayed her.) The moment mommy was asleep because of the medicine, the kittens all tried to nurse. I made sure then to remove mother while she was still drowsy because I wasn't sure them drinking medicine filled milk was good for them. I had one kitten name Willie who wouldn't stop nursing. Mom used to bat him away all the time, but this time he was 9 weeks old and she knew it was time for him to be done.
Momma cat will do the weaning. They will start trying to eat mom's food in about 5 to 6 weeks. When mom has had enough of nursing, she will not allow it any more. By 8 weeks they no longer need to be nursed at all.
you should never wean before six weeks, but eight is actually better for the kitten. by then mom will have already started to do it for you.
at least 6 wks - 8 wks is better
They can be weaned at five or six weeks.
How long should I leave it before getting another cat?
My young kitten of 9 months died about 3 weeks ago from wet fip. Has anybody experienced this virus in their cat, I have another cat and want to get him another playmate. Has anyone else experienced this and how long was it before getting a new kitten?
2 years or so for it to cool down
I think u should get a kitten soon before its to late once the over kitten thinks hes/ shes the boss she will not like the ittle kitten
anyway good luck i hope it gos well=)
love me!
As long or as little as you feel you need to get over the death of such a small cat. Some people say jump right in but I know for others it's almost like "desiccating the grave" getting a new cat or kitten so soon. I would get one straight away as I wouldn't want the other kitten to go too long without a playmate but I think, if you haven't already, that if possible you should get the surviving kitten checked out for the disease. Then go ahead and get a beautiful new one.
i had a cat that was about a year old or more and she died from an unknown cause but none the less heartbreaking for me. my husband tried to fix it by comforting me and all but it wasnt enough so the next day i had gone and got a new kitten that is now going on a year and a alf years old and has had 2 litters already. yes to some the day after is to soon but to others its not. i wasnt looking to replace her i was looking to let her memory live on in a bond i made with the new cat.
seeing as its been 3 weeks i think you are ok on getting a new kitten or cat.
good luck and im sorry about your loss
Cats infected with the FIP virus shed the corona virus in their saliva and in their feces. Most cats become infected by inhaling or ingesting the virus, either by direct contact with an infected cat, or by contact with virus-contaminated surfaces such as clothing, bedding, toys or food/water dishes.
The FIP virus is rapidly inactivated by most household detergents and disinfectants, although without using these chemicals the virus can survive for a number of weeks in the environment. A recommended solution for killing the FIP virus on surfaces is one part of household bleach in thirty-two parts of water (which is 4 ounces of bleach per gallon of water.)
Before getting a new cat you should make sure that all surfaces in your house are cleaned thoroughly. Not just the floors but the walls, the chairs, the counters the cabinets. Once the virus in in your house you need to basically bleach it out. Once everything is cleaned wait at least 1 week for the bleach smell to subside (remember cats sense of smell is better than ours) before you get a new cat.
Sorry to hear about your kitten, no i havent heard of `wet fip`
My mother in-law loves cats, and every time her cat died, she`d always be really upset and say "Thats it, no more cats!"
But within a couple of weeks she would go and get another.
So really, if your ready for another, Why not go and get one whenever you like.
Ask your vet about how long any of the virus could remain. Sterilize or get rid of bowls, etc.
That should answer the non emotional aspect. How soon you feel ready for another kitten, is up to you. Some people want an immediate replacement, others need time to grieve and move past the loss. Only you can make that decision.
I am truly sorry for your loss - I had my 11 year old cat die suddenly about a month ago - I know the pain.
Take the time you need - give attention and love to your kitty, she/he is grieving too. When the time comes, please consider rescuing a shelter kitty.
when ever u feel like u can move on from it. losing a pet is really hard. so its all about how you feel.
I would get another cat sooner rather than later, the longer you leave it, the more the other cat will get used to being alone, and therefore less welcoming of other cats. We considered getting another cat when one of ours died, but now theres no way we would do it because he likes to have all the attention, and doesn't want other cats to invade his territory.
get one as soon as poss.,you miss the little buggers when they've gone,get one, or better still two,from the cats protection league,best of luck
Don't get another one. You should be ashamed of yourself in the first place for giving a home to the most cunning, self-centered, arrogant, snooty and heartless creature of the animal kingdom. I am the most friendly person to flora and fauna in the world, but I would certainly kick a cat. Oh and a magpie.
Get a Rottweiler - he will exterminate your remaining cat rather quickly.
i would really ask my vet this question , it is really inportant , so the new kitten dosent get sick to.
get one now it'll probably not replace your loss but it will be a continuum9is that the right word?)
OMG poor you, that must be hard for you, If it was me i would go to the shelter and get a kitten then you would no that there was nothing wrong with it. I will be thinking of you
I have not had a cat who died from FIP and have talked to a number of people whose kitten has died from this when they came seeking another cat for adoption.
If you go to: Dr. Jean Hovfe has an article about FIP in her newsletter archives. The article is in Volume 4, #4 for May 2006.
