Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do we get an 8 week old male kitten to stop pooping and use the litter box again?

10 days ago my boyfriend and I adopted two sibling kittens that are currently 8 weeks. Ones female the%26 other is male (Bonnie and Clyde ) Clyde is the one having the litter problems. The first three days we had them home, both kittens used the litterbox. On the fourth day, Clyde started pooping in a box of books. We removed the books and cleaned the corner. He then choose another corner. We bought a 2nd litter box that he has used twice. We remind him many times a day but still find that he is pooping. All of this stuff started the same day we gave them both baths, so we wondered if he is retaliating for that, or if hes just too young to think that way. He is highly territorial, especially with Bonnie-- jealous if we pet her without petting him, or blockng her access to food (we got another dish which helped some on that). Sunday night Clyde jumped onto the couch and onto my boyfriends plate and grabbed the steak right off the fork and ran. Hebitemewhenittookitaway-help?.
He might not like the litter you are using, or he won't use it if it smells like Bonnie. Some don't like crystals or scented litter. The big chain pet stores have litter that has a chemical in it that attracts cats to use the litter box. I believe it is called Cat Attract. You can also spray repellent in areas where he messes to keep him away from them. Good luck.
he is confused i would allow him to be a outside cat if possible..
Litter box trouble is annoying and cumbersome. When cats start deficating in other places, it is usually the result of some type of stress or a full litter box. If he is getting territorial, and the litter has some of Bonnie's waste, then he will be disinclined to go there.

I would suggest (1) cleaning the litter box on a regular basis; (2) setting up a second litter box in another spot of the room/house; (3) if you see him squatting, throw him into the litter.

He's young, and you don't want him developing bad habits.

You should also try changing the litter to large granules. Sometimes cats get smaller ganules stuck in their paws.

Just be thankful that he isn't pissing elsewhere. Cat urine stinks, and it's virtually impossible to remove.
I've had 2 different experiences like this. The first one ended badly, the second has worked out great. The first time I had a cat do this was one I adopted as a grown cat from a shelter. In the beginning she was great, pooed in her box. Then she started pooing everywhere like in my bedroom and around the litter box. I did everything I could think of: bigger litter box, different type of litter, and it never got better. Finally when I was out of town my boyfriend brought her back to the shelter (this was after about 2 weeks of living with her) because he finally realized how bad it was when I wasn't there to clean up.

That was years ago. Just a few months ago we adopted a little kitten, again from a shelter. She started out fine with her litter box, and then pooed in a few inappropriate places. I heard about this trick that really worked. When kitty poos in the wrong spot you pick up her and her poo, take them both to the litter box, and help kitty bury her poo. Literally you hold her little paws and scratch the litter and bury it. It might not look like she's paying attention, but they really do catch on.

I hope this tip works for you! Our little MiMi hasn't pooed anywhere but in her box after doing it 2 or 3 times.

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