Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you break kittens that almost 3 months old, form nursing on blankets?

I got these kittens when they was about 5 weeks old, Think they was taken from mommy to young. as they be nursing on blankets, How do you break them from this habit.
My Baby nucks on my shoulder at night.sometimes it's all the love I get from him, he's a no-hold-um boy, very's so adorable I nearly cry when he starts it. Can't imagine why you want them to stop! If it comforts them, let them enjoy it. Put your fancy blankets away if it bothers you. Personally, I don't have ANYTHING in my house more valuable than my babies.and hubby knows it!
You probably cant. Ive seen older cats do this, it comforts them. The only thing you can really do is put all the blankets away. Otherwise if its not hurting them then why make them stop?
The only thing you can do is to give the kitty his/her own blankie,
All cat's seem to have a natural instinct to do this, other then take it away theres not much you can do. They'll just find another object to use.
You can't break them because it is part of their nature at this stage. They are still supposed to be suckling milk from their mother. Let nature takes its course. If interrupted, they find other means.
i have a cat who is 2 years old now and he always was nursing on the shoulder of my shirt when i laid down. i usually just move him over when he does that and he gets the hint.
not gonna happen i have one that i got when it was just a couple days old and now he is 3 and he still does it when he lays on a certain blanket
Often cats do this .Its not because they were removed from their mom to young.Its just a comfort thing. No need to break them from doing what cats do.

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