Thursday, May 7, 2009

how do you bath a cat?

i know its with great difficulty but im being serious my cat needs a bath.

i aint got a clue where he went this morning but he smells rank now.
Try this website. Good solid info! Good luck to you.I hope you have lots of band-aids!
in water
should clean itself in time to be honest. I really wouldnt try to bath it unless you knock it unconscious first
turn on shower and throw cat in.
if an adult cat its almost impossible. uhave to start bath it when they were young. if it resist, bath them while grabbing it on the skin of the neck.
OK i have 3 cats and they all hate water so here is what i do hold them by the scruff of the neck it doesn't hurt them cuse that's how there moms held them and they wont move
you kill it first.
With water
by bathing me too
Stick a towel over its head then go for the back and work towards the head. I'm thinking that this is a 2-person job.
With a little force, I had to wash a cat once, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, dunked him in a warm bath, already prepared, and kept one hand on his scruff tight all the time, everything was to hand, once done, wrapped him in a huge towel, and then let him lose in the closed conservatory to dry off
I know how to get creosote off a cat. Is it that?
you dont! just sponge him over
Get a bucket of water, approach from rear, throw bucket
I think it's easier than bathing a dog. The cat is smaller, all you have to do is to make sure that he will go no where when u take the bath for him. And I don't think he will bite or scratch you because he then will be afraid of being well my cat is just like that.
very carefully! watch out for the claws. Only fill the tub with just the amount of water that you need, don't yell at the cat, she is already having a bad day. give him lots of love and keep treats by the tub. NEVER bathe him in a sink, there are too many germs! Make sure you get off all the soap when your done, it could cause his skin to itch if you leave it on.
if you take a damp wash cloth with a little animal friendly soap on it and gently stroke it, they think you are just giving them a cuddle and dont tent to squirm as much. then wipe off with a clean cloth. a gentle approach is probably best. try and catch it when its settled down for a snooze and be gentle. if you just chuck it in the bath it will never forgive you and trying to bathe it again will be near impossible. there are a few certain breeds of cats that enjoy being in the water but for your basic moggy, its like trying to get a teengae boy to tidy his room! hope this helps!
Make sure you have trimmed his nails first or you will be so sorry! I have 8 cats and out of the 8, there is only 1 that absolutely will not tolerate a bath. The others are actually very cute when in the shower/bath. Don't get me wrong, they don't LIKE it, but they won't kill you. Don't use human shampoo on them. Buy shampoo specifically for CATS. If not, it will make them very, very ill. Be careful when bathing - don't get cat shampoo in your cat's eyes, and be on the lookout for a jumping cat just when you least expect it.

Whatever you do, don't get mad at him/her and hurt them!! It's not their fault! :)
you shouldn't bath him. It will cause him distress and get you very wet! They are very good at cleaning themselves.
very very carefully. remember every end is a jaggy end
OK, what you do is: you get the cat in the bathroom, then you put in the toilet, then you quickly close the toilet lid, then you flush, open the toilet lid an wha-la, you have a clean cat and a clean toilet bowl.. I would never do that but I thought it was a bit funny.
steps for giving a cat a bath- takes 2 people
1. catch the cat
2. take it to the bath room - make sure you shut the door behind you
3.put some shampoo in toilet
4. throw in the cat - shut lid real fast
5. while holding lid down -stand on the lid so cat can't get out
6. flush 3 or 4 times
7. yell at 2nd guy to open front door and bathroom door
8. remove your feet from toilet
9. lift the lid
10 and watch that cat run for its life

no give it a bath in the sink its easy-er to hold them - but most cats will fight you any way you try
put on a metal mask metal gloves and hold out the cat at arms length and then start to wash. the first scratch may hurt but after that you will not feel any pain
good luck From Dortmund Germany
Um, very carefully! We have 2 cats (they are 20 pounders!) and it takes 2 or 3 people to hold them down! Good luck!
i was asking the same question but then my best friend got a cat.she uses kitty wipes.
If you have never bathed a cat before, beware! They hate water, and will try to get out at any cost. I have sustained a few injuries from my cats when trying.

The best way is to ensure the water is just right, not too hot or cold. I find it best if there is a large are or water, like a bath, rather than a tub or bucket. The cat feels less inclined to sprint!.

Talk to him/her gently as you are slowly lowering him/her into the water. Get ready to hold tight!!

Good luck!
In the case of my cat - you had to wear protective clothing! On tip do not put the cat on the draining board in the kitchen - it will slide around like mad.

Maybe if you put him in an empty bath - no escape route, then filled a bucket or basin with water and pour it over him.

I don't know what you would use to clean him or make him have a nice smell, but be careful what you use because the cat will lick it into his coat and skin afterwards, so beware of any nasty chemicals.

P.s empty bath important - if the cat sees water it will resist!
Had Persian that often got in mess. Best way I've found is to run a little warm water in bath, hold cat firmly by scruff of neck at the sloping end of the bath so head is well clear of water. Very gently wash cat with other hand as tho stroking and petting.

Make sure to stay clear of ears and eyes. Mild washing up liquid, very diluted, is apparently really good for the fur (according to breeders at cat shows). I used baby shampoo.

Ensure you rinse very thoroughly, a shower head can be good for this if cat is calm enough.

A quick run with a towel and a warm place to settle and let the cat preen itself, followed by lots of love and treats.

Be brave and don't pass your fear on to the cat. Good luck.
Get some protection for your arms unless your pain threshold is very high. If you can, get some help to hold the cat while you wash it (or vice-versa).

Turn on shower, make sure it's not too hot or too cold. Should be lukewarm. Get special pet shampoo, NOT human stuff.

Put cat in shower, wash cat with pet shampoo, avoiding eyes if possible.

Have patience with the cat. He'll be at worst terrified or at best mightily pi$$ed off that you're doing this.

Good luck.

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