Sunday, August 2, 2009

how long does the pregnacy stage of a cat last?

a queen's gestation period typically runs from 57 to 69 days, with the average of 63 to 64 days.

for the whole scoop..

Pregnancy and Birth in Cats - So Your Cat is Pregnant - What Next
So your cat turned up pregnant or a pregnant stray adopted you. Where do you go from here? Here is help in deciding whether to let the pregnancy continue or . - 28k
its 3 months, same for a dog..
a month
about 10 weeks
nine weeks
a cats gestation period is approx. 57-69 days
Humans, about 9 MONTHS.

Cats, about 9 WEEKS.

Pretty easy to remember :-))
At least 12 months
The cat will be pregnant for a about 9-10 weeks.

You will no when the cat is getting closer and closer to giving birth as she will not be as energetic and will get quite fat depending on how many kittens she is carrying.

If your cat has been pregnant for a while but has only started to show signs you may want to get her to the vet so they can check to make sure she is okay with the babies and they will have a brief clue on how long she has been pregnant.

Good luck
9 wks..two of my cats.just had kittens.pregnancy lasted 9wks
It is 9 weeks.

You will know when she is getting ready to have them,
1 she will stop eating about 12 hours before birth
2 she will start nesting , making a birthing spot for her babies, most of the time somewhere dark and quiet, this will usually happen 24 hours before hand, although if you keep an eye on her she will usually start looking for the spot earlier and go there often.
3 her nipples will start filling with milk a week before birth and you can usually check her for this often, although i have always just measured the amount food i would give my mommas and when she would slow down i would keep a eye on her. I hope that this was all helpful, i know you didnt ask but how long they are pregnet. Goodluck..let us know how many kittys she has.
around 67 days give or take a few.
I have just been to this website and it explains alot about the pregnant kitty. If you have a possible time of conception, it will pinpoint the due date as best as it can, within a few days.
kittenbirthcalandar.htm For some reason it is only giving you part of the website on here
This should be alot of help to you

Good luck

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