Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you bathe a cat without getting your arms scratched off.?

My cats run away from a few drops of rain.They fall out with me if i spray frontline on them..
why are you trying to give your cat a bath? Cats can keep themselve clean.
Well you could get them declawed and if that is not an option then I would talk them to the vet. They do a nice job. You don't want the bathe your cat too much because this will remove esstinal oils from their skin.
I do not bathe my cats and haven't for the fourteen years or so I have had them. I have a 22 yr old cat who does not groom herself and she gets a monthly bath from a groomer.

My cats can go out into my garden and not leave the garden because of cat fence-in. At this time in CA we have had no rain since April and my cats do get "dusty".
Dunno? scratching my head.
Have a groomer do it, much easier!
Take them to the local pet store that has a grooming service. Have them wash the cat, way easier!

Do not get them declawed that is a cruel and barbaric practice. The human equivalent is cutting off the last joint of the fingers (the one with our nails on). The cat will suffer pain from that trauma along with the psychological terror of having no defense. A cruel and unusual method of abusing a natural predator.
drop him in the toilet.close the lid.flush.whirlpool bath, heh heh heh!
Holed there paws so they don't claw you to death or holed the back of there necks and don't let it touch you.
I got for my cat Pre-Moistened Bathing Cloths,they work great. They remove Dander,Dirt,Loose hair,Dust and Odor.They are very thick and they don't contain alcohol,so it will not dry you cat coat. I got them at PETCO.
We have a cat carrier that has barred windows all around it, and we put the cat in it, place it in the bath tube, and pour buckets of water (with a little of mixed in baby shampoo, so it won't hurt its eyes) over it, over and over. Sounds like a cat in a storm at sea but it works.
Try holding him/her by the skin on the back of their necks with one hand and wash them with the other. It doesn't hurt them at all. Just try not to let them get twisted around to get a hold of you cause you can't hardly get them off.
I usually wait until my cat is in a fairly docile mood, before I trim her nails, then bathe her in the laundry tub (1/2 filled with warm water) and baby shampoo. By holding her gently but firmly by the scruff of the neck, I can manage to work up a lather then rinse her off by using a jug. (slow movements is better). Human shampoo I find helps keep away flees, and baby shampoo is gentle enough not to remove too much of the natural oils in her fur.
First of all don't use the hose. Too noisy for the cat. Fill the bathtub up with very little water. Make sure the cat is facing the back end of the tub. A cat that can see the facets and the water running will surely scare the cat. I have to do this with my cat. And talk with a low tone voice to let your cat know it's ok. Make sure there is no water touching the front paws. The less water the cat see's in front of him the better. When people get kittens that is the best time to start with bathing. If the cat is older or a stranger to a new place? This can be a problem. You can also try those heavy duty rubber gloves like the ones you do dishes with. But get the thick ones. But remember to put them aside only for bathing your cat. Your cat will get used to bathing after awhile. As long as your nice to your cat during this time your cat will get better at it. And if you have to rinse the cat refill tub with the cat out of tub. Just shut the bathroom door. Should not refill water with cat in it. Well not with your cat. Scratch.
Take care %26 Good luck.
You could use pet bath clothes or you can hold the cat by the extra skin that is located on top of the neck area. They become very submissive when you hold them that way and will cooperate. Also if you give them a bath just fill up a small bucket or something with water and turn off the water before you bring the cat to the area where the bucket is. Half the time they freak out because of the noise. I think you should be able to do it if your just cautious about it. Use a damp washcloth and some pet shampoo and your good to go. Good luck!
put them in a bath tub and put soap along the sides so the cat can't escape. have someone hold that cat by the stomach so you can spray it
take him to a professional groomer
Don't give your cat a bath unless it's really i mean REALLY dirty. (Like it's been rolling in some dog sh*t or something like that. Normal cats usually don't do that, but alla cats can't be intelligent)
The best thing to do is to just wash the dirty area of the cat, if it has to be the whole cat, let someone professional take that risk.

And please never de-claw a cat. They're losing a lot of their balance, can't defend themselves. It's just like their fingers, and taking away someones fingers is just cruel, isn't it?
Take them to a groomer. Don't take AbeLincolnParty's advice. That sounds like cat torture. I wonder if he could be arrested for animal abuse.
I give my cats a bath, but I have started them when they were a kitten now they love the water. also try to use a waterless bath you can get this product at wal-mart and pet stores
you shouldn't be bathing a cat
I think it's impossible. You really don't need to bathe cats. They bathe themselves.

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