Thursday, May 7, 2009

how do you attract a stray cat?

there is a black and white cat that comes to my backyard every time because we have cats and they are really afraid
try a bowl of milk outside your door.
also making that "tsk, tsk" sound will sometimes work.
food.. if it sees food it'll come everyday for it
By sitting food outside usually
Make sure that you dont have any food out side. If you dont maybe they just go there for fun. Just scare them away all the time and they mght go away. I had a cat problem but I luved when the stray cats come, But there was one cat that had babies. If they anoy you a lot try catching then and bring it to the animsal shelter / pound.
Leave some food and water outside near where the cats come from, slowly move the food towards the house each week and spend some time outside just sitting and doing non threatening things. Just sit, and as the cats food bowl comes closer during the weeks.gently talk to the cat and maybe play with your othe cats so the strays will know that you aren't going to hurt them. Eventually.the strays will get to know you and may become part of the family.
food, and patience. with food the cat will definately come around. you may not ever be able to pet the cat though. start off by letting the cat approach you, or approach the cat slowly. sudden movement may scare her off. To a cat a person seems big and scary so squat down a bit when you approach her, and leave one hand extended so she can smell u.
Get some food, and put it in a container, and shake it lighty, so it makes a noise, or just leave some cat food out there at night.
we fed two stray cats and made a bed for them outside. when they got used to us, i took a string and played with them. then like 2 days later i threw the string and played with them until they chased the string in my house then i shut the door, put them in a huge walk in closet then took them got them fixed put them back in the closet with a liter box for 3 days then they were litter trained and then we left them alone until they came to us for food. finally they got used to us but one liked us more, the other one hated us
it jumped out the window and we never seen it again but the other one made the best cat ever. but this process took about 3 months.
food and water
Feed it .
It will stay about. !
if you want to capture it and take it to the shelter put some food in your hand and go up to it. stay there long enough and if it is hungry it will come to you. then you can take it to the shelter
you could put a small dish of cat food outside and fill it each time its gone and don't forget a bowl for water then when it startes to come around more then once or twice then start to sit out side and let it come to you when its ready to make friends and be your buddy for your life and his/her life.
when i notice one coming around i let it watch me for awhile out in the yard interacting with my other cats and sometimes meowing i put a separate food dish out for him and eventually he will come around you wait til he's ready to be petted sometimes you don"t get to pet him depending on long he has been a stray i had one once that was wild and i could only pet him on the head it'll take some time for the cat to trust you but when he does he'll probally be the best cat you ever had
If you have any food out there, that will attract the stray. If you have any cats that have not been neutered or spayed that will attract other cats. The poor thing is probably hungry.
Leave a bowl of milk and food out for it and keep your cats inside at night and when you are going to be gone. After that, wait and see what happens.
I have a stray around my apartment complex that I got to know originally just be coaxing it over to me. I don't feed it (it catches birds, mice, etc. on it's own). I looking at buying a house and thinking of taking it with me, since no one else around has anything to do with it.
My cat was a stray also. She was crying by my kitchen window. i went outside and sat by the door, she was afraid at first, she would get close then walk away. I just sat there with my hand out, she eventually got close enough to sniff my hand, then she started licking it, I petted her for a while. After a little bit she wouldn't leave me, she followed me inside and I fed her, and ever since then she's been in my home. Maybe putting some food next to you may help as well. Whatever the approach I hope you save him/her.

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