Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do some people get joy from being cruel to animals?

I do not understand that as well. I have four cats and a dog and to me they are like my kids. If someone has a history of animal cruelty and abuse it can indicate that they may take that up a notch and take their anger out of people as well. It's a very scary thing.
Because they have nothing better to do and lead sad, eventless lives. They should be hunted to down and fed to the starving animals of the world.
They think dying animals twitching and sqweaking is hilarious.
They know that God gave us dominion over all the Earth.
Not a reason to be "cruel" but if you're saying cruel as in "eating them" then refer to the above.
Or hunting? That's kind of our responsibility. To control animal populations. And hunters are the ones paying to preserve wildlife by buying liscences and tags.
And - sure - some institutions are cruel to animals. But that is a select few.
I think it's cruel when people stick "meat is murder" stickers on my locker. And heinously stupid at that.
People who are cruel to animals have a mental sickness %26 should be reported to the authorities. Both the animal and the person should have help to deal with the problems.'
they are f-ed up in the head, thats the only answer i can give you!
Read Crazy Cat Lady's will see just how cruel humans are and how little punishment is for the tormentors. Very sick.very telling.and then it goes on to bigger and better things.then to things that can fight back I suppose. What a way to go through life.
they just want to take out their anger on someone who cant speak if i ever caught a person like i'd do the same thing to them as they did to the animals see how they like it
The same way child molesters and abusers get joy out of hurting children. It is a fact that serial killers also hurt animals. I believe that people like that have something missing inside.
It is a sickness. They also know they can get away with it.

Animal abuse is a sign as well of domestic abuse, child abuse and murderers.

If you feel strongly about it, contact your local politcian to strengthen the laws for animal abuse.

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