Sunday, August 2, 2009

How does your cat train you?

My cat "George" can do no wrong. He is like a dog. He follows me from room to room. He sleeps at the foot of my bed. If someone knocks on the door, George is there to check it out. If I go away over night, when I come home, George meows at me. If like he is yelling at me for staying out all night and he was worried. (The sad thing is.I thought about calling home and leaving a message on my machine, so he can hear my voice.) He has also saved my life. I had a gas leak in my house and he head butted me until I got fed up and walked into the other room and found out about the leak.
Well i got my cat to eat at a certain time and now if i forget to feed him at that time he meows at me for a long time until i go get his food.
does that count??
by being cute. so you do it again

you think its sweet when they tell you they are hungry so you give them a treat - they learn how to make you give them a treat

if they dont want to do do something, they refuse until you learn to stop trying

its a bit like kids really, but cats do it better
My cat has me very well-trained!

I am the pet human of a fourteen year-old diabetic, asthmatic fuzzbeast. So aside from the typical petting, playtime and catnip, he gets insulin injections twice daily as well as his asthma inhaler twice daily. and of course it matters not what MY schedule is! He is also a finicky eater and since his food has to meet certain requirements, I drive all over the valley to stock up on the handful of varieties that are acceptable.

I love him like crazy and I wouldn't give him up for the world.. he has me wrapped around his little paw for sure.
i had to get her another chair to sit in next to the computer because she thinks its her chair and wont quit pestering me until i leave otherwise. then she licks my hand and forces me to help groom her.if i (halfway paying attention) pet her on her back she will claw me and rake my hands to her mouth and give one of those warning bites because she already groomed that part of her back. etc.
she is amazing in timeliness also. she cries at me when its time to eat. nearly dead on 630pm every day. also when its time for me to leave her chair (maybe 2am).
I used to get a nip on the top of my foot if I wasn't hurrying fast enough with her food!
When I'm snuggled in bed sleeping my cat will reach his paw under the covers and bat around. Most of the time he try's to bat at my face, no claws out just paw. That means he wants to get under the covers and snuggle. He's trained me well!
One of my other cats thinks that shower time is his personal entertainment. If I close the door before he comes in the bathroom he will have a fit at the door! Then once in the shower he will sit at the back of the tub and watch the water. He also enjoys having the shower head brought down to him so he can stick his paws in and get his paws clean. If I don't bring it down he will literally jump in the shower with me!
Tika uses certain meows with me that are her way of 'telling' me what she needs or wants.and she'll use THE STARE until I do what she wants!

But she also uses that soft fur and sandpaper 'kisses' as a thank-you when I comply. And of course she 'paddy-paws' and purrs.
If you call my cat callie over, she'll come but stop short just outa arm's reach as if to say, "no. YOU come here" :)

My cat sammy preys on my mother's impatience. He wil cry and cry and cry until you let him in a closed door. Stupid cat. ;)
When I start to walk to the bathroom she blocks my path %26 tries to herd me into the kitchen. Must've been a border collie in her past life.
By forcing me to wake up at 6:30 am to feed her. I'm a night owl, and I NEVER wake up that early, but somehow, she does it.

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