Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do u train a cat?

my cat wont do any thing i say what do i do
Food? My two cats will do anything for food! Tap the can of cat food or shake the dry food before you feed them. They will come running when they hear that sound. My one cat comes running when he hears the can opener.
put here in the litter box
i think you would get a cat trianer
Put it on the tracks %26 wait for the train..!Just kidding!
cuz cats r independant animals they only do what they want to do
start with simple commands such as "sit" say the word while placing it physically gently in a sitting position then praise it and give it a treat right away. after a few tries it will understand what you want it to do start off slow and show it what you want so it remembers the words you are saying so it knows what to do
my cat can sit, stay, lie down, shake a paw, jump up on command, if i say "litter box" or "food" it knows what i want it to do.
the best way to train a cat is to "rape it",then it will do wahatever you desire.
it's best not think of a cat as something trainable. 99 times out of 100 they end up training their owners they way they want you ;-)
hey, is a Cat. What did you expect?
Well, you make them do something in order to get a special treat that they want.

For instance, most cats --love-- going into closed-off areas.
Example: close off a bedroom door for a while and kitty will naturaly want to go in even more. Tie a bell to the door and ring it when ever you go through. Hold kitty near the door and carefuly take her paw and have her ring the bell. Do this and then let her in the room. Eventualy, kitty will learn and cats have pretty good memories. They should remember this skill even if it is not used for a long time. (just remember to put the bell up if you aren't around to let her/him in!)

I did this with my sister's cat.

Another trick we taught her was to hop onto my knee if she wanted let outside. That way she would meow at the door and if I felt like letting her out (and watching her the entire time) , I'd crouch by the door and let her hop up onto my knee.

Another 'trick' is to make a kissy noise everytime you kiss your kitty and give him/her love. When I make the kissy sound, my cat will give me a kitty kiss (nose in the air nudge/rub thing) on my face. They love giving and receiving kisses.

They should learn their name and come to it. though some cats will only come to their name, others will come when the dog is called, other cat is called, kid is called, lol

Another thing we taught our cats is 'back'. This is a signal that they shouldn't go through the door or be going in whatever direction they are going. We succesfuly taught this to 10+ cats who all lived in the same area. When they hear 'back' they either know there is danger and trust me, or know that they'll get in big trouble if they disobey, lol.

I've heard of using clickers too but never actualy did it. My cats respond to my voice well enough.

Good luck.
Keep repeating what you want the cat to do over and over and praise it when it does what you want. Cats do what they want, but I've found that they also like to please their people and can be trained.
Try using it's favorite treats to re-enforce what you want.
For example:I wanted my cat to sit %26 meow for her treats before I give them to her. So I'd tell her as well as show her what she needed to do for her treats. After a few months she does it.
Now all I have to do is shake the bag %26 she comes over to me,sits down %26 meows.
Hope this helps :)
you have to train it when its a baby I have 4 cats and they do everything [almost] everything Ive trained them to do i even have a 4 month old kitten who trys to talk. lol..

you can teach your kitty to give you handshake
Lets put it this way. A dog can be trained not to get on the furniture, the table, the counter, etc. A cat can be trained to do the same, but they just don't care. I have been trained by many cats in my lifetime.
Lots of treats and patience.

My cats are 12 and 13. They climb ladders, jump on command (we use a snap of the fingers for jumping and climbing the ladder). they sing for their supper (another reinforced natural behavior). most cats I've met will sit pretty for a treat (Hold the treat about 6 inches above them when they are sitting. my cats will sit pretty if I hold my fingers up above their heads even without a treat. LOTS of praise then)

If you see the cat doing something you think is cute and want them to repeat it, try giving it a treat when it does that and saying something that relates to the action.

To get our cats to jump on command, whenever they hunched down to jump up on something, we'd snap our fingers. eventually they took the hint. Now if the stepladder is out and we snap our fingers, they automatically climb it.

Also, to get your cat to sit, don't force them down, take a piece of food, put it over their head and move it towards the back of their head so they have to sit to continue to see it.

Remember, PATIENCE and yummy treats are the key.

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