Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you catch a wild cat?

there is a really cute kitten that hangs out with my dogs, but every time i go to pet it it runs away. how do i catch it with out a trap or harming it or me?
Well, you can't catch it. It must adopt you!

See, what if a guy said, "What a pretty girl! How can I catch her! Wouldn't work, you see. And that is where the cat is coming from. He is sayin', "What?"

Invite. Put food out and keep a difference. This is a gift, not even an invitation really.

Then, if she likes that, you can probably get a little closer each day.

Isn't it strange that she hangs out with the dogs already, though? That's cute!
You shouldn't try. My sister caught a wild cat when she was a little girl and it left a scar on her face cause it clawed her up so bad.

Just leave it alone and let it hang with the dogs.
use food.
start feeding it and it will hang around because it knows it is g etting something to eat
You can try sitting quietly outside with some really yummy food like tuna or soft canned cat food. Do not approach the cat, let it come to you. When it trusts you, you can pick it up.
You can try to lure it with food and gain it's trust or you can use a hav-a-hart trap to capture it w/o injury. If you put food out and just sit there, curiosity and hunger could eventually cause it to approach you. I'd use the trap and then confine it to a small room where I could feed and socialize it.
try using a mouse trap and put a bait such as fried fish
get some soft cat food or raw meat and a wild rabbit trap cage. the kitten will run into the cage to retrieve the food and the door will then snap shut. and you can later, when the kittie is calm, open the door and save a sweet lil kitten!
Slowly. You have to get the cat to trust you first. One idea is to put out food/milk when you know it's near will recognize the smell on the bowl as being you. Slowly bring the bowl closer to your house/apt building to where you have a back door or a garage or cage. Watch the cat, see when it does what it does when it does it.It may take a couple of weeks, but you can do it. Remember, this "kitty" may be part of a homeless family and taking it away may be a really bad thing.try and see where it lives. If it is a kitten and not a cat it more than likely is part of a family.
There are alot of things that you could do, you could live trap it with a trap and you would just put some good smelling food into the trap or you could maybe atempt to befriend it to the point where you could touch it or you could just call animal control.
i know that many wild animals are very cute but the problems is that you shouldnt have it as a pet. Most all vet hospitals will not even look at wild cats because they want to defend themselves and will be very violent. I am sorry to tell you this but it is better to leave the cat alone. If you would like a cat go to your local animal shelter and they have many animals that you could give a home to.
there are traps that you can buy that are harmless they just have a spot for them to step on that shuts the door. if anythign it frightens the kitty. otherwise you could bribe it with food by going out there when you go to pet it with food or leave food near your door so it comes there.

be careful though, you said it is a wild cat so dont get too close if it doesnt want it to. it may have a illness or disease so when adn if you do catch it you should take it to the vet.
If the kitten doesn't want to be caught, let it go. Wild cats don't make very good cats anyway. If you want a kitten, find one that was just born from a good home or check your local animal shelter. The way I always tell if a kitten will make a good cat is to hold it in your arms on its back and if it doesn't resist then it will be a good trusting, cuddly cat. Leave the wild ones be.
Start by feeding it canned food. After a while let is know you are watching it eat and slowly get closer day by day, but stop when it acts like it's going to run. Eventually it will start to trust you, when it's feeding time just sit near the the empty bowl and make it approach you and beg for food.
I think all animals are all about food. Try hand feeding the cat.
Ask your local animal shelter to loan you a humane live trap.
set some food out same time same place once a day, i'll get used to the place where the food is, thats how we trap pigeons, yes pest control, they are a rat with wings, anyway if you do get it make sure it doesn't have fleas, and take it to the vet immediatley.
One way to catch a wild cat is to leave cat food out and wait till the cat comes. Or just snap your fingers and say "come here kitty kitty". The first one works the best thought.
just show yourself to him/her a little everyday getting closer slowly..have some food with you - kitty will warm up to you eventually. Don't set a trap, though, kitty is likely to never want to come near you again!
put a can of wet cat food in a cage and when it comes in close the door.
Use Fish! It's smelly and cats adore it.. Then throw her a very small fish, another one closer.. Closer.. Then Put a box over it to prison it and head to a vet..
My answer assumes that you wish to adopt this cat, not just charm it.

If the kitten is more than 4 months old, the odds are that it will retain its elusive non-social personality for life. Ferrel (wild) cats are impressed with jungle instincts which means avoiding humans. So you are competing against it's very instincts to survive. Along those lines, food is a basic survival instinct. That will be your best means of gaining this wild cat's trust. Start with offering food (boiled chicken is great) and then maintain a far distance that feels safe for the cat. Work you way closer over time.

But remember, cats born with mistrusting personalities stay that way. Lovers are born lovers - this one will never be a lover. If you do charm this cat into trusting you, don't expect it to ever be the cuddly type as it matures.
You have to groom them..meaning take your time letting them get to know you.

Ferals by nature DO NOT like humans and will avoid them.

We did tame one years ago however. We left food by the door for her and moved it closer and closer to the door with us sitting in the door watching, not touching. She eventually let us touch her and then she would come looking for attention. She was a kitten about 12-16 weeks old. She wouldn't housebreak and that was a problem. She became an outside cat for that reason.

AlleyCat Allies is a good source of information on Ferals.

Also be very careful, ferals can and do carry diseases as they don't get immunizations and tend to fight alot, which passes the infections and disease along. Many of the ones we have caught over the years had to be destroyed due to the diseases they had.
i don't think you should trap a cat like that..wild cat;s get really tramatized when they get in a trap.. sometimes the trama will scare them from humans forever. what you could do is put food down for kitty from afar,,,, soon kitty will get used to you and your smell of food for her;; good-luck

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