Sorry to hear about your kitten. Get a new cat as soon as you want. I wouldn't leave it too long though else your other cat will get too used to being on it's own and will hate a new cat coming into the house, Good luck and happy cat hunting!
get a new one as soon as, your other cat will still be used to having another around. plus without knowing it your other cat is missing him/her to.
sorry for your loss i cant even begin to think how u feel as we have just taken delivery of two kittens and cant bear to live without them.
Ask your vet; the infection could live in your house for YEARS and kill every cat you bring in there. Ask an expert!
2 years or so for it to cool down
I think u should get a kitten soon before its to late once the over kitten thinks hes/ shes the boss she will not like the ittle kitten
anyway good luck i hope it gos well=)
love me!
As long or as little as you feel you need to get over the death of such a small cat. Some people say jump right in but I know for others it's almost like "desiccating the grave" getting a new cat or kitten so soon. I would get one straight away as I wouldn't want the other kitten to go too long without a playmate but I think, if you haven't already, that if possible you should get the surviving kitten checked out for the disease. Then go ahead and get a beautiful new one.
i had a cat that was about a year old or more and she died from an unknown cause but none the less heartbreaking for me. my husband tried to fix it by comforting me and all but it wasnt enough so the next day i had gone and got a new kitten that is now going on a year and a alf years old and has had 2 litters already. yes to some the day after is to soon but to others its not. i wasnt looking to replace her i was looking to let her memory live on in a bond i made with the new cat.
seeing as its been 3 weeks i think you are ok on getting a new kitten or cat.
good luck and im sorry about your loss
Cats infected with the FIP virus shed the corona virus in their saliva and in their feces. Most cats become infected by inhaling or ingesting the virus, either by direct contact with an infected cat, or by contact with virus-contaminated surfaces such as clothing, bedding, toys or food/water dishes.
The FIP virus is rapidly inactivated by most household detergents and disinfectants, although without using these chemicals the virus can survive for a number of weeks in the environment. A recommended solution for killing the FIP virus on surfaces is one part of household bleach in thirty-two parts of water (which is 4 ounces of bleach per gallon of water.)
Before getting a new cat you should make sure that all surfaces in your house are cleaned thoroughly. Not just the floors but the walls, the chairs, the counters the cabinets. Once the virus in in your house you need to basically bleach it out. Once everything is cleaned wait at least 1 week for the bleach smell to subside (remember cats sense of smell is better than ours) before you get a new cat.
Sorry to hear about your kitten, no i havent heard of `wet fip`
My mother in-law loves cats, and every time her cat died, she`d always be really upset and say "Thats it, no more cats!"
But within a couple of weeks she would go and get another.
So really, if your ready for another, Why not go and get one whenever you like.
Ask your vet about how long any of the virus could remain. Sterilize or get rid of bowls, etc.
That should answer the non emotional aspect. How soon you feel ready for another kitten, is up to you. Some people want an immediate replacement, others need time to grieve and move past the loss. Only you can make that decision.
I am truly sorry for your loss - I had my 11 year old cat die suddenly about a month ago - I know the pain.
Take the time you need - give attention and love to your kitty, she/he is grieving too. When the time comes, please consider rescuing a shelter kitty.
when ever u feel like u can move on from it. losing a pet is really hard. so its all about how you feel.
I would get another cat sooner rather than later, the longer you leave it, the more the other cat will get used to being alone, and therefore less welcoming of other cats. We considered getting another cat when one of ours died, but now theres no way we would do it because he likes to have all the attention, and doesn't want other cats to invade his territory.
get one as soon as poss.,you miss the little buggers when they've gone,get one, or better still two,from the cats protection league,best of luck
Don't get another one. You should be ashamed of yourself in the first place for giving a home to the most cunning, self-centered, arrogant, snooty and heartless creature of the animal kingdom. I am the most friendly person to flora and fauna in the world, but I would certainly kick a cat. Oh and a magpie.
Get a Rottweiler - he will exterminate your remaining cat rather quickly.
i would really ask my vet this question , it is really inportant , so the new kitten dosent get sick to.
get one now it'll probably not replace your loss but it will be a continuum9is that the right word?)
OMG poor you, that must be hard for you, If it was me i would go to the shelter and get a kitten then you would no that there was nothing wrong with it. I will be thinking of you
I have not had a cat who died from FIP and have talked to a number of people whose kitten has died from this when they came seeking another cat for adoption.
If you go to: Dr. Jean Hovfe has an article about FIP in her newsletter archives. The article is in Volume 4, #4 for May 2006.
Sorry to hear about your kitten. Get a new cat as soon as you want. I wouldn't leave it too long though else your other cat will get too used to being on it's own and will hate a new cat coming into the house, Good luck and happy cat hunting!
get a new one as soon as, your other cat will still be used to having another around. plus without knowing it your other cat is missing him/her to.
sorry for your loss i cant even begin to think how u feel as we have just taken delivery of two kittens and cant bear to live without them.
Ask your vet; the infection could live in your house for YEARS and kill every cat you bring in there. Ask an expert!
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