Sunday, August 2, 2009

how do you(one) compare a cat's age to that of a human?

Good question, !n the past sometime.. I had asked my vet that question and and he told me that a six-month-old kitten is like a person who's just entering the teen scene. By the end of his first year, a cat is equivalent to a 21-year-old person--because that's when both species reach full size and when their bones stop growing. After that, every cat year equals four people years. A 20-year-old cat would be like a 101-year-old person.
i think cat's age to human is the same as a dog's - 7 animal years per 1 human year
I heard people said that cat's life is more 10 years old than human.
Example, if a cat is 10 years old, than human would be 1 year old.
Average life span of a cat is roughly 15 years, so I would say every year a cat lives is about equal to 5 years of human life.

Some cats live a lot longer, and some die sooner, that is just an average
The 1st year of a cats life is equal to 7 human years. Every year after that is equal to 5 human years. For example a 4 year old cat would be
1st = 7
2nd = 5
3rd = 5
4th = 5
equal to a 22 year old person.
Cats Age in Years:

A one year old cat is sixteen in human years.
Two years is 21
Three years 25
Eight is 46
10 - 54
15- 74
20 -94
Chart from Cat Fancy magazine.
Age of cat --- Human Years
6 mo. --- 10
1 -- 15
2 -- 24
3 -- 28
4 -- 32
5 -- 36
6 -- 40
7 -- 44
8 -- 48
9 -- 52
10 -- 56
11 -- 60
12 -- 64
13 -- 68
14 -- 72
15 -- 76
16 -- 80
17 -- 84
18 -- 88
19 -- 92
20 -- 96
21 -- 100
7 to 1. ie: a 2 year old cat is 14 in cat years
A one year old cat is 16 in human years.
Two years in the cat is 21 for human.
Three years is 25.
Eight years - 46
Ten years - 54
Fifteen years - 74
Twenty years - 94

I have a 22 yr old cat so I figure she is a hundred!
I'd say 5:1 to convert as well. Ours are 11 yrs old and are disgustingly healthy (my wife's words, I'm more loyal).

Most dogs would start showing their age by now, but at 11 I havn't noticed any signs of advanced age yet. We had another cat that lived to 20 and he acted like a 100 year old near the end.
The first year is about equivalent to 15 to 16 years, since the cat is usually fully grown after about a year but still needs to mature. After that it's around 5-7 years per year.
7 cat years = 1 human year

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